December 2016

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Volume 50 Issue 4

December 2016

Freedom High School builds new turf field

Photo: Christmas City Studios

Freedom High School’s Homecoming Dance 2016 was a blast. Now onto planning a winter formal.

Waltzing into the FHS winter formal What is your favorite winter break activity?

“I like to sleep. I also like to play in the snow.” Elijah Hernandez, fr eshman

“I like lifting for football.” Mitchell Bast, sophomor e

“I like to relax during winter break.” Ms. Katrina Stenson, math teacher

Freedom hosts its first winter formal Destiny Panik The Freedom Forum

THON assisting in decorating and planning the winter formal. The Student Council will be While Liberty High School has an- donating its profits equally to nually hosted their own homecoming BASD Mini-THON and the and winter formal, Freedom High local Pediatric Cancer FoundaSchool has only hosted a homecom- tion of the Lehigh Valley,” ing. Mr. Cleffi said. However, times are changing. This The winter formal is going to year, Freedom’s 50th anniversary, stu- be similar to homecoming; dent council has decided to throw a however, student council is Erica Heaney (left), Austin Negron (middle), winter formal. requiring Photo: Christmas City Studios Shae Banas (right) “I'm excited for a Students should mark more formal their calendar for Feb- second dance! I always attire for students joyable time in a more formal atmosruary 11, as this is the attending the event. phere at school, they have earned official date for the loved homecoming…” “The main differ- themselves a second day to have a dance. ence is that the win- good time with their friends. - Tessa Dell’Apa Another unique feater formal has a As this is the first formal, this night ture it has besides being tighter formal dress will also determine if student council the first formal Freedom has ever code, [such as semi-formal wear, will continue to host them annually. hosted, is that it is donating all of the which includes dresses, dress pants, For years, students have been wantproceeds to charity. collared shirts, ties, and dress shoes,] ing a winter dance. “We are going to have our first win- where homecoming has a more re“I'm excited for a second dance! I ter formal at Freedom in February. laxed dress code [with] dresses, but always loved homecoming, and I hope Student council is in charge of it and polo shirts are allowed, [and] no tie we will have a winter formal next will be planning it. All proceeds raised required,” Mr. Cleffi said. year, too!” said Tessa Dell’Apa, junwill go towards Mini-THON,” said Another difference winter formal has ior. Bella Pompa, junior. from homecoming is that homecoming This night that will be filled with Mr. Michael Cleffi, a teacher in- tickets are traditionally around $15, dresses, heels, and suits. It is aiming to volved in student council and organiz- but winter formal will only be $10. be even better than homecoming being the winter formal, also discusses The students of Freedom earned a cause of the profits going towards pethe unique feature of donating the second dance by having “superb” be- diatric cancer. profits to Mini-THON. havior with no school or illegal infracKeep your eyes and ears open after “The Student Council will oversee tions at the most recent dance. By the new semester begins, when tickets the event with students from Mini- proving that students can have an en- will be on sale.

Why choose local colleges?

Starting Christmas early this year

5 x5 with FHS math teachers

NFL update with predictions

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Freedom High School - 3149 Chester Avenue - Bethlehem, PA 18020 - - @FHSForum

Celebrating 50 years of serving the Freedom community

2 News

The Forum Sub headline

What is your favorite winter break activity?

December 2016

Respecting what is rightfully theirs The standing rock crisis

Rock Sioux Reservation is located community. Protesters are coming just south of the projected pipeline. from across the country to join the According to Energy Transfer’s Da- fight against the company’s plan. kota Access Pipeline informational Protesters stay at the Oceti Sakowin For centuries, Native Americans page, “the pipeline will enable do- camp where food, water, and medical have been striving to keep their land. mestically produced light sweet tents are provided. Ever since Christopher CoShould The United lumbus set foot on American States impose on the land soil in 1492, the indigenous granted to the Native tribes of North, South, and Americans in the past? It Central America have been is already unfortunate enslaved, killed by the thouenough that their land sands, and pushed onto reserwas removed from them vations—which only grow and then granted back, smaller and smaller. almost as if the States Yet, over 500 years later, were doing the tribes a Manifest Destiny is still in favor. Energy Transfer action in the United States needs to consider the (US) as the latest Native land long-term effects of their controversy at Standing actions. Rock Sioux Reservation in First of all, fossil fuels North Dakota brews. are not a long-term comPhoto: Flikr Protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline The United States recognizes modity. In the future, oils 562 tribe Nations according to the crude oil from North Dakota to reach are going to run out and the world National Congress of American Indi- major refining markets in a more di- will need a new primary energy ans. Some tribes have a reservation, rect, cost-effective, safer and envi- source. So, instead of ruining the wawhile others do not. Some tribes may ronmentally responsible manner. The ter supply of a native community, have more than one reservation. Na- pipeline will also reduce the current Energy Transfer could at least reditive American land reservations are use of rail and truck transportation to rect the pipeline to an area that does not managed by the state govern- move Bakken crude oil to major U.S. not affect the tribe. Additionally, the ments in which the reservations are markets to support domestic de- company should also shift their focus located; they are managed by the US mand.” The tribe fears that if the to renewable energy sources. This Bureau of Indian Affairs. pipeline is constructed, their water shift will not only benefit their comThe issue in Standing Rock is that supply will be contaminated.” The pany in the future, but will encourage the Dallas-based company, Energy page does not reference the native other companies to promote more Transfer Partners, planned to build a reservation once. environmentally sustainable practic1,172 mile pipeline, the Dakota AcThe Sioux in the area coined the es. cess Line, across a dammed section phrase “Water is life” to exemplify of the Missouri River. The Standing the importance of clean water to the

Rachel Black The Freedom Forum

“Practice playing basketball” Chrystian Simmons, junior

"I like watching Christmas movies and making Christmas cookies” Olivia D’Aprile, senior

Keeping up with Donald Trump A list of five actions of the President-Elect Joshua Christiansen Editorials Editor

America has elected a future president. Now what? Before he is even inaugurated, President-Elect Donald Trump has a list of things that he has to do in order to prepare for the presidency and a list of what he proposes he will do in the first 100 days of his term, once inaugurated. For the sake of time, the two lists will be combined. The first task is to hire an entire Cabinet and heads of multiple agencies. The Cabinet is the group of Trump’s closest advisors on all things from Homeland Security to Environmental Protection. These top government officials have to be appointed by the president-elect and approved by majority vote of the Senate. Some surprising nominations to the Cabinet include women of Indian-American and Chinese-American descent. Another hiring that must happen is that of the president’s Chief of Staff and Chief Strategist. Trump has appointed Reince Priebus to the Chief of Staff position and Stephen Bannon as his Chief Strategist. The Chief of Staff manages the work and personnel of the West Wing, steering the president's agenda and tending to important relationships. The Chief Strategist does many of the same jobs as a

menting term limits on politicians and enacting a requirement that for every Chief of Staff, but senior advisors new federal regulation, two existing have also been largely responsible for regulations must be eliminated. He is protecting and crafting the president's attempting to strengthen the trust bemessage and overall "brand." tween the government and the people According to the Election page of as a whole., in mid-December, electors, A couple other promises Trump has or members of the Electoral College, made on his contract are to repeal the cast their votes for the presidency. Affordable Childcare and Eldercare These votes are then counted by Con- Act, ObamaCare Act, Illegal Immigration Act, and Offshoring Act, amongst others. The first two acts mentioned are essentially healthcare system reform, the third one involves the construction of a wall in between Mexico and the United States, and the latter includes discouraging companies from relocating operations to foreign countries; bringing job opportunities Photo: Joshua Christiansen back to America. gress in early January, which will These are just a few of the things most likely confirm that Donald President-Elect Donald Trump will do Trump will be next president, or per- in the upcoming weeks and months. haps not. The Inauguration Ceremony Although Election Day is over, the takes place at noon on Jan. 20, 2017. next four years will make history, One of President-Elect Trump’s first whether one believes that it is for the actions as president, in accordance better or for the worse. Americans, with his “Contract With the Ameri- young and old, should continue to be can Voter,” is to clean up the corrup- good citizens and stay involved in the tion of Washington D.C. by imple- democratic process of government.

Photo: NBCU Photo Bank

Voting in every election, communicating with legislators, and activism are the best ways to go about and helping to make change in society and politics. Observe what actions Trump and his administration are taking or will take, as well as what laws are being made. Stay informed and educated, because the future of this nation ultimately lies in the hands of the people, no matter the president

December 2016

The Forum

Editorials 3

Starting Christmas too early this year The holiday season is beginning sooner and sooner Analisa Jeffries Web and Centerspread Editor

Christmas season used to start after Thanksgiving passed, but now it seems that when Halloween has concluded, people can finally begin to celebrate the holidays. The first to make this change are usually big name chain and department stores. Stores like Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and others switch their inventory to holiday items before Thanksgiving. These holidays are supposed to be known for spending time with family and appreciating all of the things that someone already has; however the festivities also put people into the giving mood.

The stores take advantage of this by making sure that their customers can buy their gifts ahead of time, and for good prices instead of waiting until Christmas Eve. “I think it is acceptable to start Christmas anytime of the year because the world could use some Christmas joy all year round,” said Emma Cahill, sophomore. The holidays do bring out cheer and happiness, which is what makes it such a special time of year. The next businesses that usually will transfer over from Thanksgiving to Christmas are the radio stations. Previously, 100.7 WLEV, a local radio station, would not start to play Christmas music until Black Friday; howev-

er, this year they began on November 18. “It is not good that Christmas is starting earlier every year because Thanksgiving is still a holiday and it is like people forget about it,” said Meredith Downey, junior. For some, a favorite holiday may be Thanksgiving, he or she may love to be with family to eat or watch football together. Society and corporations have now taken it over with Christmas celebrations happening before anyone can even think about turkey. Then after the holidays have passed some people keep their decorations up well into January and into February. So, unlike many other holidays, Christmas seems to be taking up a lot of space on the calendar.

Christmas tree surrounded by houses Photo: Analisa Jeffries

Discussing teenage pregnancy with a young mother Getting an insider’s perspective on what it is like Alexis Franz The Freedom Forum

A subject that scares many high schoolers, but is often a very real possibility, is pregnancy. There is so much controversy on this topic. How young is too young? What is right or wrong? In this day and age, there are many things changing in popular opinion and this sensitive topic is one that differs through every individual's opinion. Many find themselves in the situation before they have even thought about the risk. Almost every teen pregnancy case will involve the teen not being prepared and having been stressed, even pressured into certain decisions when the situation pops up. As scary as it is, the best way to handle pregnancy is often to face it head on and decide where to stand. An important point to remember is that there will always be differing opin-

will only add pressure to the already ions out there, but the most important stressed teen. Support and guidance opinion is one’s own. are always needed but ultimately the person immediately affected is the one carrying the baby. Rightfully, that person will also know what is best ultimately and can make the most educated decision for the situation behold. Experiences of teen pregnancy show a lot of the things mentioned above. One very unfortunate happening in many situations is the teen being forced into making a certain decision based on family or guardians’ views. When this happens, there is a high risk for regrets and this can lead to the teen putting their self in dangerous situations. Alexys Ortiz and her daughter Lyana Teens feeling forced or trapped Photo Submitted by: Alexys Ortiz into pregnancy become desperate, Pregnancy is a very personal subject possibly harming themselves as they and should be dealt with as such. Be- think they have limited options left. ing told what to do in this situation Support is important in order to pre-

vent this. One such student who is very proudly a young mother, Alexys Ortiz, sophomore, has much to say on the topic. “It’s gonna be a challenge but at the end of the day it's worth it,” said Ortiz. She says that getting pregnant in the first place is definitely not advised and that it is very uncomfortable and scary. “I love my daughter, she’s a blessing and she motivates me everyday,” said Ortiz. Things are hard, as managing school and parenting leaves little time to spend with friends. She says she will never regret her daughter, she loves her too much to do that, but if she had never become pregnant in the first place things would be easier. Now at 6 months old, Lyana has stolen her heart and she would not change a thing.

Tackling the challenges of dual enrollment What is dual enrollment really like? Bryce Kollar Assistant Entertainment Editor

As a junior in high school, I was introduced to dual enrollment during college night. I went home and decided that maybe doing dual enrollment would not only get me ahead and introduce me to new individuals, but also allow me to have an early college experience. Sitting down with my parents, we talked about times that would best suit my family. I then contacted my guidance counselor at Freedom High School, Mrs. Carol Lee, who gave me more information about specific classes and how they would best suit me, how it works, and how to get started. I decided to do my dual enrollment experience at Penn State Lehigh Valley (PSULV) instead of Northampton Area Community College (NACC) because the speaker was so inviting at college night. After everything was figured out, I

contacted admissions at Penn State and was quickly brought to the head of admissions, Mike Damweber. My transcript, guidance counselor and recommendation (test scores are not needed) are three of the most important preferences that were needed for me to be able to apply for dual enrollment. Damweber seemed enthusiastic about knowing who I was as an individual and what I could bring to Penn State. Once at PSULV, my mother and I both talked with Damweber about classes that I do well in at high school, thinking that it would be best to do that class to make the transition easier. The meeting went smoothly and after quick paperwork that needed to be finalized, I was in my first dual enrollment English course. Damweber then assisted us with the onsite bookstore, where we found my book. When August finally came around, I entered my English course not really knowing what to expect. Look-

ing back, I realize you should be dedithat those first coucated enough in your ple of weeks were high school work to crucial. I met amazat least consider dual ing new friends, enrollment. It is hard juggled high school work that takes much work with college of your extra time work, and most imand puts more stress portantly found myon certain individuself. The only part als. that I really strugBe sure to ask for gled with was get- Two backpacks, two schools extra information Photo: Bryce Kollar ting to my class on from your guidance time. I highly recomcounselor and contact mend taking a class later than 3:30 colleges to see the different courses p.m. so that way you do not have to they all offer. Pick a course that best rush. suits you as a person and what you Looking around Freedom today, it is might want to do in the future or even noticeable to see that a lot of my do your academic ones and get them friends did the same as I did. Walking out of the way. throughout the halls one day, I In the end, college classes are a great bumped into an old friend of mine, experience, although challenging and Mercedes Bulted, who talked to me can take a lot of time. Ultimately, you about her course at NACC. gain friends, credits, and a great expe“It’s fun, [but] the work isn’t,” said rience. You cannot ask for anything Bulted. better. Just know that from my experience,

4 Editorials The Freedom Forum A publication of Freedom High School Bethlehem Area School District 3149 Chester Avenue Bethlehem PA, 18020 (610) 867-5843

Editor-in-Chief Gabriella Greenhoward News Editor Maya White Editorial Editor Joshua Christiansen Pates’ Post Editor Kerilyn Kipp Entertainment Editor Hayley Guzzo Center Spread Editor Juliana Maffea Analisa Jeffries Sports Editor T.J. Schaeffer Web Editor Juliana Maffea Analisa Jeffries Assistant Editors Bridalia Tatlow Bryce Kollar

Chuck Tichy Adviser

The Forum

December 2016

Staying close to home for college Why students are choosing local colleges Robert Roth Journalism student

College is something that many anticipate, but is surely a source of anxiety in terms of the independence required to leave home. According to the Higher Educational Research Institute at UCLA, “38% of college students attend a school within 50 miles or less, 15% within 51 to 100 miles and 37% within 101 to 500 miles [from home].” This is why many students interested in furthering their education after high school in the Lehigh Valley have many options of local universities, such as Moravian College, Northampton Community College, Lehigh University, and Desales University. In addition to distance for home, money is also a factor into the college decision, as not everyone has the finances for advanced education, and some others may have responsibilities that have priority over paying for one's education. Overall, between the two, in-state, tuition can be a whole lot more affordable compared to traveling out of state. According to PrepScholar, The average tuition price for public colleges is “$9,139 for in-state students and $22,958 for out-of-state student.” Furthermore, at the University of Virginia, out of state residents were charged $45,066 in tuition and fees for the 2016 -2017 school year, compared with $15,722 for in state residents. This 187 percent cost difference between the two really shows how large of a dilemma for students who want to study at an out of state college but do not have the financial means.

alone with them to have someone to be around and enjoy a nice home-cooked “A lot of students do want to live meal with is worth it. away and live on campus and be indeLife is full of decision-making; it is pendent. It really does vary and I do important that people make the ones have some other ones that fit their situation; that want to stay loespecially one so drascal,” said Mrs. Oquentic that it will impact do, Freedom High the course of one’s life School guidance counand shape a career. selor. “It doesn't really matNot everyone is ready ter for me, it's just to make those transiwhichever schools tions to become an gives me the best opadult between juggling portunity,” said Brianna school, work, bills, and Vera, senior. all the things most peo- Erica Heaney, Moravian Class It is a person's own of 2021 ple's caretakers do for prerogative for where Photo submitted by: Erica Heaney their child for a majority they want to go, but when of their life. faced with whether or not to apply to “I'm really indecisive about [whether I all of these colleges, it should not matwant to] leav[e]g my family or whether ter about the distance if the student is I want my independence or not,” said not getting the best out of it. The stuNiruthigha Kanakavelan, senior. dent, not anyone else, is the only one Some people need family close by to who can create the tools and knowledge be there in case they need help. On the needed to get a life-long job. other hand, some people do not want to “Moravian would have connections be babied at home, and want that col- with places near by so if I were to get a lege experience away from everything. future job I could do stay in the area,” So it is tough to make the right choice. said Allison Davis, senior. Staying close to family can be very Finding a job right out of college is beneficial. not the easiest, but once a student gets a “I think staying local would benefit job, it is better for it to be as convenient me because I would have my family as possible so that there is no hassle. close by to help me when I need some- When going to a college that is in the thing,” said Briana Vera, senior. area, some want to work in jobs that Having mom or dad or whoever close could deal with their future careers. by when a student needs a shoulder to As early as end of middle school, stulean on is an advantage. This would be dents should start looking into colleges a plus when their car needs to get fixed at a younger age to see what majors are or they need a place to stay because at what schools -especially if they are they do not have the income to live not sure what they want to do for the alone yet. Maybe even just that time rest of their life quite yet.

Karla Erdman Principal Mr. Michael LaPorta Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy For our editorial statement and correction policy, please go to Any photo that is not directly credited is from Microsoft Office. Follow us on Twitter, send us an email, and visit our website! @fhsforum, #fhsforum

L-R: Mr. William Cecchini, Mrs. Holly DeNofa, Mr. Michael LaPorta, Ms. Maureen Leeson, and Mr. Michael DiBilio

Photo: Christmas City Studios

Launching Facebook Live

The new obsession with this feature Hayley Guzzo Entertainment Editor

Once the video has been shut down, it will immediately post to your Facebook account for all of your friends to see. Facebook has The only difference between a live and been around for normal video is that on live videos, the many years. People can post their thoughts and share humorous videos for others to see. In addition, a newly launched The famous Facebook feature to Facelogo book has become Screenshot: Hayley Guzzo a worldwide sensation. Facebook Live allows fellow users to post live videos and share to others what is going on in their lives. Daniel Beck is the editor of, which covers high school cross country events across PennsylvaPhoto Submission: Karla Erdman nia. He has his own website as well, to post his thoughts and videos about the red “live” button shows. meets he attends. Facebook Live has become more acFor him and his fellow journalists, cessible to its users, who feel it is more Facebook Live could be a way to get efficient to post live videos of their more attention for their work. thoughts or what they are doing rather “Practically everyone uses Facebook. I than just writing about it. have watched a few Facebook Live “It is definitely useful for someone in broadcasts and it seems like it’s some- my line of work. My audience is frething we will see more of in the future,” quently concerned with up to the misaid Beck. nute updates and Facebook Live seems

like an effective way to deliver live content,” said Beck. When users are ready to share a live video with their friends, they can go to their profile, hit the “post” button, and hit the video that will tell you to share a live video with friends. However, Facebook Live does not have to be just for entertainment purposes only. It can be easy access to people who broadcast on a daily basis. “I would absolutely recommend Facebook Live to fellow journalists. News is happening constantly, and having a medium that delivers news to audiences so immediately is part of the future of journalism,” said Beck. To some, their opinion on Facebook has slowly faded into being outdated and not too useful anymore. However, with the new addition to the social media network, it continues to get more attention and fresh users day by day.

A glimpse into the new way to access video features on Facebook Screenshot: Hayley Guzzo

December 2016

The Forum

Pates’ Post 5

Dear Gabi: Atheist during Christmas Being a non-Christian during the Christmas season

Dear Not-so-Merry,

Gabriella Greenhoward Editor-in-Chief

I was really interested in your letter this month. As a Christian who celebrates this holiday, I have not spent much time considering what it would feel like to be on the other side. After putting myself in your shoes, I can understand how much of a challenge the month of December can be. The radio plays Christmas music 24/7, there are trees, lights and decorations in stores, and we just so happen to live in the Christmas city. I think it is important that you talk to your friends about being atheist. That is a part of your life they deserve to know about. While I understand that you do not Warmly, want to be a nuisance to your friends, I think it is imperative that you share Gabi this with them. If you explain your situation to them, I am sure they would adjust the content of their conversations to accommodate to your beliefs. After all, it is what you have been doing for them for the first few weeks of the holiday season. True friends understand that they will not always agree on the same thing or always have parallel beliefs. IN fact, the diversity of cultures, ideas, and personalities is what makes a friend group so interesting. Additionally,

Dear Gabi,

gifts because these rituals are in celebration of Jesus’ birthday. I kind of feel like the one kid who didn’t get invited to the party; everyone is talking about something that I don’t participate in. I haven’t told them that I am atheist because I thought it might alienate them. They are all so devoted to their religions and I don’t know how they would handle the news. I don’t want them to treat me any differently. On one hand I want to ask my friends to turn down the holiday overload, but on the other I don’t want to be the Grinch trying to steal Christmas.

The Christmas season is right around the corner. I have been counting down the days to Christmas break but not to Christmas Day. My family and I are atheists and we do not believe in celebrating a holiday that marks the birth of Jesus. However, all of my friends are either Christian or Catholic so I feel like every conversation we have is related to Christmas. They discuss decorating their houses, baking holiday cookies, hanging their stockings, shopping for gifts, and making wish lists themselves. I know some people might think “well, it’s not like they’re shoving religion down Sincerely, your throat,” but sometimes I just feel overwhelmed. My family and I don’t Not-so-Merry decorate our house or buy each other

while Christmas is a huge part of December, there are plenty of other winter activities that you can enjoy as a group that would be comfortable for you. Maybe you guys can get together to watch a movie and drink hot chocolate? Or you can go out ice skating? The movies and mall are always a blast too. Being an atheist is a big part of who you are, however, it does not have do define your friendship. Go out and enjoy activities that are comfortable and fun for everyone. Supporting each other and making everyone feel included is what friendship is all about. Good luck!

Celebrating 50: from student to faculty

Reflections from Freedom faculty alumni Mrs. Patricia Whirl A special to The Freedom Forum

Mr. Eric Baltz, science teacher “During my first year of teaching, it was very weird to be back here. When I was a student, I never envisioned being back at FHS as a teacher. Many of the teachers that I had for class were still working here and now they

Photo: Spirit of ‘94

come. That was 18 years ago mind and heart and were my co– and I wouldn’t have changed without their encourworkers. The most a thing.” agement, I don’t know difficult and awkwhat path I might have ward part for me Mrs. Lauren Ackerman, chosen. When I am was calling many art teacher teaching I often think of of them by their “When I was a student at their words and try to first names. By the Freedom, I was fortunate embody the qualities end of the first enough to have these two they had as teachers. year, I was more teachers who had an incrediThey both created classPhoto: Spirit of ‘98 comfortable and I ble impact on who I am today rooms that felt like could see myself and they are Mrs. Direnzo and Mr. home; a place for students who felt staying here as a Kleist. Both of these teachers took the that they didn’t fit in to belong and I teacher for years to time and had faith in my creative try to do the same every day.”

Getting to really know NHS

What is the National Honor Society? Bridalia Tatlow Assistant Pates Post Editor

Every year, Freedom High School (FHS) juniors or senior with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher are invited to join National Honor Society (NHS). These students are thought to be the top of the class, the students that are going to represent FHS, and for the most part they are, however, there is a bit more to NHS than just being smart. Many people are still unsure of what NHS is and what it means to be a member of the society. The president of NHS at Freedom High School, Jana Boksan, said the following, “NHS is a service organization of students dedicated to scholarship, service, leadership and character. We have service projects in which we give back to the community and strive to be examples to our peers.” Students in this organization are required at least one service project a

year. The junior project is running an easter egg hunt, and senior year, the project is volunteering at the Via marathon. These service activities make an impact on the community and the people by allowing them to get to know the students of FHS and also allow them to learn more about the education system that they are paying for. NHS students are seen as the face of Freedom because of their involvement within the community. NHS also provides a lot of opportunities for students who plan on attending a college. NHS members are able to receive different scholarships for being a member of the society and even more opportunities if they play an important role in the program at their school. NHS is a great program for those who want to serve their communities and become leaders within the school, however, not all students are eager to join.

A hand full of students receive invitations, and choose to decline the offer of to becoming members of the society. This can be for a selected reasons. One of those reasons is that they do not want to pay money to then have to go out and do service projects. Each member of NHS pays a sum of money to be a part of the organization, and to some this may dim the idea of joining. Also, they do not feel as if NHS does enough and is just another school organization. Two members of NHS, Jazmyn Hernandez and Erin Cavanaugh believe that NHS could do more within the community. “If it is supposed to be an organization based off of service, why is there only one service project every year?,” Jazmyn Hernandez said. “We just don’t do anything other than the one service project.” NHS is a great program based on service, leadership, scholarship, and character. While NHS is not for all, it

National Honor Society inductee Krystal Honohan, junior, joined by her guest. Photo: Krystal Honohan

is a great way to serve the community and make a difference in the world outside of high school. Perhaps NHS would be better understood if it was more involved in not only the community but the school as well.

LOGGING into the issues Pencils. Paper. Textbooks. Laptops. Yes, laptops. These devices are just an example of the growing integration of technology into the average American public classroom. It is no longer encyclopedias, libraries, and typewriters that students use to gain knowledge, read new information, and write papers, but the World Wide Web, internet-based resources and programs. With the increased use of technology as a tool in the everyday classroom, as well as the increased use of technology in society, the ability for devices and Internet, or Wi-Fi connectivity is very important. Teachers of all levels and grades have started to build their curriculums around technology. They use projectors, document cameras, Google Classroom and Drive, as well as classroom sets of laptops. Teachers depend and rely heavily on this technology that the Bethlehem Area School District (BASD) invests in, in order to sustain its own version of the Framework of 21st Century Learning Skills, which are supposed to be the fundamentals taught in public education. In fact, the mission statement in BASD’s

own Roadmap 4.0 to Educational Excellence, ironically says, “The Bethlehem Area School District in partnership with the home and community is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment in which each student will attain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become a productive citizen and self-directed, lifelong learner in our technologically demanding and culturally diverse society.” That last phrase is the key point being made. The society that students and teachers live in has become more culturally diverse, but more importantly, technologically demanding. However, a problem arises when teachers of all grades and class levels walk into their classrooms and they lack enough laptops to properly perform and access major online activities and resources. Or perhaps when their printers are taken out of their rooms, consequently crippling the printing process, as well as promoting the use of MacBooks, which are archaic in both hardware and in software. These “updated” devices have a tacky Chrome sticker slapped on top of the Apple symbol, totally “fixing” these ancient devices. Through all of this, these “knowledge, skills, and attitudes” are there-

Comic: Ashley Adames

Comic by: Ashley Adames

“On the MacBook Airs there is a little yellow or red dot next to the login box that makes the computer run slower and will never let me log in,.”

“Sometimes I need to go onto YouTube to watch a video for class or go onto a normal site and the Barracuda will pop up and then I can’t use it” All of the computers with the yellow tags are identified as having technical Photo: Gabriella Greenhoward difficulties or issues.

“Missing keys

Freedom High School does its bes that is attending students have the b but sometimes the best does not cov rooms of 20 or more children often enough laptops for the amount of peo

“I have only 22 out of 32 laptops w I usually have 30 students in a clas eight kids who don’t have a laptop Amy O’Connor, English teacher.

Some teachers see devices as a nece classroom, and when there are not e tops for everyone in the class, it ma cult to work.

Furthermore, not all of the laptops rooms work to their best ability. F most laptops do not have all of th some do not even turn on.

In order to be successful in the cl main part of learning comes with th nection fails, sometimes it is hard to

Teachers should not have to cente

Student and Teacher Poll Responses Do you feel that you are being taught 21st century skills in your courses (digital literacy; technology

Out of 4 courses per day, in how many do you have access to laptops, iPads, or desktop computers?

Student poll

Student poll

Teacher poll

Is all of the hardware working?

s” in modern education

st to ensure best devices, ver it. Classdo not have ople.

working, and ss, so I have p,” said Ms.

essity in the enough lapakes it diffi-

s in the class- FHS MacBook with missing keys in Ms. Buchanan’s For example, room Photo: Gabriella Greenhoward heir keys, and

lassroom at not only FHS, but schools all around the BASD, a he technology and ability to access the Internet. When this conmaintain the same quality of work that students often stride for.

er learning around which sites are blocked, not to mention that

Teacher Comments from Poll: “Even out of the 22 laptops that I do have, not all of them work or even turn on, and the tech department said they are not repairing them anymore. They said they are too old, and they are not going to do anything about it.” “I only have three Chromebooks to use with 16 children on a regular basis. And this is a small class! The other classes have 20+ kids with only three Chromebooks. DOWNLOADING BASD I.T. Fast Facts 

The technology department, located off the science wing is actually the technology department for the 16 elementary schools, four middle schools, and two high schools, or the entire school district.

The department consists of 26 people

15 representatives work “in the field” for the district. They go to schools and fix broken technology

Three representatives are in charge of servers and infrastructure

The extra employees work on applications and network

One of the challenges that the department faces is budgeting. Last year, the IT department received 1.6 million dollars of BASD’s 247 million dollar budget.

Many Freedom students and staff members often complain about the “frankenchromes,” the white apple laptops with the chromes stickers

According to Nicholas Takacs, the Chief Information Officer of the BASD Technology Department, the reason behind the software

The Freedom Forum’s Solution Suggestions Give teachers who do not have enough laptops, the laptop carts that nobody uses Have fundraisers to raise money for fixing computers Wi-Fi system can be rebooted/rewired Hire more IT Specialists and Integration Specialists

Reevaluate the performance of the IT Department operations Take the time to rewire and check computers Do a classroom by classroom sweep of technology at least twice a year Check all routers in classroom to be sure they are working at their full potential

Q & A with Dr. Roy How has the district technology grown in the past 5 years? “We did a complete overhaul of our technology department, we moved from a server based (old fashioned) system to a cloud based system, we rebuilt the wireless network, and we purchased thousands of new Chromebooks.”

Do you think that all teachers should be utilizing technology in some way?

“Yes.” Moving forward, what is the district’s vision regarding technology and its place in the budgetary process? “Personalize learning is the future - which means we need access to learning applications online that adjust to the academic levels of the student.” Photo courtesy of Bethlehem Area School District website (Christmas City Studios)

8 Pates’ Post

December 2016

The Forum

Reminiscing about time at Freedom

Making plans for the future Lauren Abel The Freedom Forum

Photo: Lauren Abel

Alex Pantaleo is not only the Student Body President, but he is also very active in Freedom’s clubs and activities. Pantaleo is involved in Fellow-

ship of Christian Athletes, Scholastic Scrimmage, football, track and field, and Young America’s Foundation. When asked about how high school prepared him for the future, Alex said, “The challenges that being a student athlete and involved in many schools clubs gives me the time management skills that will help me in college and beyond.” Alex’s favorite memory in high

school, so far, was playing in the 2015 Freedom vs. Liberty game and winning the first EPC title in school history. “Get involved! High school is one hundred times more fun when you’re involved in a club or sport,” Alex said when asked to give advice to incoming freshman or underclassmen. “Freedom vs. Liberty week and the game are an awesome school event to be a part of. Spirit week involving

hallway decorating, the pep-rally, and the bonfire with the football game the next day is so much fun,” Alex said. Alex is very excited for his future! He plans to attend college. “I have a great support base with my family, teammates, and friends, all who want to see me do well and it just makes me excited to see all the people I can make proud,” Alex said about being excited for the future.

Rader’s Rants: Santa is creepy Man in red suit creates havoc Gabrielle Rader The Freedom Forum

Santa Claus is adored by many children who celebrate Christmas, and I mean who wouldn't love an old man who sneaks into houses in the middle of the night to leave presents? I understand children will believe anything, but I remember getting taught the “stranger danger” saying and to never let someone into my home. Then again, he is bringing the children gifts they have been waiting for all year long, so maybe that is the difference. But let me start on my rant about how this tradition is a bit scary if not a little bizarre. First, Santa is an old man giving gifts to children, which is just a little creepy in itself. In order for him to bring these gifts, he breaks into peo-

ple’s homes in the middle of the night. Last I checked, this is called breaking and entering which is ILLEGAL. But I mean it’s totally okay for Santa to do this, since he is bringing gifts. Then, in exchange for gifts, people leave out milk and cookies for him to eat. Sure, go ahead Santa eat my homemade cookies my poor grandma slaved to make over several days. Also, who knows what time Santa arrives at each house; his milk might be sitting out for hours. In fact, it may have even spoiled at some houses if their heat is on a higher temperature. #Gross! Better yet, remember the song, “Santa Claus is coming to town,” written by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie? In the song the lyrics say, “He sees you when you’re sleeping, He knows when you’re awake.” This is saying that Santa knows every

move a child makes. It is really disturbing to think he is watching someone sleep. From what I recall, this is considered stalking. And don’t get me started about the whole, Santa keeps a list of those who are naughty and those who are nice. Doesn’t anyone think it is odd that he judges children and their character. I mean seriously, they are children for cryin’ out loud! If people also didn’t realize, his name is an anagram for Satan [Santa switch the last three letters]. This makes my skin crawl that he makes children sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas, but then decides who is worthy of a gift based upon behavior. Finally, there are a bunch of little elves that live with Santa in a secluded area. No one has been to the North Pole besides the elves, the reindeer, and Santa. Who knows what goes on

up there considering there are no records of the magical kingdom. To conclude, Santa is one of the creepier fantasy figures that children love. Be careful of what you do FHS because Santa Claus is coming to town.

2008 Christmas picture with Santa

Photo: Gabrielle Rader

Sew, you want to teach pre-school

Classroom Technology. Mrs. Fox is a teacher by day and a mother by well, all the time. She is married and has two children. Outside of school, Mrs. Fox enjoys doing lots of “Do It Yourself,” or DIY projects. She also enjoys getting her new house together and spending time with her kids. When asked what her favorite part about teaching was Mrs. Fox said, Photo submitted by: Mrs. Fox “Really the kids, and getting to work with them.” Overall, Mrs. Fox is a Mrs. Fox and her family in very friendly teacher that everyone Family Consumer Science, Educa- should get a chance to meet! Stop by tion, and even a Master’s degree in and say “hello” in room 403!

Spotlight on Mrs. Fox, family consumer science teacher Lauren Abel The Freedom Forum

Meet Mrs. Teresa Fox. Even though her classroom is tucked away in the band hallway, Mrs. Fox has a huge Photo: Lauren Abel impact on A snapshot of Mrs. Fox Freedom high school. Mrs. Fox has lived in many

different places, and she is from the Poconos. Teaching for the Bethlehem Area School District for 10 years, Mrs. Fox has spent every single one of them as part of the freedom family. She teaches a long list of classes such as, Exploring Childhood, Parenting, Child Development, Interior Design, Clothing Creation, and before Ms. Lechner, American Cookery. Mrs. Fox went to college at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. While attending, Mrs. Fox earned a degree

FHS math faculty equals 5 by 5

Adding up their favorite parts of Christmas

What is your absolute favorite childhood memory from the holidays? “On Christmas morning, our parents made us sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.” -Mrs. Stephanie Bond Interviews by Gabrielle Rader

Do you have a favorite holiday dish? If so, what is it and why? “Sweet potatoes because you cook them in brown sugar and butter until they are like candy.” -Mr. Michael Muller

What is the holiday movie that tops the charts in your family? ‘Home Alone’ because my kids always liked that movie, and it is a great family movie.” -Ms. Michelle Bullard

Would you consider yourself a fan of the white winter wonderland that is made by snow during the season? “No, I hate driving through the snow.” -Mr. Kevin Black

What is your favorite part of the holidays? “I love spending time with my family. We have very large get togethers, around 40 people crammed into a house.” -Ms. Wilson

December 2016

The Forum

9 Pates’ Post

Getting down to business Meet Ashley Morales, student of the month Maya White News Editor

While the country’s economic outlook may be uncertain, we can be sure of one thing: the future of America’s business world is in good hands. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) works to prepare young minds across the country for careers in business-oriented fields. According to its website, FBLA’s mission is “to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs.” The programs offered focus on leadership development, academic competitions, educational programs, membership development, community service, awards and recognition. This issue’s Student of the Month was selected based on commitment and passion. Ashley Morales, junior, is one student involved in the organization

who has excelled at every opportunity. Morales has held the position of treasurer, and is currently the vice president of FBLA. “I got involved FBLA after my best friend, Linda Mao, told me about it Freshman year. I randomly picked the Intro to Business category because I didn't know which to pick, and I ended up making it to states! I had a great experience and decided that I wanted to continue to be involved in the club,” said Morales. Part of her inspiration to join came from her father, who has a career in business. “I was interested in learning more about what he does,” said Morales. Since then, Morales has gone on to win awards in the club, even placing fifth and second place twice in Regional Competitions and fourth in the State Competition. She has qualified for states three times and nationals

once, heading to Atlanta for a weeklong trip to the annual National Leadership Conference. “I'm involved in FBLA because of the experiences I've gained from the activity. FBLA has allowed me to meet so many new people who I still stay in touch with today, allowed me to explore different career paths, and enabled me to experience what it is like to be apart of the business world,” said Morales. Aside from her business ventures, Morales is very involved at school. She participates in Les Chanteurs, Chorale, Scholastic Scrimmage, French Cafe/French Club (as treasurer), MiniTHON (as corporate fundraising captain), Envirothon, and National Honor Society (NHS). Her interests include history class, French class (since Morales is bilingual and enjoys learning new languages and cultures), watching documentaries, binge-watching crime shows, reading, listening to music, dancing (especially

salsa-ing with her grandfather), and shopping. Of the future, “I see myself being really happy in whatever career I choose. I imagine myself in a bustling city, traveling around the world, and being very successful and happy,” said Morales.

Ashley Morales at a recent FBLA competition. Photo: Ashley Morales

Shooting their way into the spotlight Rifle club at Freedom has been very under-the-radar TJ Schaeffer Sports Editor

Freedom High School offers numerous different athletic programs and clubs in which students can participate. From American pastimes like basketball and baseball, to the rapidly growing sport of lacrosse, Freedom students are able to showcase their special abilities in various athletic activities and are allowed to interact with other students with similar talents. In recent years, an athletic club at Freedom that has been under-theradar has been the rifle team. The Freedom Rifle team, coached by Mr. Paul Dorney, is a coed team that competes during the winter PIAA season in an “Olympic-style small bore shooting-prone [position]”, Mr. Dor-

ney said. This means that the team shoots a 22 rifle in a prone position at targets from about 50 feet away, said Omar Koury, senior rifle team member. Last year, the team finished just below even, with a 4-5 record, but the team is looking to rebound with success this season, Koury said. The team practices five days during the school week and competes in matches against other schools in the Lehigh Valley on Tuesday and Thursdays. At practices, the athletes wear a jacket with a sling that help them control the rifle. The shoots aim the rifles to shoot at targets in groups known as relays, with eight shooters in each relay. A spotter, who assists the shooter, helps line up the shot. At the matches, there are 10 shooters for each team, and the top five scores

from each team are counted. Each shooter gets 20 practice shots to make sure the rifle is working accurately. Then they are forced to shoot at 10 targets. Scoring wise, a bullseye is zero points, first ring is one point and so on. In the end, when the scores are combined, it is the team with the lowest score that wins. Unlike other sports, one does not have to be super athletic to succeed in rifle. “What makes the sport different is that the size of the athlete is not a factor for success. It’s about developing fundamental skills, concentration, and mental focus,” Mr. Dorney said. According to Koury, who joined the rifle club freshman year, with some persuasive help from his brother, said that the thing that separates rifle team from other sports teams at Freedom is

how individually based the sport is for its athletes. “You don’t rely on others for your ability to shoot. You more rely on them for the end score. The only person that can help you during the actual match is your spotter, and they only help getting you more accurate,” Koury said. Overall, the team is very friendly, and everyone on the team has a fun time, regardless of win or lose. “The people on the rifle team are lots of fun. Everyone has their own unique personality and brings the team up during practices and matches,” said Justin Szaro, sophomore.

Mrs. Fox, teacher Photo: Lauren Abel

Freedom Rifle Club

Photo: Christmas City Studios

10 Entertainment

December 2016

The Forum

12 movies to catch this holiday season Informing people about the best Christmas movies Bailey Navin Journalism Student

Every holiday sparks a list of movies to see and love for years to come. Here is a list of 12 amazing Christmas movies you must watch.

On the third day of Christmas, I went to see “Bad Santa” with my mom.

On the first day of Christmas, I went to see “Home Alone” in theatres.

On the second day of Christmas, I saw J amie Lee Curtis in “Christmas With The Kranks.”

On the fourth day of Christmas, my tr ue love gave me a movie ticket for “A Christmas Story.”

On the fifth day of Christmas, I met an elf named Buddy.

On the sixth day of Christmas, “It’s A Wonderful Life” because I drank hot chocolate.

On the seventh day of Christmas, I “Decked the Halls.”

On the eighth day of Christmas, I took a tr ip on “The Polar Express.”

On the ninth day of Christmas, “The Santa Clause” was knocking on my roof

On the tenth day of Christmas, I celebr ated “Four Christmases.”

On the eleventh day of Christmas, I r eceived “A Christmas Card.”

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my tr ue love gave me “A Christmas Carol” on DVD. Photos: IMDB

Forget Martha Stewart; meet Lester Stewart Continuing family tradition with a delicious recipe Jalen Stewart Journalism Student

During the holidays, people get to have special dinners and dishes. My family's special dish is called pepper pot. Pepper pot is a Guyanese dish that is only served on Christmas, and is one of Guyana’s national dishes. The tradition of pepperpot with my family began with my grandmother passing the recipe down to my father, aunts, and uncles. Even after the passing of my grandmother, the recipe of pepper pot has lived on and has become a huge tradition on Christmas morning before opening presents. It is

so much apart of Christmas that my family has never had a Christmas without it being eaten.Christmas would not be the same without it. To make pepper pot you will need ingredients such as : 1 bottle of Cassripe, 2 cinnamon stick, 2 or 3 orange peels, 4 pounds of meat (beef, goat, oxtail, cow foot, tripe), water, brown sugar, 2 small onions, salt, garlic, vegetable oil, and bread to eat it with. To cook it you must first soak all the meat down to defrost it. Then you must season the meat to your liking. After put some of the meat into a pot of boiling water until it gets tender.

Later you must then add all of the meat to the pot. Then you can adjust the flavor with the salt, the orange peels, the cinnamon sticks , onions garlic, and brown sugar to your liking. Next, let it simmer on the stove until all the meat is tender. When the meat is close to being done you can apply the cassripe to the pot to get the black looking color. When the meat falls off the bone it is now ready to eat. To serve you put the gravy and meat into a bowl and break bread to dip into the gravy while you eat. The Stewart Family Photo submitted by: Jalen Stewart

Deciding whether “Uncharted 4” topped the charts Delving deep into the world of video games Marcus Pinkowski Journalism Student

“Uncharted 4” is a game made by Naughty Dog. The video game company that has also made games such as “The Last of Us,” “The Uncharted” series, “The Crash Bandicoot” games, and many more. “Uncharted 4, A Thief's End” release date was on May 10, 2016. “The Uncharted” game series have been going on for awhile, but “Uncharted 4: A Thief's End” takes it all.

“Uncharted 4” is only on PC or PlayStation 4, not on Xbox One. It is an action/adventure where the character is fighting to stop someone from stealing lost treasure for greed. The controls of the game are easy to remember and smooth. In “Uncharted 4,” the player is a adventurer who uncovers lost treasures and finds one myth about Captain Henry Avery's Ship that went missing with gold on it, which is enough to make one man rich. The gamer is the protagonist Nathan

Drake, who meets up with his long“Uncharted 4” has amazing time partner Sully. Nathan’s brother graphics. When playing the game, the finds this treasure, riskplayer feels sucked in ing his life. “Uncharted with the beautiful scen4” has a perfect storyery. When watching videline and hidden secrets. os of “Uncharted 4” on There are many parts in YouTube or Twitch, it is the game where the not the same as playing player can find little the actual game. trophies. There are also This is an amazing many parts in the game game. Go out today and where the gamer cannot buy a copy for yourself. stop because it so exciting because there are multiple plot twists. Photo: Wikipedia

December 2016

The Forum

11 Entertainment

Poetry rising in the young community Poetry is seeping into the lives of teenagers Keri Kipp Pates Post Editor

Art itself has brought a whole new meaning to today’s generation. In the past year, many new artists have come into the spotlight. You may think of art as a physical expression on a piece of paper with a pencil and color, however, that is not always true. Art comes in many different ways of expression from people. One of them is poetry. The next time you log onto Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, look up young poetry. In the past year, so many more pages have been added., Videos have come to the public to show how talented the young people of today are with their words. As Met-

growing its popularity, becoming “really cool.” There have been public roNews says, “The corporate world is readings held all over the country and beginning to take notice of the trend.” there always have been. However, in Poetry is a way to express recent times, the how you feel in words that number of youngwill get your emotions er people attendacross, but yet not give ing has increased away the idea of the piece quite rapidly. at first glance. You must “I write poetry think about the words bebecause I want to. fore you can attain the actuNot because it’s a al meanings of the poem as project for English a whole. There is someclass or anything thing about that concept else. It’s because I that should make everyone want to. It is a Photo: Ashley Rissmiller of all ages interested, and it is way to express how working. I feel if I don’t want to talk to anyBefore recently, poetry was known one,” said Tyler Andre, junior. for “being for old people,” or for At one point in anyone’s life, they “being way too boring.” Now, it is will have to write a poem. Whether

Christmas -M.E. Miro

Christmas Lights -Marie Irish Bright Christmas stars shine on high, Golden stars in the wintry sky; Christmas candles in windows bright Send a greeting into the night; While in our hearts the Christmas flame, Glows with a love like his who came, The infant Christ of lowly birth, To bring goodwill and peace to earth

that would be a me poem at the beginning of the school year in third grade, or a thought out poem for a project grade in high school. Anything like these could be the start of something great. “Sometimes I write for the fun of it, not for any other reason. I may never even get my words out there, but that’s okay. I write poetry because it is calming and so much fun to do,” said Alexandra Sheard, freshman at Penn State University. Next time you think of something that you find interesting to you, give it a try. The young community never thought poetry was an option for them until they expressed themselves into it.

A Christmas Wish -Eugene Field I'd like a stocking made for a giant, And a meeting house full of toys, Then I'd go out in a happy hunt For the poor little girls and boys; Up the street and down the street, And across and over the town, I'd search and find them everyone, Before the sun went down.

Christmas is more than a day in December It's all of those things that we love to remember Its carolers singing familiar refrains Bright colored stockings and shiny toy trains Streamers of tinsel and glass satin balls Laughter that rings through the house and its halls Christmas is more than a day in December It’s the magic and the love That we'll always remember

December 2016

The Forum

12 Sports

NFL 2016-17 season update The disappointments and surprises of the season Zak Boncher Journalism Student

We are getting ready for January football, which means playoff time in the National Football League (NFL). The NFL season is more than three quarters over, which team has surprised you most? This NFL season has had every fan either jumping with joy, biting their nails, or pulling their hair out. Hopefully, your team has you jumping with joy. The biggest surprise this season has either been the Dallas Cowboys, who have been led by rookie running back Ezekiel Elliott and rookie quarterback Dak Prescott.

Also, the Oakland Raiders, who are led by Derek Carr at quarterback and Amari Cooper at wide receiver are having a championship caliber season. They both sit atop the power ranking along with the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks. There are still a lot of teams fighting for a spot in the playoffs, but only a few will make it. A lot of coaches were expecting big seasons out of their teams, but have fallen down to the bottom of the pack, for example the New York Jets, and the Cincinnati Bengals. Speaking of falling down, one of the most disappointing teams this NFL season has been the Green Bay Pack-

ers, who still have a shot at the playoffs even though they have had a rough season by their standards. The Arizona Cardinals, who were taken over by injuries early in the season, are having an average year thus far. Then last, the Carolina Panthers, who lost in the Superbowl last year to the Denver Broncos, are having a dismal season. With teams like the Miami Dolphins, Pittsburgh Steelers, and New York Giants fighting for a spot in the playoffs, the hard-hitting NFL regular season is coming to an end, and fans should look forward to an exciting end to the regular season.

Photo of the 2015 NFL game between the Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles at AT&T Stadium. Photo: Zak Boncher

Recapping an eventful fall season Key information on fall sports performance Chuck Tichy Assistant Sports Editor

Finally, all the fall sports have concluded their seasons, so let’s recap their seasons. First, the field hockey team finished with an overall record of 4-12-2, with notable wins over Bethlehem Catholic and and Wilson. Junior Emily Saulino led the team in scoring with nine goals, while senior Shae Banas led the team in assists with four. Senior Erica Heaney earned second team all Eastern Pennsylvania Conference (EPC) honors. The boys’ soccer team also finished with a 4-12-2 record. However, eight of the losses were by one goal deficits. Derek Bast, sophomore, proved to be a solid player, as he had 59 saves and only gave up 20 goals all year, while senior Raymond Judge earned all EPC second team honors. The girls’ soccer team had a success-

ful year as they finished third in the EPC Steel Division with a record of 9 -8-2, which qualified them for districts. Senior, Jaiden Coyne led the team in scoring with an impressive 18 goals while freshman Doris Muncan finished in a close second with 15. Senior Mary Baglioli and Muncan led the team in assists with 10 each. The team’s season came to a heartbreaking end as they fell to Stroudsburg in the first round of the District Playoffs. The boys’ cross country team finished with an admirable record of 115 while the girls’ cross country team finished with a record of 8-9. The team was led by seniors Issac Gross and Ally Young who both consistently posted the best times at each meet. The boys team had seven runners qualify for districts including Gross and senior Wil Cacciatore. The girls team had seven runners qualify for districts, including Young and Sen-

iors, Sarah Beth Dunn, Olivia Salerno, and Emily Rowan. The Freedom Golf Team finished their season with a 4-9 record. For the boys, sophomore, Justin Kinter, senior Nate Spearko, and senior, Austin Negron were key players as they consistently had the lowest scores on the boys team. On the other side, senior Katrina Zellner participated for the girl’s team. The Football team finished with a 64 regular season record which qualified them for District playoff contention. Nonetheless, after they fought their way to the District Championship game, their efforts were not enough as they lost to Parkland. Senior Joe Young, junior Tijir Bleam, senior Deshawn Polk, senior Brady Hornbaker, and junior Alec Huertas all earned first team all EPC accolades, while seniors Aaron Bowden, Jake Petro, and Steven Rold all earned second team all EPC accolades. The girls’ volleyball team also had a

successful season, as they finished with a record of 11-9, which qualified them for the EPC playoffs and District playoffs. Unfortunately, their season came to an end when they fell to Nazareth in the District playoffs. Junior Julia Roman earned second team all EPC honors for her performance this year. Lastly, the Freedom Girls’ Tennis Team had an outstanding year as they finished the season tall at fourth place in the EPC with a 10-3 record. The tennis team had an impressive 7-0 victory over Liberty. Sophomore Natalie Sinai earned second team all EPC honors. Ultimately, the fall sports season was one for the history books as there were many ups and downs, wins and losses, and memories made that will last a lifetime. Now, our school has the winter sports season to look forward to, which looks to be like another exciting one!

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