Gen C: A new virtual sanity report

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Connect Connect

Shared content connects curators and communities together, with Gen C finding emotional connection through its interactions and reactions. Consuming content is half of the journey for Gen C. Whether physically chatting or digitally sharing, they want to spread what they deem, “shareworthy”, to their community.

Connecting has become a way of life, as they engage with culture and community digitally and augment their physical moments with virtual communication. A connected world provides opportunities and community for Gen C, with anything and everyone available at their fingertips.

Create Create

Original content is only part of Gen C’s creative powers. Creating today sees filters and hashtags trigger shared movements, where Gen C can engage and put their own twist on the latest social challenge. It’s not just what you create but how, where and to whom you share it with.

Curate Curate Always on with a plethora of platforms available, Gen C wants to engage with their communities. No longer restricted by location, communities revolve around shared connection and association, whether that means family, friends or followers. A mix of these distinct groups forms their wider community and is where they get a significant portion of their inspiration and information.

Community Community 7

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.