1936 El Espiritu

Page 38

GIRLS' ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The Girls' Athletic Association has been very active since it was established. The purpose of the organization is to pro­ mote sportsmanship, cooperation, and physical well-being among the girls. 0 To become a member, fifty points must have been acquired, which means that a girl must have made at least one team. An initiation is held at the end of the hockey season, in conjunction with a spread, which is held after every sport. When a girl has earned five hundred points she receives a letter, and for a thousand points, a pin. ® This year "after school sports'' were held twice a week. In the course of the year five sports-basketball, hockey, speedball, tennis, and baseball-were taken up. At the end of each season a Tri­ County League Play Day was held. This year, because several new schools were added to the League, it was not possible for all the schools to meet at one place, and so two play days were held. ® The Claremont girls had an outstanding year but they were particularly successful in hockey which was their home play day sport. The hockey team was under the manage­ ment of Jane Fakler this year. The managers for the other sports were: Carol Libbey, basketball; Alice Miller, speedball; Helen Stys, baseball; and Niles Davis, tennis. H. Stys. Fakler. Crowell. Robbins. A. Miller. N. Davis. E. Johnson.


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