1961 El Espiritu

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Published by the Associated Student Body Claremont High School Claremont, California

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New h o r izo n s of vocal music have been opened by Mr. Cox in the three years he has been director of the chorus classes and conce rt choir. He has re-activated the annual operetta and d i r e c t e d two note-worthy productions. For his genuine d e v o t i o n and expert h a n d 1 i n g of choral groups, we d e d i c a t e this annual to Mr. Chester Cox.

Throughout this book we have endeavored to show the delicate beauty in oriental design. However, beauty is not meant for the eye alone, but for the ear as well. It is f o u n d in th e song of a bird, the lilt of a flute, the strains of a symphony, and the sound of human voices. The love of beauty expressed in music is one of the inherent qualities of man. Because these men have helped us to obtain the satisfaction derived from music, it is with gratitude and respect that we dedicate El Espiritu de 1961 to Mr. Chester Cox and Mr. George Denes.

During the fourteen years he has led the high school or­ chestra, Mr. Denes has built it into one of the finest instru­ mental g r o u p s in the Tri­ County League. For his never­ ending work that has contrib­ uted so g r e a t 1 y to the out­ standing music department of Claremont High School, we dedicate this annual to Mr. George Denes.






MR. COLBY President

DR. COLTRIN Vice-President

Just as a building must have a strong f o u nd a t i o n to hold the structure, so must an organiza­ tion. The foundation of Claremont High S c h o o 1 is composed of the me n a nd w o me n of the School Board who have worked unselfish1 yin order to make our school the ideal place in which to receive the best education possible. We honor these p e o p 1 e who have given so freelyof their time and energy for the g o o d of Claremont High and its students.

MR. SMITH Associate Superintendent

DR. REBER Superintendent





Greetings! I want to e x t e n d my thanks to the entire s t u d e n t body for ajob well done this year. Your warm, friendly attitude and loyal, coop­ erative spirit were evident everywhere--in the classroom, on the playing field, and in your school activities. Es p e c i a 11 y do I want to recognize, and honor, the S e n i o r Class of 1961 for their contribution and t h e i r continued support of t h e standard of excellence in the Claremont High traditions of high s c h o 1 a r s h i p , fine sportsmanship, strong student government, and outstanding musical, dramatic, and ath­ letic programs. May the future bring to the Seniors, and to all of you, success in the years ahead as you continue your education, I will be interested in your development a n d accomplishment in your chosen career. Good luck! Lyle C. Martin Principal

"Those who w i s h for e a s e and security may return. As for me, I go forward." Thus s p o k e Pizarro to his emaciated and travel­ weary band of men upon the shore of what is now Colombia. Each of us has a similar decision to make. Graduation from high school is only the be­ ginning. Now, we strike out for ourselves. In many directions 1 i e ease and security; in some directions lie bizarre and shallow phi losophies. A h e a d is the way of faith, ade­ qu a t e to the earth's salvation, of universal impact and eternally modern. It is a straight way, a severe trial for flabby minds or un­ stable temperaments. It is a broad way, un­ marked th r o u g h o u t vast stretches of its course. Let us resolve to take t h a t road so that we m a y indeed make the world a better p l a c e for all to live t o g e t h e r injustice, peace, and harmony. May I extend to each of you my very best wishes as you to g e t h e r journey down this road of life. Dr. Donald D. Reber Superintendent of Schools



With a deep and abiding in­ terest in the w e l f a r e of the students of Claremont Hi g h School, the counselors stand by with a dv i c e and guidance for e a c h a b o u t h i s future schooling a n d vocation. We thank t h e m for the time, ef­ fort, and work with which they guide t h e students of Clare­ mont High.





MRS. NOBLE English

,,,_. .... ':. MR. DAWSON English

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MR. LINMAN Business Education

MISS LININGER Business Education


MR. KEISER Physical Education





MR. LYNN Physical Education

MR. FARLEY English, Speech




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MR. COHN Social Studies, Drafting






MR. BENTLEY English, Counseling



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MR. SIGLER Biology

MR. TAYLOR Mathematics, Attendance


MR. DONEY History

MR. BOOTH Mathematics

MR. ORR Mathematics

MR. KNAPP History



MR. DENES Inst. Music

MR. POLOS History

MR. MORRISON History, English


MRS. BOLT Homem aking


MISS EVANS French, Spanish


MR. DIVITA English, Latin


MISS HANDORF Physical Education


MR. HARWOOD Industrial Arts

MRS. NOY! Russian

MRS. KIEFE R Physical Education, Spanis h

MR. LEVINE German, Counseling


-• MR. STRANG Driver Training

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Miller Lober Schoelles Turek Babcock

Mrs. Kell Miss Henricus

Mrs. Dafcik Mr. Pollock Mrs. Candela s Mrs. Liles Mrs. Gonzalez Mrs. Mayfield Mrs. Guthrie

S. Mascarenas J. Sapienza E. Griggs A. Morgenson F. Gettman

G. Billings F. Gagliardi L. Cotton G. Hamblin W. Miles M. Gongolas P. Milliken R. Benson C. Ellison

L. Powers A. Morgenson M. Doty J. Clark H. Duran J. Heath I. Haden W. Miles F. Sapienza J. Wolfe


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Charles Bentley . Beth Deregibus

Eric Smith Betty Dawn Shaeffer

TeITy Stratton Libby Gale

Tom Gimple Jane Ellen Tibbals

Charles Zetterberg Ellen Walden


DA VE BROWNING Vice-President

SANDY GRADY Secretary-Treasurer

DICK BARBER Social Chairman


JOB ZAPPA Social Chairman

RICHARD LEWIS Social Chairman

PATRICIA ALBRIGHf "Through s e n s e and nonsense s h e has found the m e a n i n g. of joy." 3 years at C.S.H,S. Pre-Med Club 2,3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 El Espiritu 4 Pep Club 4 Co-President 4 Wolfpacket 3 G,A,A. 3,4 Ecneics 3,4

CONCEPT A GUIIAR "A rose without a thorn." 3 years at C.S.H,S. Student Cou�cil 2 Girls' Lea,gue 2, 3, 4 Office Practice 4


JAMES ANDERSON "Not ll.fraid of work, but not in sympathy with it. II 3 years at C.S.H.S. Wolfpacket 3,4 News Editor 4 Baseball Manager 2 Boys' Forum 2

ANDERSON "A happy girl with a face so bright it seems to make all troubles light. " 3 years at C. S.H.S. G.A.A. 2,3, 4 Badminton Manager 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 Historian 3 Class Social Chairman 2 Spanish Club 3, 4 A.F.S. 2,3 F.B.L.A. 3


ARMOUR "A g 1 e a m of merry mischief glints within her eye." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Girls' League 2, 3,4 Cabinet 3 F;H.A. 3, 4 President 3 G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Student Council 3 French Club 4 Talent Show 4 Pep Club 4

PENNY BARRY "She's there for sport." 3 years at C.S.H. S. G.A.A. 2,3, 4 Tennis Manager 4 T.O.T. 's 2,3, 4 Spanish Club 3, 4 Jr. Red Cross 3 A.F.S. 2,3 F.H.A. 3,4

RICHARD BARBER "Happy-go-lucky, fair and free, nothing there is that bothers me. " 3 years at C.S.H.S, Boys' Forum 2 "B" Footbail 2 "B" Track 2 Varsity Track 3 Varsity Football 3,4 Class Social Chairman 4 Key Club 4

DIANA BASKERVILLE "She is truly named, for here walks a goddess. 11 1 1/2 years at C.S.H.S. Girls' League 3, 4 Treasurer 4 Drama Club 3, 4 Wolfpacket 3, 4 Exchange Editor 3,4 Chorus 4 C.S.F. 2,3 Honor Roll 2, 3,4 Pep Club 4 21

D ONALD BELL "When I met him I was looking down; when I. left him, I was looking up." 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Basketball 2 11 11 B Football 2 Varsity Football 3, 4 Varsity Baseball 2,3, 4 Class President 2 Boys' State 3 Key Club 2,3, 4 President 4

JEROME BECK "C onversation teaches more than meditations. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H.S. Cross Country 4 Pre-Med Club 2, 4 Boys' Forum 2 Pasadena Playhouse 3

CHARLES BENTLEY 11 An athlete i f there ever w a s o n e , and a humorist as well. II 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Basketball 3·, 4 Rota Club 2,3,4 Vice-President 4 Varsity Football 3, 4 Co-Captain 4 Varsity Track 4 Letterman's Club 3, 4 Vice-President 4 11 " B Football 2 Co-Captain 2 "B" Basketball 2 Co-Captain 2 11 11 B Track 3 VIRGINIA BLAKE "Common sense is in­ s t i n c t and e n o u g h is genius." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Ecneics 3, 4 Treasurer 4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 G. A.A. 2,3,4 Concert Choir 3, 4 Talent Show 2,3, 4 Pep Club 4 Co-President 4 Honor Roll 2,3, 4

JACQUELINE BOARDMAN "Not only thoughtful, but very kind. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H. S. F.H,A. 2,3 G.A.A. 2 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Jr. Red Cross 2 Student Council 4


JAMES BLACK "There's honesty, man­ hood, a n d fellowship in thee." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football 3, 4 "B" Football 2 "B" Basketball 2 "B" Track 2 Varsity Track 3, 4 Key Club 3, 4 Letterman's Club 3,4 Ski Club 2,3,4 Beys' Forum 2

BEVERLY BLANCHARD "Her very frowns are fairer far, than smiles of other maidens are." 3 years at C.S.H.S. F.H.A. 2 F. B.L.A. 4 Pep Club 4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Office Practice 4

SANDRA BRIDGES "I'll speak in a mons­ trous little voice. 11 3 years at C. S.H. S. A.F.S. 2, 3 G.A.A. 2,3,4 Ecneics 2,3,4 Talent Show 3

CLAUDE BROOKMAN "Quiet, yet cheerful, a c t i v e , yet resigned. " 3 years at C. S.H.S. 11 C" Basketball 2 "C" Track2, 3 "B" Track 4 B oy s' Forum2 State Crew2

DAVID BROKL "Without danger the game grows cold." 2 years at C.S.H.S. Chorus 3 Work Education 2,3

CHRISTINE CAMPBELL ,.,Ever amid each pleasant uproar. 11 3 years at C. S. H.S. Jr. Red Cross2 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 Ecneics 3,4 Secretary 4 Co-Ordinator of A.S. B. Activities 4 Pasadena Playbouse 3 · Talent Show 2,3,4

ROBERT BROWN "Happy am I, from care I'm free.'! 3 years at C.S.H.S. 11 C" Basketball2 B oy s' Forum2

DAVID BROWNING "If it be a man's work, I'll do it." 3 ye-ars at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football2,3,4 Varsity Track2,3,4 Key Club 3,4 Class Vice-President 4 Honor Roll2,3,4 Letterman's Club2,3,4 Student Council 4 B oy s' Forum 2

STANLEY BURWELL "The light that lies in women's eyes has been my heart's undoing." 3 years at C.S.H.S. F.B.L.A. 3 Vice-President 3 Student Council 2, 4 T.O.T.'s2,3 Boys' F arum2

ROBERT BUSH "My idea of an agree­ able person is one who agrees with me." 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Football 4 "B" Swimming 3,4 Spanish Club 3

ROBIN CARPENTER "Don't worry; it makes deep wrinkles." 3 years at C. S.H.S, Drama Club 3 Spanish Club2 Girls' League2,3,4 Pep Club 4 G.A.A.2 Jotters' Club2 Creative Writing Club 3 Talent Show 3


SHIRLEY CIMINO "Charm is a glow with­ in a. woman that casts a most becoming light on others." 2 years at C.S.H.S, Future Nurses' Club 3,4 Pep Club 4 Latin Club 4 Cheerleader2 Student Council2 Chorus 2,3 Talent Show 4 Ditch Day Committee 4

CAROLYN CURTIS "What! Canst thou say all this and never blush?" 3 years at C.S.H.S, Rally Club 3,4 Mascot 3,4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 G,A,A.2, 3, 4 Student Council 2 Operetta 3,4 Spanish Club2,4 El Espiritu 3



CHERAL CLARK "She's s e n s i b l e and quite di s c r e e t , w i t h winning ways and manners sweet.1 1 3 years at C.S.H.�. O rchestra 2,4 G,A,A,2, 3 Talent Show2,4 Honor Roll2, 3, 4 T.O. T. 1 s2,3, 4 A,F. S. 2, 3,4 -Girls' League 2,3, 4 Latin Club 2


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KAREN CLASEN "The w or 1 d 1 o o k s brighter from b e h i n d a smile." 3 years at C,S,H,S, �.A.A.2,3, 4 Cabinet 4 T.O.T, 1 s2,3,4 Vice-President 4 , Talent Show 3,4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Concert Choir 4 Pep Club 4 Fashion Show 3 Student Council 4

RICHARD COLE "Good when not other­ wise. 11 3 years a_t C.S.H.S, "B" Football2 Boys' Forum 2

REYNALDO CONTRERAS "His friends, they are many; his foes-are there any?" 3 years at C, S. H.S. Spanish Club 2,4 Varsity Football Manager 3,4 "B" Football Manager2,3 Varsity Basketball Manager 2,3,4 Varsity Track Manager 2, 4 "J. V." Baseball 2 Varsity Baseball Manager 3,4

BORDEN COULTER 11 I live on the sunny side of the street. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. T.O.T, 1 s2 Boys' Forum 2 F.B.L.A. 4 1 1 B 11 Football 3 "C " Track2 Varsity Track 3,4 Letterman's Cl1-1b 3, 4 Talent Show 4

BEVERLY CUSHMAN 11 A lovely being scarce ly formed or molded, a rose with all its sweetest leaves yet folded. 11 3 years at C, S. H. S, Girls' League 2, 3, 4 Art Club2° French Club 3 Camera Club 4 Ecneics 4

JANIE DARBY "My, she's lovable and so sweet! Another like her you'll never meet." 3 years at C,S,H,S. Class Secretary-Treasurer 3 G.A,A, 2,3 Cabinet3 T.O,T,1s 2,3,4 A,F.S.3,4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Honor Roll 2,4 Pep Club4 Future Nurses' Club3,4

WELDON DIGGS "While I live, let me live." 3 years at C. S.H.S. Varsity Swimming 2, 3,4 Captain4 "B" Football 2 3 Co-Captaid3 Letterman's Club 2,3,4 Spanish Club 2 Honor Roll3,4

SARA DeLAPP 11 W i t h winning ways a n d m a n n e r s sweet." 3 years at C,S.H,.S, Art Club3 Spanish Club 2 Girls' League 2,3,4

BETH DEREGIBUS 11 A merry heart doeth g o o d l i k e medecine." 3 years at C. S,H.S. G.A.A. 2,3,4 President4 T,O,T,1s3,4 Vice-President4 Student Council 4 Girls' League 2, 3,4 Cabinet4 Honor Roll 2,3,4 Pep Club4 A.F.S, 2,3,4 Talent Show 2, 3,4

RONALD DEVLIN "Picture me as I am." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Skin Diving Club 2 Boys' Forum 2

LINDA DEWHURST "Live a little, com­ fort a little, cheer thy­ self a little. " 3 years at C.S.H,S. G.A.A. 2 Office Practice3,4 Pep Club4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Spanish Club 2 F.B.L,A. 4

ARTHUR DICKINSON "Beware! I may yet do something famous!" 3 years at C, S. H. S, Drama Club3,4 Operetta3 Talent Show 4 School Play3 Pasadena Playhouse3

BARRY DOLAN "Slow and easy is his motto." 1 year at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football 2-,3,4 Varsity Boxing 2 Track 2


JO ANNE DUNCAN "Wit has always an answer ready. 11 3 years at C,S.H.S. G.A.A.2, 3, 4 F.B. L.A. 4 Pep Club 4 A.F.S. 3 Spanish Club2 Girls' League2, 3, 4 Office Practice2

ROBERT DRAKE "Those who knew him, quite a few, knew him a friend, tried and true." 3 years atc.S.H.S. Rota Club2, 3, 4 Ecneics 3,4 President 4

LESLIE DUNIFON "But there is more in me t h a n thou u n d e r­ standest. 11 G.A,A, 2, 3,4 Ecneics 3, 4 C. S.F. 2 Latin Club 2 A.F.S. 3,4 Pep Club 4 Girls' League 2, 3,4

MARY EIDT "Pretty to walk with, and· witty to talk with, and p 1 e a s a n t , too, to think on. 11 3 years atC.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 Secretary 4 Talent Show 2, 3, 4 Spanish Club2, 3 Pep Club 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3

CAROL ELLIS "Shall I compare thee to a summer day? 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2 Talent Show 2, 4 T.O.T.'s2 Girls' League2, 3,4


DAIL DWORAK 11 A blonde blizzard all a w h i r 1 w it h gaie ty. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. G.A.A.2, 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4 Pep Club 4 T.O.T. 1 s3,4 Ecneics 3, 4 Pre-Med Club 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4

PAUL ELIAS "He has an i n f i n i t e capacity for friendship. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Letterman'sClub 2, 3,4 Varsity Track 2, 3·,4 Varsity Football 3, 4

TJARDA ESKES "This place does not honor this man, but this man, this place. 11 1 year atC.S.H.S. Sports Committee President 2 Student Council Secretary 3 Varsity Hockey 2, 3, 4 Captain 2, 3, 4 A.F.S. Exchange Student Key Club 4 Rota Club 4

S HARON ESTERLEY "As unconquerable as chewing gum." 3 years at C,S.H.S, C,S.F. 2, 3 G.A.A.2, 3,4 Softball Manager 4 French Club 3,4 Secretary 3 Drill Team 4 Co-Captain 4 Drama Club 3 A.F. S. 2, 3,4 El Espiritu 4

SUSAN EVERARD II T h e re I s something nice about everyone; but there I s everything n i c e about Sue." 3 years at C.S.H. S. C,S.F. 2,3,4 G.A.A. 2, 3,4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 French Club 3, 4 Drill Team 4 Talent Show 3,4 Pep Club 4 Office Practice 3

T. o. T. 's 3, 4

TONI FINK "Some, C u p i d kills with arrows--and some, with traps. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H,S, C.S.F. 2 Girls League Cabinet 3 G.A.A.2,3,4 Treasurer 4 Spanish Club 2,3 Honor Roll 2,3,4 T.O.T.'s2,3,4 Pep Club 4 Talent Show 3,4

JEFF EWING 11 A man, a right true man, w h o s e work was worthy, a man's endeav­ or." 3 years at C.S.H.S. 1 1 B" Football2 Art Club 4 Debate Club 4

WILLIS FAGG "I never think of the future, II Ecneics 3, 4 Track 2, 3, 4 Cross Country 2, 3, 4 11 11 C Basketball 3 Boys' Forum 2

LEE ROY FAUBUS "I like your style, so wicked and free. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S,

HARLON FILLOON "Like two gentlemen rolled into one ! 1 1 3 years at C.S.H. S. Class Vice -President 2 A.S.B. Vice-President 4 Key Club 4 Boys' Forum 2 Talent Show 4 Varsity _J'rack 4 "C" 11 B 11 Track 2 ,3 "B" 'Football 3,4

ROBERT FORSTER "Hear ye not the hum of mighty w o r k i n g s . " "B" Football2 Swimming 3 Boys' Forum 2 1 1 C II Basketball 2 Stage Crew 2


NANCY FOSTER "On her arrival, things start with a bang! 11 3 years at C. S.H. S. A.F.S. 3,4 Pre-Med Club2 Pep Club 4 Spanish: Club 2 F.H.A. 4 Talent Show 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4

THOMAS FULLER "He who is persistent gains the prize.11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Boys' Forum


SHARON FOUTTS "let the world slide-­ "I'll not budge an inch." 3 years at C. S.H. S. G.A.A.2 Jr. Red C:ross2 Student Council 3 T.o.T.'s2 Talent Show 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4

JOHN FRANK "Life is just one dumb thing after a n o t h e r . 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Track2 Varsity Track 4 Ecneics 4 Boys' Forum 2

ANNE FRASER "Lively and change­ able, like a flame in the wind." 3 years at C. S.H. S. G.A.A. 2,3,4 A.F. S. 2, 3,4 Talent Show 2 French Club 3,4 Ecneics 3,4 T.O.T. 1 s2,3,4 Pep Club 4 Honor Roll 2,3

JAMES FULLER "The more i d e a s a man has, the fewer words he takes to express them.11 3 years at C.S.H.S. C.S.F. 2, 3, 4 Latin Club 3, 4 Ecneics 4 "C " Track2 Boys' Forum 2,4 Science Fair2, 3, 4

MARIA FULLER "How glorious it is-­ and how painful--to be an ex ception.11 3 years at c.S.H.s. C. S.F. 2,3, 4 T.O.T. 1 s2,3,4 Talent Show2, 3, 4 G.A.A. 3,4 Latin Club2, 3,4 Drama Club 3 Youth Co-Ordinating Council 3 Program Chairman 3

JOYCE GABLER "Quiet, sweet, and hard to beat. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. Girls' League 2,3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 G.A.A. 2 Pep Club 4 F. B. L.A. 4 Ditch Day Committee 4

ELJZABETH GALE "With lovely features she is one, who always is quite full of fun. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Songleader 3,4 Rally Club President 4 G.A.A. 2,3, 4 Vice-President 3 C.S.F. 4 Pre-Med Club Secretary3 A.F.S. 3, 4 Student Council 3,4

DONALD GACH "Photographers a r e the o n 1 y dictators in America. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Ecneics 2,3,4 Rota Club 2,3,4 Boys' Forum 2 El Espiritu 4

HOWARD GILBERT "Glorious in his apparel." 3 years at C.S.H. S. "B" Football 2 3 Boys' Forum 2' Student Council 2 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Ecneics 2,3 Latin Club 2

CONSTA NCE GALLARDO "True to her work, her word, her friends .11 3 years at C.S.H,S. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 Pre-Med Club Presiden t 3 Spanish Club 2,3,4 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4 A.F.S. 3,4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Cabinet 4 Library Staff 4 Pep Club 4

STEVE GARCIDUENAS "The gentleman is n ot in your books." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Boys' Forum 2

TURNER GARR "A friendly word for all he meets. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Boys' Forum 2 Skin-diving Club 3 Talent Show 3,4

KATHERINE GIBBS "While y ou live, tel l the turth and shame the devil." 3 years at C.S.H.S. C.S.F. 2,3,4 Treasurer 4 A.F.S. 2, 3,4 French Club 2,3, 4 Girls' League 3, 4 Pep Club 4

THOMAS GIMPLE "He has a head to con­ trive, a tongue to per­ s u a d e , and a hand to execute any mischief. " 1 year at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football 2,3, 4 Varsity Baseball 2,3,4 Key Club 4


NANCY FOSTER 11 On her arrival, things start with a bang!" 3 years at C,S,H,S. A,F.S. 3,4 Pre-Med Club2 Pep Club 4 Spanisli Club2 F.H.A. 4 Talent Show 3,4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4

THOMAS FULLER "He who is persis tent gains the prize . " 3 years at C.S.H. S. Boys' Forum ·.



"Let the world slide-­ "1'11 not budge an inch." 3 years at C, S,H. S, G.A.A. 2 Jr. Red C:ross2 Student Council 3 T.O.T,'s2 Talent Show 4 Girls' League2, 3,4

JOHNFMNK 11 Life is just one dumb thing after a n o t h e r . " 3 years at C.S.H. S, "B" Track2 Varsity T rack 4 Ecneics 4 Boys' Forum2

ANNE FR ASER "Lively and change­ able, like a flame in the wind." 3 years at C,S,H.S. G.A,A,2,3,4 A.F.S.2,3,4 Talent Show2 French Club 3, 4 Ecneics 3,4 T,O,T, 1 s2,3,4 Pep Club 4 Honor Roll2,3

JAMES FULLER "The more i d e a s a man has, the fewer words he takes to expres s them." 3 years at C.S.H. S. C, S. F. 2, 3, 4 Latin Club 3,4 Ecneics 4 "C" Track2 Boys' Forum2,4 Science Fair2, 3,4

M ARIA FULLER "How glorious it is-­ and how painful--to be an exception. 11 3 years at C,S,H, S, C, S. F.2, 3, 4 T,O.T.'s2,3,4 Talent Show2,3, 4 G.A.A. 3,4 Latin Club2, 3,4 Drama Club 3 Youth Co-Ordinating Council 3 Program Chairman 3

JOYCE GABLER "Quiet, sweet, and hard to beat." 3 years at C.S.H.S, Girls' League2,3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 G.A.A.2 Pep Club 4 F.B.L.A. 4 Ditch Day Committee 4

ELIZABETH GALE "With lovely features she is one, who always is quite full of fun. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Songleader 3, 4 Rally Club President 4 G.A.A. 2,3, 4 Vice-President 3 C.S.F. 4 Pre-Med Club Secretary 3 A.F.S. 3, 4 Student Council 3,4

DONALD GACH "Photographers a r e the o n 1 y dictators in America." 3 years at C.S.H. S. Ecneics 2, 3, 4 Rota Club 2,3,4 Boys' Forum 2 El Espiritu 4

HOWARD Gll.BERT "Glorious in his apparel." 3 years at C.S.H.S. 11 B" Football 2,3 Boys' Forum 2 Student Council 2 A,F.S. 2,3,4 Ec neics 2,3 Latin Club 2

CON STA NCE GALIARDO "True to her work, her word, her friends." 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A, 2, 3, 4 Pre-Med Club President 3 Spanish Club 2,3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 A.F.S. 3, 4 Girls' League 2, 3,4 Cabinet 4 Library Staff 4 Pep Club 4

ST EVE GARCIDUENAS "The gentleman is not in your books. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. Boys' Forum 2

TURNER GARR "A friendly word for all he meets. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S, Boys' Forum 2 Skin-diving Club 3 Talent Show 3,4

KATHERINE GIBBS " While you live, tell the turth and shame the devil." 3 years at C.S,H.S. C.S.F. 2,3,4 Treasurer 4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 French Club 2, 3, 4 Girls' League 3,4 Pep Club 4

THOMAS GIMPLE "He has a head to con­ trive, a tongue to per­ s u a d e , and a hand to execute any mis chief. 11 1 year at C.S, H.S. Varsity Football 2,3, 4 Varsity Baseball 2,3, 4 Key Club 4


GARETH GOETZ 11 Love is the business of the idle, and the idle­ ness of the busy. " 3 years at C. S. H.S, Boys' Forum 2 SpanishClub 3 "B" Basketball 3 "C" Basketball 2 Talent Show 4 RotaClub 4 Pep Club 4 Ho mecoming Committee 4

KAREN GINDLING 11 A fine head of hair adds b e a u t y to a good face." 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2 Art Club 4 Pre-MedClub 4 Girls' League2,3, 4 Talent Show 3, 4

WILLIAM GRAY "For me, a h e a r t y belly-laugh is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. 11 3 years atC,S.H.S. Ecneics 3,4 Track Manager2,3, 4 Bowling League 2, 3 Boys' Forum 2 Science Fair 3,4


JOE GONZALEZ 11 Be s i 1 e n t and safe; s i l e n c e never betrays you." 3 years at C. S.H. S. Boys I Forum 2

SANDRA GRADY "Modest as her blush­ ing shows; happy as her smiles disclose. 11 3 years at C. S. H. S. C.S.F.2,3,4 G.A. A. 2,3, 4 F.H.A. 2,3,4 President 2 Secretary 4 F.B.L.A. 3, 4 Secretary 4 Class Secretary­ Treasurer 4 Girls' League 2 , 3, 4 Historian 4

DAVID GRAHAM "Doing e a s i ly what others f i nd difficult is talent. 11 3 years at C, S,H. S, Student Council 2 Ecneics 3; 4 Boys' Forum 2 Track 2,3,4

JOYCE GRANT "She's all my fancy painted her; she Is lovely; she's divine. 11 3 years at C.S.H,S. Concert Choir 2,3, 4 Music Festival2, 3, 4 French Club2 Girls' League 2, 3 Talent Show 2,3

VICTORIE GREEN "Life is but the pebble sunk; d e e d s, the circle growing. 11 3 years atC.S.H,S. T .O.T.'s2,4 G.A.A. 2, 4 F.B.L.A. 4 Drill Team 4 PepClub 4 Girls' League 2 , 3, 4 Office Practice 4

VERNELLA GRIESBACH 1 1 A ready wit, a happy smile, an eye that spar­ kles a 11 the w h i 1 e , 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. G,A,A. 2,3,4 T.O.T. 's 2,3,4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Cabinet 3 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Class Social Chairman 4 C.S.F. 2,3 Pep Club 4

Wlll..IAM GREEN 1 1 A m a n of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows, 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Rota Club 2,3,4 A, S.B. President 4 School Play 3,4 Varsity Football 3,4 11 B" Football 2 J. V. Ba seball 2,3 1 1 11 B Basketball 2 Talent Show 4

GUY HAAS "We shall always be youthful, and laughing, and gay. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Track Manager 2,3,4 Varsity Basketball Manager 3,4 Varsity Football Manager 4 Varsity Cross Country Manager 3 C.S.F. 2,3 Ecneics 4 Letterman 1 s Club 2,3,4

SYLVlA GRIGGS "The g r e a t hope of society is i n d i v i d u a 1 character, 11 3 years at C,S. H.S. Ecneics Vice-President 3 School Play 2 Pre-Med Club 2,3 Ski Club 2, 3,4 Skin-diving Club 2 T. O.T. 1 s 2, 3 G.A.A. 2, 3 A.F.S. 2,3,4

DANNY GRIMES 11 Half a loaf is better than no chance to loaf at all." 2 years at C,S.H,S. J. V. Football 2 J. V. Baseball 2 Talent Show 2 Boys 1 Forum 2 Latin Club 2

ALICE GROSEY 11 Happiness is not hav­ ing what you want, but wanting what you have.11 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2, 3,4 Girls 1 League 2,3,4 Talent Show 2

WALLY GROSEY 11 B o y-s are boys and employ them selves with boyish matters. 11 3 years at C.S. H.S. 11 11 B Football 2,3,4 Boys' Forum 2

PATT HAMBLIN 11 I s life worth living? That d e p e n d s on t h e liver. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. F.H.A. 3,4 Ecneics 4 Talent Show 2 G.A.A. 2 Pre-Med Club 4


MARCIA HARRINGTON "A goodly maid, both calm and s t e a d y· her willing hands are a'lways ready." 3 years atC.S.H. S.

WILLIAM HARRIS "There's nothing m ore impressive than the way a go-getter goes after what he gets. 11 2 years atC.S.H.S. French Club 3, 4 A.F.S. 3 Talent Show 4 Play 3 W olfpacket 3, 4 Key Club 4 Class President 4.

C. S. F. 2, 3, 4

Vice-President 4 G.A.A, 3, 4 T.O.T.'s3,4 Spanish Club 3, 4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Student Council 4 El Espiritu 4 A.F.S. 3, 4

DANNY HAZELTON "A boy has two jobs. One is just being a boy. The other is growing up t o b e a man.", 3 years at c·:s.H,S, "B" Basketball 2 Varsity Basketball 3, 4 Varsity Tennis 2, 3, 4 Tennis Prem. 2, 3, 4 Letterman's Club 2 3 4 Talent Show 3, 4 ' ' C oncert Choir 2, 3, 4 Claremont Co-Ordinating Council

� ? , ,

WILLIAM HELBER "A long f a c e never solved any difficult prob­ lems." 3 years atC.S.H. S. "B" Football 2, 3, 4 Captain 3, 4 Varsity B aseball 2,3, 4 Boys' Forum 2 "C" Basketball 2 Letterman'sClub 2, 3, 4 Talent Show 4


PETER HEAVISIDE "He does good to him­ self who does good to his friends." 3 years at C.S.H,S. French Club 3 Varsity Football 3, 4 Rota Club 2, 3, 4 Social Chainnan 4 B oys I Forum 2 Varsity Track 4

JOHN HEARST "When work interferes with play, cut out work. 11 3 years at C.S,H,S. J. V. Baseball 2, 3 11 B" Basketball 2 Key Club 4 Talent Show 4 Skin-diving Club 2 Boys' Forum 2 C o-Ordinating Council 4

DONNA HEAVYSIDE " Her life is a bubble and in length a span. 11 3 years atC,S.H.S.

G. A. A. 2, 3, 4

Ecneics 3 FrenchClub 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4 Honor Roll 2, 3 Talent Show 3 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 Pep Club 4


"Of that sex which is therefore called beauti­ ful." 3 years atC.S.H.S. PepClub 4 Drill Team 4 Office Practice 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 F. B. L.A.

JOSEPH HENRY "Success begins with a fellow's will. 11 2 3/4 years at C.S. H. S. Varsity Track 4 "B" & ''C" Track 2 3 "C" Basketball 2 ' "B" Football 3, 4 Rota Club 4 Letterman's Club 4 B oys' Forum 2, 3

RICHAR D HUDSON "You may relish him more in the soldier than in the scholar. " 3 years at C.S.H. S. Swimming 2 Boys' Forum 2

CAROLYN HERTZ "To play great music you must keep your eye on a distant star. 11 3 years at C, S. H.s. Talent Show 2, 3, 4 Orchestra 3 Chorus 3 Girls' League 2, 3, 4

SONDRA HINES "Personality is t o a woman what perfume is to a flower. 3 years at C.S.H.S. Student Council 4 Girls' League Cabinet 4 F. B.L. A, 3, 4 F.H.A. 2, 3, 4 President 4 G, A.A. 2, 3, 4 Talent Show 4

TERRY HODGES "Footloose and fancy free. 11 3 years at C.S, H. S. Varsity Football 3, 4 Letterman's Club 3 4 Varsity Track 2 ' 11 B" Football 2 Tri-County League Orchestra 2, 3, 4 Claremont Youth Concert Concert Choir 4 Talent Show

BARBARA HODGSON "If you are not in fash­ ion, you are n o b o d y . 11 3 years at C. S, H. S, Speech Club 2, 3 A.F.S. 3, 4 F.H.A. 2, 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 4 Pep Club 4 Talent Show 4 Senior Ditch Day Committee 4 Spanish Chili 2

JEAN HOEIKE "What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies." 3 years at C.S.H.S. G .A.A. 2 Art Club 3 Drama Club 4

STEPHEN ISAACSON "Everything he did was planned." 3 years at C.S.H. S. Varsity Golf 3 Radio Club 4 Debate Club 4 Honor Roll 3


RICHARD JACKSON '' His lim bs are cast in manly mold, For lordly sports and contests bold. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Football 2 11 11 B Basketball 2 Varsity Football 3, 4 Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4 Varsity Basketball 4 Concert Choir 3, 4 Key Club 3, 4 Sergeant-at-Arms 4 Letter man's Club 2, 3, 4 President 4

EDWARD KANE "Every man enjoys his own crimes.11 3 years at C. S.H. S. C. S. F. 2, 3, 4 Skin-diving Club 2 Cross Country 4 Swim ming 4 French Club 4 Boys' Forum 2 Pep Club 4


DONNA LEE JEFFERS "Zealous, yet modest, innocent, though free. " 2 years at C.S.H.S. Drama Club 3, 4 School Play 3 Talent Show 4 Girls' League 2, 3,4

JANA JIMENEZ "She has a heart with room for every joy." 3 years at C,S.H. S, Talent Show 3, 4 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4 Pep Club 4 G,A,A. 3, 4 Girls' League Cabinet 4 Spanish Club 3, 4 Red Cross 2, 3 ,F.B.L.A. 3,4

BARBARA JOHNSON "Nothing g r e a t was ever a c h i e v e d without enthusiasm.11 3 years at C.S.H, S. Girls' League 2, 3, 4 President 4 G.A.A. 3, 4 Class Social Chairman 3 Art Club 2, 3 Secretary-Treasurer 3 Talent Show 3, 4 Director 4 A.F.S. 2, 3,4 Student Council 4 T. o. T. 's 2, 3, 4

DAVID JONES "I follow but am not inferior.11 4 years at C. S.H. S. Varsity Basketball 3 Spanish Club 3, 4 Science Club 2 Varsity Track 4 Boys' Forum 2 Talent Show 4

CHARLOTTE KALLENBACH "Grace is a woman's natural ally." 1 year at C. S. H. S. German Club 2, 3 Roadrunner 3 Feature Editor 3 Make-up-Crew 2 World Friendship Club 2 Vice-President 2 Future Nurses' Club 2

WILLIAM KIESELHORST "As peaceful as a young tornado." 3 years at C. S. H. S. "B" Basketball 2 Varsity Basketball 3, 4 Student Council 2 Co-Ordinating Council 3, 4 Boys' Forum 2 Key Club 2, 3, 4 Talent Show 4 Varsity Tennis Manager 4

KAREN KIRK "If music be the food of love, play on! 11 2 years at C.S, H.S. Corinthians Tri-Hi-Y2 G.A,A.2 Talent Show 3,4 Concert Choir 3 A.F.S. 3, 4 Orchestra 2,3,4 Spanish Club 3 F.B.L.A. 4

JAMES LARSON "No soone r said than done - so acts your man of worth." 3 years at C.S.H.S. C. S.F.2, 3,4 Key Club 4 Student Council 3 "B" Basketball 2' 3 A.F.S. 3 J.V. Baseball 2 W olfpacket 4 P rincipal's Honor Roll2, 3,4

EDWARD KIRKSEY "He worries not of tomorrow." 3 years at C.S,H.S. "B" Football 2 B oys' Forum2

JOHN KOVAR "My t o n g u e within my lips I rein, for who talks much must talk in vain." 3 years at C,S.H.S. Varsity Golf 3,4 Co-Captain 4 Orchestra2, 3 Boys' Forum 2 Ecneics 4 Letterman's Club 3,4 Spanish Club2 Bowling Team 3 Ditch Day Committee 4

PAULA KRAUSE 11 She is the star to guide them all. " 3 years at C.S.H.S. T. O. T. 's2, 3,4 F.H.A. 3,4 Girls' League2,3,4 Cabinet 4 French Club 3,4 Talent Show 3, 4 Director 4 Pep Club 4 Concert Choir2,3,4

HELGA LAANE 11 Art is the conveyance of s p i r i t by m e a n s of matter." 3 years at C.S.H.S. C.S.F, 2,3,4 T.O.T.'s2,4 F.B.L.A. 4 Pep Club 4 Girls' League2, 3, 4

WILLIAM LaMEAR " T h e r e is no worse torture than the torture of laws." 3 years at C.S. H. S. Boys' Forum 2

TOBY LARSON "Forward and f r o l i c glee was there, the will to do, the soul to dare. " 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Track 3, 4 11 11 B Football2 3 4 C.S.F. 4 ' ' Latin Club 4 Student Council2 "B" _Track2 Boys' Forum2 35

JANICE LEE "Her air, her manners, all who saw a d m i r e d ; Courteous, t h o u g h coy, and g e n t l e , though re­ tired." 1 year at C.S.H.S. Safety Commissioner 2 Class Treasurer 3 Publicity Commission 2, 3 Sophomore Sweetheart 2 Adelphians 2, 3 Class Council 2

GARY LAWRENCE "They are only truly great who are truly good. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. C. S.F. 2, 3,4 J. V. Baseball 3 Ecneics 4 Cross Country 4 Boys' Forum 2

RICHARD LEWIS "The opportunity to do mis c h i ef is found 100 times a day." 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Football 3,4 C.S.F. 2, 3,4 Spanish Club 2, 3, 4 "C" Basketball 2 Class Social Chairman 4 Wolfpacket 4 Boys' Forum 2 Student Council 4


LARRY LEE "Now, behave your­ sHf." 3 years at C.S. H. S. "B" Football 2 J.V. Baseball 3 F.B.L.A. 4 Spanish Club 4 Boys' Forum 2

BLAIR LEGATE "All is laughter, all is dust, all is nothing, for all that is cometh from folly. 2 years at C.S. H.S. Varsity Track 3, 4 B oys' Forum 2

LANA LeMASTER "The days that make us happy make us wise." 2 years at C.S.H.S. Girls' League Cabinet 4 Pep Club 4 F.B.L.A. 4

NINA LEWIS "A little, tiny, pretty, witty, charming, darling, she." 2 years at C.S.H. S. Songleader 4 W olfpacket 4 Honor Roll 2, 3,4 Rally Club 4 Treasurer 4 A.F.S. 3,4 Drama Club 2, 3, 4 French Club 2, 3, 4 Talent Show 2, 3, 4

JON LILES "There is nothing like fun, is there?" 3 years at C.S.H.S. J. V. Basketball 2 Boys' Forum 2

BARBA RA LINK "Always s h y , always neat, very lovely and very sweet." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Honor Roll2,3, 4 C,S.F.2 Spanish Club 3 T.O.T.'s2,3,4 Secretary- Treasurer 4 A.F.S. 3 Pep Club 4 Girls' League2, 3,4 Talent Show 4

MAYRA MAGIS "She came, they saw, they wer e conquered." 1 year at C.S.H.S. A.F.S. Exchange Student from Argentina A.F.S. 4 G.A.A. 4 Student Council 4 Girls' League Cabinet 4 Homecoming Princess 4 Sptmish Club 4

RENEE LITT "M a n y a girl with dreamy eyes proves to be awake." 3 years at C. S.H.S. F.B.L.A. 3,4 G.A.A.2,3,4 Pep Club 4 Girls' League2,3,4

JANE LOBERG 11 A day for toil, an hour for sport, but for a friend, life is too short." 3 years at C.S. H.S. G.A,A.2,3,4 Spanish Club 3,4 Future NUises' Club 3,4 Student Council 4 Girls' League2,3, 4 Pep Club 4

WALTER LOOMIS "Persons like me never change. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S, Boys' Forum2

PAMELA MADLEM "Yes, quiet and re­ served she may appear, but pranks and mischief are ever near." 3 years at C,S.H.S. Spanish Club President 3 G.A.A.2,3,4 Girls' League2,3,4 Cabinet 4 C.S.F.2,3,4 T.O.T.'s2 Pre-Med Club2 Talent Show2

RICHARD MAGGS "G e n t l e in manner, b u t s t r o n g in perfor­ mance. 11 3 years at C. S.H.S. C.S.F. 2,3,4 "B" Swimming 3 Varsity Swimming 4 Spanish Club2,3 Ec neics2, 4 Boy!;' Forum2

RICHARD MAISON "He wins a man's con­ fidence as quick as he can, and holds it as long as he can. 11 2 years at C.S.H.S. Student Council2 Annual Staff2 C.S.F.2,3 Varsity Basketball 3 Letterman's Club2


ROBERT MARAHRENS "Pleasure's a sin, and sometimes sin's a pleas足 ure. 11 1 1/2 years at C. S.H.S. J.V. Football 2 Varsity Football 3 Varsity Track 3, 4 Talent Show 4

NORMAN MANJARREZ "What a gay little man is he. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. "C" Basketball 2,3 Boys' Forum 2

LYNN EVE MARTIN "l chatter, chatter as 1 go, II 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2,3,4 Majorette 4 Pep Club 4 El Espiritu 2, 3 Talent Show 2,3, 4 Drama Club 3, A.F.S. 2,3,4 Future Nurses' Club 3,4

MARIE MARTINEZ "Her gay, good-natur足 ed grin many a friend will win. 11 3 years atC.S.H.S. Spanish Club 3,4 PepClub 4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 F.B.L.A. 4

JUDITH MAURER 11 1 would r a t h e r be wiser than 1 look than look wiser than 1 am. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. A, F. S. 2,3, 4 A.F.S. Exchange Student 4 T.O. T.'s 3,4 G.A.A. 2,3, 4 C.S.F. 2,3 Girls' League 3 Chorus 3 Talent Show 3


SHARON MARTIN "The blush is beauti足 ful, but sometimes incon足 venient. 11 3 years at C. S.H. S. G.A.A. 2,3,4 Future Nurses' Club 2,3,4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Honor Roll 2, 3,4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 PepClub 4 Talent Show 2,3,4

CLARA MATTHEWSON "She's new this year and we I r e glad s h e I s here. 11 1 year at C.S.H.S. Girls' League 4

SHARON McFARLAND 11 Apparell'd like the spring." 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 F.B.L.A. 3,4 Pep Club 4 A.F.S. 3 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Office Practice 3, 4

WI LLIAM MILLARD "All gr e a t men are dead, and I feel sick. " 2 1/2 years at C. S. H.S. Varsity Cheerleader 4 C.S.F. 2 Honor Roll 2,3,4 Varsity Cross-Country 3, 4 Letterman's Club 4 A.F.S. 3, 4 Drama Club 2,3 President 3 Daily Bulletin 4

ANN MILLER "She radiates a brill­ ant arc of quiet charm. 11 1 year at C.S.H.S. Drill Team 3 Concert Choir 3, 4 Drama Club 3

ROBERT MOODY "Were silence golden, I 'd b e a millionaire." 2 years at C.S.H.S. Journalism Society 2 Class Council 2 Varsity Golf 3, 4 Captain 4

DIA NE NEILL "I have no other but a wo man's reason." 3 years at C.S.H.S, G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 Drill Team 4 A.F.S. 2,3, 4 Pep Club 4 Talent Show 3,4 Spanish Club 4 Girls' League 2,3, 4

ROBERTA OAKE "A d e c e n t boldness ever meets with friends. 11 1 year at C.S. H. S. Drama Club 2,3, 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 Art Club 2,3 Concert Choir 2,3 N.F. L. 2

DONNA MO RRISON "Has no foe, failure, or woe. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S, F.B.L,A. 3,4 G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 F.H.A. 2,3,4 Historian 4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Talent Show 4 Pep Club 4

RUTH NICHOLS "Our character is our will, for what we will, we are." 1 year at C. S. H.S. Moniters 3 Future Nurses' Club 2 Great Books' Club 2 Baton Twirlers 3 Junior Play 3 Scholarship Committee 2,3

JULIE ORMISTON "Ask me no questions, I'll t e 11 you no fibs. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Talent Show 3,4 A.F.S. 3, 4 Spanish Club 2,3, 4 G.A.A. 3, 4


MARKEEN OTIS "Thy voice is sweet, as if it took its m u sic from thy face. " 3 years atC,S,H.S, 11 " B Cheerleader 2 Varsity Cheerleader 4 Class Social Chairman 3 Future Nurses' Club 3,4 Vice -President 3 Pre-MedClub 3 Vice-President 3 Rally Club 2, 4 G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 Historian 4 Concert Choir 2, 3, 4

BARRY PULLIAM "Silent energy moves the world. 11 3 years atC.S.H.S. Varsity Football 2,3, 4 Varsity Track 3, 4 Co-Captain 4 Rota Club 2,3,4 Letterman'sClub 2, 3,4 Secretary-Treasurer 4 "B" Track2 Boys' Forum 2


DAVID PEAIRS "To take things asthey be, that is my philoso­ phy." 3 years atC,S,H.S. Boys' Forum 2 C,S,F, 4 Honor Roll 2, 3,4

JANET PEARSON "She d e s e r v e s who does but what she ought. 11 3 years at C.S. H. S. F,B,L,A, 3,4 Girls' League 2,3,4 A,F,S, 3 Pep Club 4 Talent Show 4 Cap and Gown Committee 4 Chorus 4

C HRISTINE PEDERSEN "She moves a goddess, and she looks a queen. r, 3 years atC,S.H.S. A.F.S,2,4 G.A.A, 4 Future Nurses'Club 3,4 F.H.A. 2,3 Treasurer 3 Lab Assistant 4 Talent Show 3 Girls' League 2,3,4

HELEN PETERS 11 I hurry not; neither do I worry." G.A.A. 2, 3,4 Hockey Manager 3 Spanish Club 2,4 President 4 T,O.T.'s2,4 Talent Show 2,3, 4 Student Council 4 PepClub 4 Concert Choir 2, 3,4 A.F.S. 2, 4

CATHERINE PILE "Lots of initiative and pep; that's this girl. Clev­ er? You bet!" 3 years atC,S, H.S, G,A.A. 2, 3,4 Varsity Songleader 4 A.F.S. 2, 3,4 T.O.T.'s2,3 Operetta 3,4 F rench Club 3, 4 Talent Show 3, 4 Girls' League2, 3, 4

BARBARA PUTTKAMMER "A beautiful face is a s i 1 e n t commendation. 11 3 years atC.S.H. S. A,F.S. 2,4 F.H.A,2,3,4 Talent Show 3,4 PepClub 4 Future Nurses' Club 4 Ditch Day Committee 4 Girls' League2,3,4

PATRICK RAThlS " Life's a p le a s a n t institution; let's take it as it comes. 11 3 years at C.S. H .S, Talent Show 4 B oys' Forum 2 Spanish Club 3 "B" Track 3 Pep Club 4 El Espiritu 3

DARRELL RUGH "! live in the crowds of jollity. II 3 years at C.S. H. S. "B" Football 2 J. V. Baseball 3 Talent Show 4 Varsity T rack 4 Boys' For u m 2

SUSAN RAIT "Then she will talk ye gods, she will talk! " 1 year at C.S.H,S. Drum Majorette 3 A rt Commissioner 3 Student Council 2

CRAIG REIDE "He'll pl a y a small game rather than stand out. 11 2 years at C. S. H . S. Varsity S wimming 4 "B" Swimming 3 Ecneics 2, 4 Rota Club 4 Senior Committee 4 Pep Club 2, 4

DENNIS RESNIK "The wave of the fu­ ture is coming, and there is no fighting it. 11 1 1/2 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Swimming 4 Radio Club 3

FRED ROHRS "So in each action 'tis success that gives it all its comeliness. " 3 years at C.S, H. s. Student Council 2, 3, 4 Varsity Tennis 2, 3, 4 "B" Basketball 3 4 Rota Club 3, 4 ' President 4 A.F.S. Exchange Student 3 A,F.S. 3, 4 President 4 Letterman's Club 2, 3, 4 Co-Ordinating Council 3, 4

RICHARD ROZANCE "His only labor was to k ill time. 1 1 1 year at C. S.H.S.

MARILYN RULEY 11 If fun is good, truth is still better, and love, best of all. 11 2 years at C.S.H. S. Girls' Leag ue 3, 4 F,H.A. 3 D rill Team 4 Pep Club 4


JUDITH SAMS ON "A woman who is lov­ ed always has success. 11 2 years at c.S .H.S. G.A.A. 2,3,4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Cabinet 4 Drill Team 4 T ri-Hi-YClub 2,3 A.F.S. 3,4 Spanish Club 3,4 T.O.T.'s3,4 PepClub 4

PRISCILLA SALTEKOFF "With malice towards none, and charity towards all. 11 3 years atC.S.H. S. T.O.T.'s2,4 G.A.A. 2,3,4 C.S.F. 2 Russian Club 4 Girls' League 2,3, 4

JARED SCO TT 11 Banish care from your mind. 11 · ' 3 years atC.S.H._ S. Boys' Forum 2 Student Council 2 S panishClub 2


J OHN S ARVER "Be jolly, sirs. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B"CrossCountry 2 Varsity Cross-Country 3,4 Boys' Forum 2 Varsity Track 4

MELINDA S AUNDERS "Pretty, clever, a n d full of fun, known and loved by e v e r y o n e . 11 3 years atC.S.H.S. VarsityCheerleader 4 El Espiritu 3,4 Editor 4 G.A.A. 2,3,4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 Girls' League 2,3,4 Cabinet 3 Honor Roll 2,3,4 RallyClub 4 Homecomin g Princess 4

ANDREA S AVAGE "How far t h a t little candle throws its light. 11 1 year atC. S .H. S. G.A.A. 4 S panishClub 3 DramaClub 3, 4 C. S. F. 2 Talent Show 2,3,4 A.F. S . 2 Girls' League 2,3,4 W olfpacket 4 Advertising Manager 4

KAREN S HEETZ "How sweetly sounds the v o i c e o f a good woman." 3 years at C.S .H.S. Girls' League 2,3,4 G.A.A. 2,3, 4 Talent Show 3,4 Latin Club 2 Future Nurses' Club 3, 4

JAMES SCOTT "One who c o u l d be t r u s t e d to do the right thing at the right time. 11 3 years atC.S.H. S. Ecneics 2,4 Boys' Forum 2 Varsity Golf 4 Latin Club 2,3 Varsity Baseball4 Camera Club 4

MARJORIE SEAPY 11 An artist minus an artistic temperament. 11 3 years at C, S, H.S, G.A.A. 2,3,4 Orchestra 2,3,4 Band 2, 4 Tri-C ounty Music Festival 2,3,4 French Club 3 Girls' League 2,3,4 Talent Show 2,3, 4 Science Fair 4 Honor Roll 2,4

ROGER SCRIVEN "He likes to tease, he likes to kid, he likes to please, and always did. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. Varsity Football 3,4 Varsity Track 3, 4 Tennis Manager 2 Boys' Forum 2 1 Ecneics 2 Rota Club 4 Letterman's Club 2, 3,4

BETTY DAWN SHAEFFER "Her nature is so far from doing harm that she suspects none. 11 3 years at C.S.H, S. Class Secretary-Treasurer 2 A. S.B. Secretary 3 A,F.S. 3, 4 Exchange Student 4 Ecneics 3, 4 G.A.A, 3, 4 Honor Roll 2, 3, 4 C.S.F. 2,3,4

JOSEPH SEEMANN "He applied his heart to know wisdom, to seek adventure, and to win the game." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Swimming 2,3, 4 Captain 4 Varsity Football 4 Rota Club 2,3, 4 Ecneics 3, 4 Boys' Forum 2 Letterman's Club 2,3, 4

FRANK SELL "Full of fun and mis­ chief, too, doing things he shouldn't do. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S, Varsity Basketball 3, 4 "B" Basketball 2 "B" Track 2 Boys' Forum 2 Talent Show 4 Honor Roll 2

HELEN SERRANO 11 A thing of beauty is a joy forever." 3 years at C,S,H.S. Pep Club 4 Spanish Club 3 Girls' League 2, 3,4

DAVID SEVILLA "In quietness and con­ f i d e n c e shall be your strength. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H.S. 11 11 B Football 2 J.V. Baseball 2,3 Varsity Football 3, 4 Varsity Baseball 4 Boys I Forum 2 11 11 B Basketball 2

BARBARA SHARUM 11 The night shows stars and women ih a better light. II 3 years at C.S.H.S. G.A.A. 2, 3, 4 A.F.S. 2,3,4 T.O.T.'s 3 F.H.A. 3 Girls' League 2,3,4 Pep Club 4


JANE S HELTON "To have, to hold, and, in time, let go. 11 3 years at C.S .H.S . C.S .F. 3, 4 G,A,A. 2,3,4 S tudent Council 3 Honor Roll 2,3,4 A.F.S . 2,3,4 Operetta 3,4 French Club 3 Talent Show 3, 4

JOHN S HEETS "Joy ruled the day, and l o v e the night." 1 year at C. S , H. S. Varsity Football 2, 3 Varsity Baseball 2, 4 Art Club 2, 3 Boys' Forum 2 Varsity La.Cross 2, 3 Varsity S kiing 3

RICHARD S MITH "A n honest man is the noblest work of God." 3 years at C.S.H.S . Boys' Forum 2


GERT RUDE S CHillING "I am the most curi­ ous of all to see what will be the next thing that I will do. 11 3 years at C.S .H,S. Biology Club 2 Ecneics 3 Photography Club 2 French Club 2, 3

PETER S INCLAIR "He can because he b e 1 i e v e s he c a n , " 3 years at C.S .H,- S ,. Spanish Club 3 Orchestra 3

CLIFFORD S MITH "It is only noble to be good. II 3 years at C.S .H.S . C.S .F. 2 Boys' Forum 2

ERIC S MITH "A brilliant mind, a manner kind. " 3 years at C.S.H.S. C.S.F. 3, 4 Cross-Country 4

RUTH ANN SNIDER 11 A sight to delight in. II 3 years at C.S.H.S , G.A.A. 2 Office Practice 4 Pep Club 4 Girls' League 2, 3, 4 F. B. L.A. 4

JAMES SPOTSWOOD "Laugh till the game is played, and be you m e r r y , m y friend." 3 years at C,S.H.S. Boys I Forum 2 1 1 11 B Football2, 3 "C" Basketball2 J.V. Baseball 3 Varsity Golf 3, 4 Talent Show 4 Rota Club 4

CHARLOTTE THOMAS "To be womanly is the greatest charm of a woman . 11 3 years at C.S.H,S. G.A.A. 2,3 F.H. A. 2, 3,4 F.B.L.A. 3,4 Girls' League 2,3, 4 Pep Club 4 Talent Show 4 Spanish Club 4

ROBERT ST APP "I'm sure care 1 s an enemy of life. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H.S. Cross-Country 2, 4 "B" Track2 Varsity Track 4 Boys I Forum 2 Ecneics 4

WILLIAM STEINER "Unthinking , i d 1 e , wild, and y o u n g , he l a u g h ' d , and danc 1d, and talk 1d, and sung. 11 3 years at C,S.H.S. Varsity Football 3, 4 Varsity Track 2,3, 4 Key Club 4 A.F.S. 2 Student Council 4 Boys I Forum 2 Letterman's Club 3, 4

JOHN STEPHENSON "He made everyone happier because he was a b eliever in fun as well as in sports. " 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football2, 3, 4 Co-Captain 4 Varsity Track2,4 Key Club 2, 3, 4 Boys' Forum 2 Varsity Baseball 2, 3,4 Captain 4 Letterman 1 s Club 2, 3, 4 W olfpacket 4

NOR:tvr.AN STEWART "A bit of fun ne 1 er hurt a man." 3 years at C.S.H. S. Boys 1 Forum 2 "B" Football 2, 3, 4 "B" Track 3 "C" Basketball 2 J.V. Baseball 2

TERRY STRATTON "C ourage a n d will, perseverance and skill, make the a t h l e t e. 1 1 3 years at C.S.H,S. Varsity Football 3, 4 Varsity Track 3,4 Varsity Baseball2 " B" Football2 11 11 B Track2 Key Club 3,4 Vice-President 4 Letterman's Club 3, 4 A. S, B. Athletic Manager 4

PATRICIA THO:tvfPSON 11 She wears the rose of y o u t h upon h e r . 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. G,A,A. 3,4 A.F.S. 2,4 T.O.T.'s2 Talent Show 4 Spanish Club 2 Pep Club 4 Girls' League 2,3,4


ALAN THUM "The real problem of my l e i s u r e is to keep others f r o m using it. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Student Council 2,3,4 Class President 3 Rota Club 3,4 Vice-President 3 Sciehce Fair 2,3,4 "B" Track2 3 Varsity Trac'k 4 Pre-Med Club 2,3,4 "B" Cross-Country 2

JOHN VONDER REITH "He is a man of honor, of n o b 1 e and gen erous nature." 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football 3, 4 "B" Football2 "B" Track 2 A.F.S. 3,4 Boys' Forum 2 Rota Club 2,3,4 Varsity Track 4 Letterman's Club 4 46

ALICE TIARKS 11 As sweet and nice as she is quiet. " 2 years at C. S. H. S. Girls' League 2, 3,4 Cabinet 4 Drama Club 2, 3,4 A.F.S. 3 Talent Show 4 Concert Choir 4 El Espiritu 4 Operetta 4

JANE-ELLEN TIBBALS "She h a t h a daily b e a u t y in he'r life, 11 3 years at C, S, H.S. C.S.F.2,3 G.A.A.2,3,4 Vice-President 4 Latin Club 2 T.O. T.'s 2,3,4 Spanish Club 4 Orchestra 2,4 Girls' League2,3,4 Cabinet 4

JAY TINDALL "I had a p l e a s a n t time with my mind, for it was happy. 11 3 years at C.S.H. S. Varsity Track 4 "B" Track 3 "C" Track 2 Boys' Forum 2 Chess Club 2,3,4 J. V. Baseball 3

FELIX TORREZ "May He a v e n give you many, many merry days!" 3 years at C. S, H.S. Cross-Country 2,3 "C" Basketball 2 "C" Track 2 Spanish Club 2 Boys' Forum 2

ADRIAN VANDENBERG "He h a t h a wisdom that doth guide his val­ our. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Rota Club 2,3, 4 Swimming 3, 4 Boys' Forum 2

ELLEN WALDEN "Her high ideals, her pureness of h e a r t , her s m i 1 e s and brilliancy everywhere dart. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. C.S.F. 2,3 G.A.A. 2,3,4 Girls' State 3 A.S.B. Treasurer 4 Student Council 4 Honor Roll 2, 3,4 T. O. T. 1 s 2, 3,4 Vice-President 3

H ARON WALTON "S he that knows when to be silent knows, too, when to speak. " 3 years at C,S.H. S. F. B. L. A. 3,4 Talent S how 3 Office Practice 3, 4 F.H.A. 3 Pep Club 4 Girls' League2, 3,4

REMCO WA S ZINK "The better part of v a l o u r is discretion. 11 3 years at C.S .H. S. c.s.F.2,3,4 "C" Track 2 "B" Track 3 Drama Club 3,4 Art Club 3,4 S tudent Council 3 Boys' Forum 2


ELIZA BETH WEBSTER "Zest is the secret of all beauty." 3 years at C.S.H.S . "B" Cheerleader 2,3 Varsity Cheerleader 4 G.A.A. 3,4 Girls' League 2, 3,4 Cabinet 3,4 Class Social Chairman 3 A. F.S.2, 3, 4 Operetta 3,4 Talent Show 3, 4

RONALD WEIS S "Retire? Never! My work is u n fi n i s hed . 11 3 years at C.S .H.S. C.S .F.2,3 Wolfpacket 2, 3, 4 Editor 4 Key Club 4 Boys' Forum 2 Spanish Club 2,3 A.F.S.2,3,4 S tudent Council 4

RONALD WERNER "I've worked a little, played a lot; I've loved and hated, as who has not. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Boys' Forum 2

EDG AR WEINS BERG "He is so merry as he who has naught to lose!" 3 years at C.S,H.S . Rota Club 4 C. S.F. 3,4 T,O.T.'s2,3,4 Latin Club 4 A.F.S. 3,4 Jr. Red Cross2,3,4

RONNIE WENKfR "A love of mischief urges her on.11 3 years at C. S .H.S. Ecneics2 F.H.A.2,3 A.F.S.2 Operetta 3 T. 0. T.1 s2 Talent S how2,3,4 Girls' League2, 3

D AVID WH ITE "Simplicity of char­ acter is no hindrance to s u b t l e t y·of intellect." 3 years at C.S.H. S. "B" Basketball2 Boys' Forum 2 47

DARYL WILLIAMS "Fun always comes first with me, 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Football 2, 3, 4 Captain 3 "B" Track 2, 3, 4 Boys' Forum 2 "C" Basketball 2 Mixed Chorus 4 J.V. Baseball 2 Varsity Baseball 4

DONALD WILCOXEN "Blessed is he who ex­ pects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. " 3 years at C, S, H. S. Varsity Baseball 3, 4 Stage Crew 3, 4 Drama Club 3 Boys' Forum 2 Talent Show 3

LESTER YERMASEK 11 1 w o r r y not - 'tis naught but loss of time. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Football 4 Boys' Forum 2


LINDA WILLIAMS "It is a nuisance that knowledge can o n 1 y be 8'!.ined by h a r d work. 11 2 years at C.S.H.S. Talent Show 2, 3, 4 Drama Club 3 F.H.A. 3 H onor Roll 3, 4 Concert Choir 3, 4 Girls' League 3, 4

JANET WILSON "The only way to have a friend is to be one. " 2 years at C. S, H. S, Orchestra 3 A. S.B. Business Manager 4 G.A.A. 4 Ecneics 3 French Club 4 A.F.S. 3 Honor Roll 3, 4 Girls' League 3, 4

SUSAN WILSON "You have the gift of impudence; be thankful; every man has not the like talent ." 2 years at C.S.H.S. Y-Teens 2 Majorette 4 Spanish Club 2 Talent Show 3, 4 Girls' League 3, 4 Chorus 2, 3, 4

PETER WORTH 11 A very unclubable man." 2 years at C.S.H,S. 11 11 B Swimming 3 Varsity Swimm ing 4

ELWOOD YOUNGS "Merrily, merrily, shall live now. 11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Boys' Forum 2

ROBERT ZAPPA "Flashes of merri­ ment that are wont to set the table on a roar.11 2 1 /2 years at C.S.H.S. "B" Track 3 Varsity Track 4 Talent ·Show 4 Class Social Chairman 4

BRUCE ZATINSKY "School, I suppose it's a necessary evil.11 3 years at C.S.H.S. Varsity Swimming 3 "B" Swimming2 Boys' Forum2 Office Practice 4 Chorus 4

CHARLES ZETTERBERG "You are capable of the greatest things." 3 years at C. S. H.S. Class Vice-Pres. 3 A.F.S.2, 3,4 Vice-Pres. 4 "B" Basketball2 Varsity Basketball 3,4 Captain 4 Cross-country 3 C.S.F. 2,4 Rota Club2, 3,4 Student Council 3, 4

MARIA ZORNES "The grass stoops not, she treads on it so light. II 3 years at C.S.H.S. Drama Club2, 31 4 A.F.S, 3 Art Club 3 T.O.T.1s2 Pep Club 4 Girls' League2, 3, 4 Stage Crew2

Charlie B.

Dave B.




Jane Ormiston Secretary

Katherine Adair \ Secretary-Treasurer


Gay Arbuthnot, advertising manager; Joanne Clarke, social chairman; Kathy WiIIiams, social chairman; Mary Ellen Town, advertising manager.

Barton Adams

Lynn Alcorn

Thomas Allyn

Linda Anderson

Carol Andrews

Gay Arbuthnot

Dennis Archer

Catherine Babcock

Robert Bechtel

David Beckley

Boyd Bentley

Charleen Bethurm

Walter Blackwell

Margaret Blanchard

Terry Bobrow

Linda Brake

Jack Brock

Richard Buckley

Janice ,i...:: i:;;an

Leandro Bustos

Susan Butcher

Sheldon Butler

Mary Candelas

Michael Carr-

Ann Case

Patricia Cawsey

Sidney Chamberlain

Gary Chase

James Chew

Louise Chittenden

Jeanne Clark

Joann Clarke

John Cordova

Victoria Cordova

t1 �


William Coleman

Ronald Cox

I I •�'.

Dennis Comstock

Carol Conard

Roger Cranmer

John Cundiff

Marjorie Cutler


• I •.-


"'.• ••


�-:· �=-=



Charles Colclough



Salvadore D'Amico

Catherine Darby

Christopher Darrow

Mary Dart

William Daubert

Jon Dearborn

Sandra Dillion

Robert Dilks

Allan Douglas

Anne Douglas

Judy Dunbar

Joyce Eaton

Helen Elias

Betty Emerick

Nancy Enochs

Richard Epperson

Michel Ernst

William Ewing

Sandra Ferguson

Carol Finley

Cornelia Finn

'Anne Focke

Mary Freeman

Harriet Fielder

James Fritsche

Gaylord Fullerton

Edward Garciduenas

J ohn Garrnus

Gloria Garrison

Kirn Gary

Sandra Gore

Charles Grady

Carolyn Grant

Margaret Haas

Gary Hagen

Douglas Hammer

Susan Foster

Pamela Fox

Charles Gale

Michael Galey

Ellen Gentile

David Gordon

Judith Green

Gary Griggs

Carol Grimes

Robin Harkey

Donita Harmon

Douglas Harris 55

•· . . 1 ' •--,, � -··�





Janet Harris

Robert Harrison

- ••




. ,�


l ..

Karen Herold

Craig Hellman

Richard Heimerl

Richard Hawley






._,. ,-"


\.4. '

Hubert Herring

Patricia Hill

Carolyn Horsley

James Hosking

Carol Huarte

Steven ·rvman

Michael Jackson

Donna James

Sharyn Hogan

Rosalind Holt

Valerie Honderich

Vance Hopkins

Diane Huarte

Ellen Huddleston

Ronald Hurd

Lynn Jayne

William Jefferson

John Jensen

Carol Kimper

James Kingman








Tony Jimenez

Karen Johnson

Heather Johnstone

John Jones



No.·man Kingsbury

Karen Kuhns

Judith Kupher

Susan Lett

Roger Lober

Rhoda Loeb

Victoiy McDonald

Elizabeth Matzen

Lynn Moehring

John Molina

Richard Lee

Robert Leonhardt

Regina Losardo

Nancy Lott

Leta Martin

Patrick McGrath

Wayne McNabb

Sharon Miller

Arlene Mills

Terrance Moore

Michael Moore

Kathleen Morgan

Michael Morgan

Stephanie Neward

Beverly Nichol

Ronald Larson

.. �� · -� " ,, ,:'





Michael Moticha

John Mueller

Patricia Nelson

Carol Norton 57

, ,, . .,....

-· .


Dan O'Brien


Carolyn O'Kelly




Jane Ormiston




Patricia Owen

Roger Palos

' .�


Linda Paul

Janet Peckham

Van Pena

Rhea Penter

John Perrine

William Poland

Bonnie Rabun

Marilyn Rappe

Alan Richardson

Barbara Ritchie

Gregory Roberts

Susan Rohrs

Tina Runsvold

Morris Saltekoff

Alfred Salton

Lynne Saunders

Alan Schenk

Carolyn Seifert

Sally Sharpe

Kathy Shelton

Jan Sheriff

Jill Sheriff

Patricia Shook

Dennis Seneshen

Diane Sinclair

Tamara Sloan

Gary Smith

Judith Smith

Steven Smollen

Paul Stevenson

Leigh Stocker

William Stokes

Patricia Stone

Jean Stru.xness

David Sykes

Penny Taylor

Iris Terry

Michael Terry

Molly Thornberg

Susan Tikfesi

Gina Tindall

David Titus

Bonita Torres

Leandro Torrez

Mary Ellen Town

Nancy Tyson

Kieth Vanderbilt

Michael Whitehead

Charles Williams

Sharon Simkins

.lďż˝;\. Peggy Wagner

Karen Ann Wallis

Dale Walker

Susan Walser


Kathleen Williams

Gerald Williams

Thomas Williams

Joseph Wolfe


Martin Youngs


SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: Carol Forbes, Paul Rasmussen, Beverly IDanche, and Jane Carrol.


ROW ONE: H. Davis, M. Smith, J. Castillo, T. Chambers, B. Balch, D. Anderson, R. Burwell, R. Black, H. Cole, R. Browning. ROW TWO: V. Butcher, M. Baez, D. Armendarez, S. Bentley, K. Aleto, T. Contreras, H. Cushman, M. Crosley, G. Davidson. ROW THREE: N. Adams, C. Camp, C. Colby, P. Adamson, B. Chapman, T. Coulter, K. Chew. ROW FOUR: J. Carroll, B. Brown, B. Blanche, N. Bailey, S. Chalton, N. Anderson, S. Davies,

ROW ONE: P. Gach, A. Gonzalez, A. Douglas, C. Gallardo, B. Fields, J. Gale, E. Froberg, S. Fay, E. Glick. ROW TWO: Pam Don aldson, P. Gillesp ie, B. Dworak, S. Fi les, G. Gilbert, J. Gain, M. Allen, M. Gratz, G. Gilbert. ROW THREE: M. Gray, L. Gaskill, P. Giuliano, G. Gimple, K. Dettweiller, C. Forbes, G. Gibbs, C. Fullerton. ROW FOUR: J. Cole, R. Hutchison, J. Firman, R. Dines, D. Henderson, M. Gerdeman, G. Dines, D. Elliott, J. DeJournett, M. Galzke.


ROW ONE: T. Griffin, C. Hodgson, M. Johnson, E. Head, F. Hsu, M. Hymanson, D. Heimerl, H. Hsu, A. Inman. ROW TWO: M. Hunt, M. Hall, P. Kaye, J. Hinton, M. King, S. Groth, A. Jones, M. Hardy, J. Halliday. ROW THREE: T. Kane, H. Hanz, M. Harmon, L. Hermosillo, J. Heaviside, B. Hinton, L. Griesbach, P. Filloon. ROW FOUR: P. Hoff, B. Jones, S. Hedberg, B. Kaufman, T. Kelleher, B. Heyer, P. Holder, R. Hurd, K. Johnson, B. Hurlbut.

ROW ONE: J. Monroe, T. Norris, N. Nowels, G. McBroom, K. Moffett, E. Larson, L. Kovar, M. Lomax. ROW TWO: S. law, J. Lee, C. lane, K. Knudsen, S. Loomis, L. Kittinger, D. Myers, J. Miller, J. lewis, C. Morrison. ROW THREE: M. McCleery, P. Madlem, R. Lewis, J. Martin, B. Mather, M. Moore, G. langendoen, H. Miller, H. Roach. ROW FOUR: W. Mohler, P. Rasmussen, D. O'Neil, R. Morton, R. Mason, J. Morgan, P. O'Connor, D. Morris, S. Mettler, P. Mickel.


ROW ONE: K. Shea, K. Running, K. Saltekoff, K. Poplawski, F. Peairs, C. Sheffey, V. Ricketb, P. Schenck, S. Shannon, K. Reynolds. ROW TWO: G. Rugh, P. Rector, L. Rebhun, J. Reber, P. Sage, K. Patzel, C. Polster, D. Ormiston, E. Schwertfeger. ROW THREE: R. Robinson, J. Robinson, D. Schaefer, M. Savage, T. Shelton, J. Res­ nik, J. Rosser, D. Scott. ROW FOUR: J. Seubold, D. Peck, M. Snelson, T. Scheetz, D. Price, S. S c h a e f e r , M. Sanders, P. Schenck.

ROW ONE: L. Verbal, G. Weismiller, L. Weaver, L. Stine, C. Streich, R. Warhurst, B. Walden, N. Stevenson, J. Wiedeman, J. Sheriff, G. Walton. ROW TWO: K. Schell, D. Wagner, A. Smithen, S. Vincent, C. Sullens, M. Wal­ ters, D. Woy, C. Towne, B. Steiner. ROW THREE: A. Wing, J. Swett, B. Thatcher, M. Smith, M. Williams, S. Weiss, P. Yao, B. Williams. ROW FOUR: L. Williams, T. Swarts, J. Wilson, D. Warzecka, M. Twiford, H. Stein, E. Warkinton.


CA1ďż˝ The Senior Girls without their precious room? The Senior Boys with no wall to lean against? Penny Barry without a tennis racket? Charles Bentley with no corn nuts to throw? Stan Burwell without his useful truck? Bob Bush without his grandmother, Rose Bush? Curlie Curtis without her jokes? Arthur Dickinson with a crew -cut? Tjarda Eskes being loud and noisy? Sharon Esterley without her whistle? Harlon Filloon not drawing silly men? Libby Gale as a spinster? Tom Gimple with nothing to do? Sandy Grady wearing a loose skirt? Bill Green without a green corduroy suit? Guy Haas without his "Charms?"



SENIORS Bill Harris without his Boston accent? Danny Hazelton playing football? Barbara Hodgson camping out? Bill Kieselhorst wearing a halo? Mayra Magis in a manless world? Judy Maurer flunking college math? Helen Peters singing soprano? Cathy Pile as a blond? Barry Pulliam chasing girls? Melinda Saunders without her tell-tale laugh? Roger Scriven watching pigeons? Eric Smith reading a comic book? Terry Stratton in a monastery? Pat Thompson on time? Liz Webster without some "trouble"? Charles Zetterberg without Clare-E-mont?

JUNIORS The Junior Class without the Junior-Senior Prom? Corny Finn without her "machine"? Richard Hawley without his briefcase? Linda Anderson as a "femme fatale?" Cathy Babcock six feet tall? Diane Huarte missing a basket? Boyd Bentley as a "heavy" in a western movie? Donna James without her radio? Shelley Butler without a car to work on? Lynn Jayne going to Chaffey? Pat Cawsey without her charm bracelet? Bill Perkins without a white shirt? Tina Runsvold with a sensible idea? Louise Chittenden without her "heap"? Ronnie Cox not playing football next year? Lynne Saunders without his "hot" Studebaker? Leigh Stocker with hair? Mary Dart in "Sandbox II"? Bill Stokes out of water? Judy Dunbar with curly hair? SOPHOMORES The Sophomore Class as Seniors? Ronnie Edmondson with short hair? Sue Files as a southern belle? Sharrie Bentley sitting still at a sports event? Gary Gilbert with nothing to wear? Karen Chew without silver hair? Mike Snelson playing jacks? Terri Coulter without her sawed-off jeans? Kathy Dettweiler without dimples? Jon York without his letterman's sweater? Mr. Bentley without his three athletic sons? Mr. Booth without his kindergarten corner? Mr. Bookhout without his lab coat? Mr. Cox with laryngitis? Mr. Duncan without red tape? Miss Flannelly wearing a sweatshirt? Mrs. Kiefer without G. A. A. ?

FACULTY Mr. Knapp not playing golf? Mrs. Miller without her 5th period special bulletin? Mrs. Noble on a skate-board? Mr. Patterson in France? Mr. Polos with nothing to say? Mr. Satterwhite without his silver T-bird? Mr. Strang without Senior Boys' First Aid? 65


,L\.G.B. 0ďż˝



I Harlen Filloon Vice-President

Tina Runsvold, advertising manager; Jackie Wilson, business manager; Chris Campbell, co-ordinator; Terry St ratton, athletic manager.

ROW ONE: S. Borwell, D. Browning, J. Boardman, K. Dettweiller, B. Harris III, B. Steiner. ROW TWO: S. Gore, C. Zetterberg, T. Girnple, L. Gale, H. Filloon, B. Kieselhorst, C. Campbell, B. Drake. ROW THREE: J. Loberg, R. Lewis, M. Magis, B. Johnson, B. Brown, D. Bell, S. Hines, T. Stratton. ROW FOUR: R. Weiss, T. Runsvold, J. Robinson, B. Deregibus, B. Rabun, H. Peters, B. Per­ kins, J. Ormiston, N. Tyson, L. Anderson. ROW FIVE: J. Wilson, E. Walden, A. Thurn, K. Steick, M. Haas, M. Saunders, K. Clasen, P. Albright, A. Smithen, M. Harrington, ROW SIX: B. Green, M. Snelson, R. lewis, T. Omri, R. Hutchison, B. Bentley, O. Sanders, G. Smith, D. O'Brien,

A. �- �Dedicated to producing understanding and friendship among the countries of the world, the );.. F. S. of Claremont High School has worked diligently this year in an effort to fulfill this aim. Selling magazine subscriptions and stock are just two of the fund raising projects which will nable a Claremont High student next year to study in a foreign country. This opportunity wruch A. F. S. affords is one of the most worthy methods of securing peace in a troubled world.

Tjarda Eskes of the Netherlands

Mayra Magis of Argentina Bla n c h a r d , M. Town, G. Cranmer, and L. Moehring,

ROW ONE: M. Blanchard, P. Cawsex;, N. Tyson, C. Colby, Matzen, M. Magis, M. Saunders, ROW TWO: M. Town, J. Dunbar, S. Sharpe, S. Rohrs, Focke, E. Huddleston, J. Gain, E. Freeberg, H. Fielder. ROW THREE: Mr. Doney, sponsor; R. Cranmer, K. Herold, M. Rappe, D. Walker, J Reber, L. Jayne, L. Moehring.

c. �- �-

The Claremont chapter of the California Scholarship Federation is t:4e honor society of C. S.H. S. composed of those students who have earned nearly straight A averages during the previous semester. This year C, S, F, attempted something new by sponsoring interesting programs open to all students at C, S, H.S, Highlighting the year were the annual banquet in March honoring the seniors who had made life membership in C, S, F. and the spring.£ Id trip open to all C, S. F. members for their scholastic achieveme ts.

Mrs, Blanchard, sponsor; Marcia Harrington, president.

Officers: M. Harrington, M. Blanchard, L. Jayne, K. Gibbs, J. Carrol.

reen, . rtiea, J. Dunbar, M. Harrington, J. Sheriff, L. Jayne, M. Town, C. Colby. ROW TWO: G, Lawrence, R. Lewis, • Wing, M. Seifert, . Tibbals, E. Matzen, J, Smith, C. Darby, M. Blanchard, J. Burgan. ROW THREE: J. Swett, S. Everard, S, Law, J, Fuller, E. S,mith, K. Adair, P. D onaldson, J. Seu­ bold, D. Peairs, J. Garmus, S. Grady. ROW FOUR: E. Fro berg, J. Carrol, A. Dou as, L. Kovar, P. Gach, M. Dart, P. Nelson, K. Gibbs, G. Gibbs, R. Maggs, E. Weinsberg, P. Ca


�- J-1. A.

ROW ONE : P. Giuliano, M. Allen, P. Clark, N. Nowels. ROW TWO: D. Walker, S. Grady, C. Thomas, D. Morrison, K. Aleto, P. Taylor, Mrs. Bolt (sponsor).

OFFICERS: C. Thomas, treasurer; S. Grady, secretary; D. W alker, vice­ president; D. M o r r i s o n , historian.

ROW ONE: L. Verbal, F. Hsu, K. Patzel, H. Hsu, C. Gallardo, J. Darby, P. Wag­ ner, C. Gallardo, B. Torres, S. Fay, J. Gabler. ROW TWO: J. Smith, N. Foster, D. Dw arak, M. Johnson, P. Frank, V. Blake, S. Shannan, J. Jiminez, J. Duncan, D. Walker, R. Losardo, V. Cordova, J. Peckham. ROW THREE: D. Dworak, S. Foster, J. Struxness, S. Lookes, P. Albright, K. Kirk, A. Douglas, Mrs. V. Franker.


OFFICERS: Mrs. S. Frankel, D. Dwo­ rak, president; Miss J. Hendricus, C. Gallardo, vice-president.

ROW ONE: P. Gach, J. Kupfer, C. Babcock, S. Rohrs, G. McBroom, R. Warhurst, J. Darby, J. Samson, A. Wing, B. Brown. ROW TWO: L. Butcher, C. Colby, C. Bethurum, J. Eaton, C. Clark, E. Walden, P. Cawsey, D. Dworak, D. Walker, M. Eidt, V. Griesbach, V. Green, E. Weinsberg.

T. O. T.'s

OFFICERS:B. Link, secretary-treas­ urer; B. Deregibus, vice-president; K. Clasen, president,

ROW ONE: S. ·weiss, P. Gach, G. Grigg, J. Fritsche, A. Douglas, T. Richardson, J. Garmus. ROW TWO: J. Fuller, M. Dart, J. Smith, J. Smith, J. Darby, D. Dworak, S. Esterley, N. Lewis, S. Bridges. ROW THREE: S. Smollen, J. Seemann, D. Gra­ ham, J. Frank, G, Haas, W. Fagg, D. Gach, P. Albright, L. Dunifon, B. Gray. ROW FOUR: J. Maurer, Mr. Bookhout, V. Blake. OFFICERS: V. Blake, treasurer; B. Drake, p r e sid e n t;Mr. Bookhout, sponsor; C. Campbell, secretary.


ROW ONE: H. Filloon, T. Stratton, T. Gimple, D. Browning, B. Kieselhorst, F. Sell, B. Harris, B. Steiner. ROW TWO: J. York, P. Madlem, W. Hurd, R. Weiss, P. Elias, J. Stephenson, B. Bentley. ROW THREE: A. Schenck, J. Dearborn, R. Palos, D. Bell, R. Contreras. ROW FOUR: J. Hearst, R. Jackson, J. Mueller, R. Cranmer, S. Dundas, M. Galey, C. Darrow, R. Cox, D. Harris, J. Larson.

�- B. LA.


OFFICERS: T. Stratton, vice-pres­ i d e n t; R. C r a n m e r , secretary­ treasurer; D. Bell, president; Mr, Heyboer, sponsor.

ROW ONE: S. Walton, D. Walker, A. Inman, V. McDonald, B. Nichols, C. Finn, P. Shook. ROW TWO: J. Gabler, L. Dewhurst, S. Miller, K. Morgan, G, McBroom, H. Laane, S. Loom is. ROW THREE: L. Lee, M. Twiford, K. Kirk, M. Henderson, A. Jones, R. Penter, B. Blanchard, V. Green, L. LeMaster, Martinez, Miss Lininger. OFFICERS: S. Walton, secretary; Miss Lininger, sponsor; V. Green, t r e a s u r e r ; S. Grady, president.

ROW ONE: J. Garmus, A. Thum, C. Bentley, B. Pulliam, S. Butler. ROW TWO: W. Blackwell, D. Gach, T. Larson, B. Green, L. Bustos. ROW THREE: B. Stokes, J. Heaviside, W. McNabb, D. Gordon, B. Daubert, J. Henry, J. Spotswood. ROW FOUR: G. Gibbs, C. Zetterberg, P. Heaviside, A. Vandenberg, R. Scr iven, F. Rohrs, B. Drake. OFFICERS , ROW ONE: F. Rohrs, pres­ i d e n t ; C. B e n t l e y , vice-pres ident. ROW TWO: B. Stokes, secretary; Mr. D a w s o n , s p o n s o r ; A. Vandenberg, treasurer.

ROW ONE: J. Harris, D. W a lke r , S. F a y , C. Sullens. ROW TWO: B. Brown, D. Heavyside, E. Larsou, C. Darby, S. Vincent, M. Smith, Miss Evans. ROW THREE: S. Chalton, S. Everard, L. J ayne, E. Kane, J. Sheriff, G. Davidson. OFFICERS: B. Brown, president; Miss Evans, sponsor.

ROW ONE: B. Deregibus, R. Warhurst, P. C l a r k e, L. Kovar, K. Pile, F. Peares, S. D'Amico, R. Palos, B. Bush, M. Smith, J. Molina, A. Lewis, P. Hill, A. Tiarks, C. Kimper, J. Ormiston, A. Miller. ROW TWO: B. Deregibus, V. Blake, S. Lett, E. Webster-, L. Chittenden, G. Garrison, J. Grant, B. Perkins, A. Dickinson, T. Moore, G. Griggs, R. Lober, P. Krause, A. Fraser, J. Swett, J. Ormiston, K. Johnson. ROW THREE: S. H o g an, C. Norton, J. Clarke, K. Herold, G. Arbuthnot, T. Garr, D. Hazelton, T. Hodges, C. Darrow, J. Williams, C. Johnson, J. Peckham, L. Kittenger, J. Shelton, K. Clasen, C. Curtis, L. Williams.


ROW ONE: M. Cutler, R. Burwell, J. Hearst, T. Moore, D. Harris, R. Mason, T. Chambers. ROW TWO: J. Scott, M. Seapy, G. McBroom, G. Gimple, R. Hutchison, S. Dundas. ROW THREE: E. Matzen, B. Waldman, M. Seifert, T. Eskes. ROW FOUR: C. Hertz, M. Hardy, P. Rector, Mr. Denes, A. Williams, J. G r e e n , K. Kirk, C. Clark, J. Tibbals, T. Hodges.

ROW ONE: F. Rohrs, B. Harris, R. Lewis, A. Savage, T. Sloan, N. Lewis, D. Baskerville. ROW TWO: J. Anderson, R. Weiss, E. Weinsberg, J. Stephenson, J. Larson.

Ron Weiss, paper editor; Mrs. Noble, sponsor and teacher; Melinda Saun­ ders, annual editor.

D. Gach, M. Town, P. Cawsey, M. Harrington, T. Runsvold, M. Saunders, E. Matzen, E. Esterley, P. Albright, A. Tiarks.

ROW ONE: B. Steiner, R. Barber, J. Stephson, W. G r e e n , P. Heaviside, J. Vonder R e i th , A. Schenck, W. McNabb. ROW TWO: B. Helber, G. Fullerton, T. Hodges, T. Larson, D. Beckley, R. Scriven, C. Bentley, D. M a s o n. ROW THREE: P. Elias, R. Palos, R. C ox, L. S a u n d e r s , D. Harris, S. Butler, B. Stokes, C. Gale. ROW FOUR: D. Browning, B. Pulliam, T. Gimple, H. F i l l o o n , J. York, B. Bentley, F. Torrez, C. Colclough. ROW FIVE: Mr. Lynn, R. Jackson, F. Rohrs, D. Hazelton, G. Haas, R. Contreras. AND THESE ARE THE ATHLETIC EX足 ECUTIVES: B. P u 11 i a m , secretary足 treasurer; R. Jackson, president; and C. Bentley, vice-president; Mr. Lynn, coach.

ROW ONE: E. Froeberg, S. Everard, M. Henderson, M. Ruley, L. Martin, C. Finley, S. Esterley, P. Albright, B. Deregibus, P. Shook, R. Warhurst, M. Freeman, V. Mc足 Donald, K. Reynolds. ROW TWO: J. Gain, J. Reber, C. Forbes, L. Kovar, S. Tikfe足 si, H. Serrano, S. Grady, L. Martin, D. Baskerville, K. Kuhns, R. Loeb, C. Bethurum. ROW THREE: T. Fuller, B. Blanche, A. Savage, A. Tiarks, V. Green, L. LaMaster, S. Martin, K. Clasen, S. Law, I. Terry. ROW FOUR: S. Files, K. Dettweiller, C. Towne, D. Woy, C. Colby, L. Stine, C. Streich, P. Sage, M. Seifert, M. Hardy, P. Cawsey. ROW FIVE: K. Schell, M. Gray, L. Butcher, J. Samson, J. Darby, D. Walker, S. Rohrs. OFFICERS: P. Albright, chairman; Miss Handor, sponsor; V. Blake, chairman.

ROW ONE: C. Lane, D. Dworak, D. Huarte. ROW TWO: T. Fuller, H. Filloon, D. Graham, J. Struxness, Mr. Satterwhite.

OFFICERS: H. Filloon and A. Thum, co-presidents.

ROW ONE: J, Peckham, J. Monroe, P. Kaye, A. Tiarks, J. Dunbar, D. Baskerville, M. Blanchard. ROW TWO: R. Waszink, J. Robinson, A. Dickenson, K. A d a i r , R. Oake, H. Davis. OFFICERS, ROW ONE: J. Monroe, secre­ tary; H. Davis, program chairman; R. Was­ i:.in k , program chairman. ROW TWO: A. Dickenson, president; K. Adair, vice-pres­ ident; Mrs. Noble, sponsor.

ROW ONE: Mr. Divita, J. Gole, E, Froeberg, L. Kovar, M. Dart, A. Wing, T. Nor­ ris, K. Shea, J. Smith, L. Kittenger, M, Hymanson, ROW TWO: R, Cox, J. Seubold, T. Shelton, C. Darrow, E. Weinsberg, S. Law, J. Swett, M. Gerdeman, D. Ham­ mer, W. Blackwell, O FFICERS: C. Darrow, president; Mr. Divita.

ROW ONE: D. Walker, J, Tibbals, J. Samson, S, Gore, C. Ba b c o c k , R. Loeb, J. Eaton. ROW TWO: R. Lewis, S. Rohrs, S. Files, C, Colby, R. Harkey, G. Arbuth­ n o t , A. Focke, A. Case. ROWTHREE:H. Peters, Mr. P att e r s o n , M. Rappe, J, Clarke, D. Rugh,


0 F F ICE R S : H. Peters, president; K. Herold, vice-president; Mr. Patterson, sponsor; G. Arbuthnot, secretary,

ROW ONE: C. Kimper, J. Samson, A. Ti a r k s , J. Tibbals, E. Webster, L. Kovar, S. Anderson, P. K t·a u s e , M. Magis, D. Baskerville, C. Gallardo, P. Madlem, B. . Johnson. ROW TWO: S. Grady, J. Clarke, S. Hines, G, A r b u t h n o t , H. Elias, J. Clark, C. Campbell, B. Deregibus, L. LeMasters, K. Adair.

J-1. �- P.A.

OFFICERS: S. Anderson, secretary; B. Johnson, p r e s i d e n t ; D. Baskerville, treasurer; Miss Flannelly, s p o n s o r; J. Clark, vice-president; S, Grady, historian.

ROW ONE: F. Hsu, P. Gillespie, J. Dunbar, M. Smith. ROW TWO: C. Mathewson, G. Weismiller, P. Kaye, M. Seapy. ROW THREE: J. Sheriff, R. Dines, J. Hoelke, R. Waszink, T. Kelleher, S. Delapp. OFFICERS: P. Kaye, vice-p r e s i d e n t ; M. Seapy, president; P. Gillespie, secretary; J. Sheriff, acti­ vity chairman; Mrs. Gurner, sponsor.


S. Wilson, L. Martin, A. Focke, B. Rabun, C. Forbes, V. Butcher.


ROW ONE: K. Dettweiler , J. Samson, V. Ricketts, E. Glick, L. Stine, C. Fin­ ley, S. Esterley, C. Towne, E. Larson, C. Conard, H. Johnstone, R. Loeb. ROW TWO: M. Allen, D. Neill, S. Lett, S. Dillion.

Teruw Under the leadership of Sharon Esterle:¼ and C a r o 1 F i n 1 e y, t h e first drill team ·n C. S. H. S. history was organized d u r i · the summer with the assistance of the Ra ly Club. senior, Composed of forty-two inexperienc junior, and sophomore girls- --no· one of whom had ever been in a d r i 11 tea before- - -they overcame various o b s t a c e s a n d marched before the e x p e c t a n t Gl a r e m o n t rooters throughout the football eason. The . Claremont pectators were proud of the girls' fine performances and at 1 a s t can boast that the Claremont tradition was carried on at half time as well as during the games.

Carol Finley Sharon Esterley

ROW TWO: (Continued)- S. Tikfesi, B. Brown, V. Hendrick, M. Hardy, P. Giuliano, E. Freeberg, J. Burgan, I. Terry. ROW THREE: L. Martin, J. Swett, S. Groth, S. Everard, V. Green, M. Seifert, V. McDonald, A. Case, D. Heimerl, J. Harris, K. Johnson, K. Kuhns.

KNEELING: John Vonder Reith. STANDING: Don Wilcoxen, Mr. Booth, sponsor; and Morris Saltekof.


ROW ONE: D. Heint, P. Yao, and D. Clarridge. BACK ROW: S. Hedburg, J. Firman, R. Hutchison, G. Langendoan, and Mr. Sigler. CLUB OFFICERS: R. Hutchison and P. Yao. SPONSOR: Mr. Sigler.



COACHES: Esper Ke iser, Lynn, Merlin Apel.

MANAGERS: Rey Contreras, Guy Haas, Paul Filloon.

After winning only one of their four non足 league games, the mighty Wolfpack showed tremendous spirit and desire as they won the Tri-County League football title for the seventh consecutive year. The Pack, which was plagued with inex足 perience at the beginning of the season, was quickly whipped into shape under the expert guidance of coaches Harold Lynn, Esper Keiser, and Merlin Apel. Behind the leader足 ship of co-captains Richard Jackson, Charles Bentley, and John Stephenson, the wonderful Wolfpack had a spotless 5--:0 record in league play.

CO-CAPTAINS: John Stephenson, Richard Jack足 son, Charles Bentley.




Terry Hodges Tackle

Gaylord Fullerton Tackle

James Black End

Dave Beckley End

Tom Gimple End

Roger Palos Halfback

Bill Daubert Guard

Dave Sykes End

Charles Gale Tackle

Wayne McNabb 93 Guard


Montclair West Covina South Pasadena Tern ple City Bonita Corona Pomona Upland Chino Santa Ana Valley CRAIG HOLDER Tackle

STEVE DUNDAS Quarterback

H alfback

14 14 25 7 0 7 0 7 6 13

Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont

28 13 14 7 33 22 16 25 7 6









Come to me!

Is it worth it?

This year's high- spirited Bee team, under coaches Donald Dawson and Chester Cox, show ed the same desire to win that the varsity had, as they won the league for the second year in a row. With this impressive season, they achieved the valuable experience that will lead them to more victories on the varsity squad in the years to come.

COACHES: Chester Cox and Donald Dawson

CO-CAPTAINS: Bill Helber and Daryl Williams

MANAGERS: Tony Contreras, Mike Garcia, and Luie Hermosillo.


ROW ONE: Johnny Molina, R. Hamel, R. Lewis, D. Comstock, P. Boonisar, D. Schafer, L. Griesbach. ROW TWO: B. Kaufman, C. Williams, W. Blackwell, R. Lewis, J. Heaviside, H. Cushman, B. Steiner. ROW THREE: W. Grosey, M. Sanders, R. Edmondson, J. Resnik, R. Balch, G. Dynes, M. Ter ry.

ROW ONE: T. Allen, D. Williams, G. Walton, W. Hurd, B. Helber, R. Lober, J. Dearborn, B. Mather, D. Ormiston. ROW TWO: J. Castro, P. Madlem, T. Sheetz, T. Larson, B. Jones, J. Henry, H. Filloon, G. Gilbert, M. Snelson.


Under new coach Pete Dawson from KansasJ the Pack adjusted this season to a new style of ball and was fairly successful, finishing third in league play with a five and five record. Also, the varsity cagers were the consolation champs in the Chino tournament, following an initial loss to Chula Vista with three straight victories over Ganesha, Tem­ ple City, and Montclair. In the Montclair-Upland Tourney, w h i c h made its debut this year, the Wolves finished second in the consolation division. After closing out a very promising practice season, the locals entered league competition, defeated Bonita and Corona by impressive margins, and then lost two of their next three encounters against Chino and Pomona, who finished first and second respectively. In the second round of play the Bon­ ita Bearcats accomplished a surprise upset over the Wolfpack, an event that had not occurred in several years. The Cowboys and the Devils again spanked the CSHS cagemen, leaving them third place in the final standings .

Coach Donald Dawson. Managers Rey Contreras and Guy Haas.

V�F½ Bo.skidt>oJ.t BASKETBALL SCORES Bonita Corona Pomona Upland Chino Bonita Corona Pomona Chino

38 46 53 34 60 49 64 63 54

Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont

68 53 42 64 48 40 44 35 41

Captain Charles Zetterberg 98

Such form!

Put 'er in,

Who says basketball is sane? In this picture, Charles Zetterberg seems to find the ball a little heavy, and C h a r 1 e s Bentley's "Body English" doesn't help much. Fred Rohrs and Pomona's "Mr. E v e r y t h i n g" are practicing judo techniques, while Bob Selby, also of Pomona, peers uneas­ ily over Fred's shoulder. Would that be Ricky Jackson sneaking up behind Bill Singer (32)? Oh well, what can be expected of the goofy game of round­ ball? Good arm action??

those shots! !

Football helps

Oh-oh, you forgot to shave

A pat on the head for Fred

Rohrs roars


Charles Zetterberg Center

Danny Hazelton Guard

Jon Dearborn Guard

Richard Jackson Forward

Charles Bentley Guard


Dick Maison Forward

Fred Rohrs Guard

Frank Sell Center

Bill Kieselhorst Center

Bill Jefferson Guard

Up! Chuck! l 01

Under the direction of Coach Harry Heyboer, this year's Bee squad made a fine showing in the Tri-County League, end­ ing in third place with a seven and three record behind Pomona and Upland, who tied for first. The lightweight five, bolstered by the presence of four juniors, performed consistently well with the high scoring efforts of Boyd Bentley, Ron Cox, Tom Swarts, and Steve Dundas. CAPTAIN: Ron Cox

BOTTOM ROW: B. Jones, W. Hurd , R. Cox, ·R. Lober, P. Ma dlem, J. Muel­ ler, ROW TWO: B. Morton, D. Gordon, B. Bentley, S. Dundas, T. Swartz.

COACH: Harry H eyboer and MANAGER: Pete Boonisar 102

Basketl>aU GCOJte.S:

Bonita Corona Pomona Upland Chino Bonita Corona Pomona Upland Chino

39 32 39 45 38 34 30 39 60 33

Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont Claremont

54 36 35 40 55 51 53 51 36 65

Looking for something, fellas?


Boy, oh, Boyd t

Careful now!


CO-CAPTAIN'S: John Sarver and Charles Colclough. COACH: Jack Knapp MANAGER: Claude Brookman

STANDIN"G: T. Stark, C. Colclough, B. Stapp, R. H utchison, E. Kane, J. Sarver, J. Beck, F. T orrez, K. Johnson. KNEELIN'G: E. Smith, M. Jackson, D. Henderson, D. Mason, C. Brookman, W. Fagg. SITTING: D. Anderson, P. Rait.


COACHES: Merlin Apel and Hal Lynn.

CO-CAPTAINS: Barry Pulliam and Paul Elias.

MANAGERS: Paul Filloon, Rey Contreras, Guy Haas.

Co-captains Barry Pulliam and Paul Elias welcomed a . • very large turnout for the 1961 spike season. Guided ably ,. \·by _coaches Hal Lynn and Merlin Apel, the tracksters i;:•i1>showed the good results of rigorous training by gaining l' : 1 _the Division IV title at the Santa Ana Relays, and doing . '/ very well in League and C. I. F. competition. · \ In the sprints the Pack rested its hopes on Toby Larson; Dave Browning, and Terry Stratton, who performed • quite well'. Corky Coulter was a consistent winner in the 1 ·'-'440, and was helped greatly by Roger Scriven. Paul Elias . ·and Terry Hodges added a one-two punch to the 880, · while Dan Henderson sparked Claremont's mile. Barry Pulliam, Joe Henry, and Alan Thum gave the Pack good depth in the hurdles. The Pack proved especially strong in the field events. B r o w n i n g and Hodges highlighted the shot put, while Stratton, Bentley, and Le Gate gave C 1 a r e m o n t good and strength in the broad jump.

James Black Pole Vault

Charles Bentley Broad Jump and High Jump

Paul Elias High Hurdles

Joe Henry High Hurdles

Boyd Bentley Sprints

Jim Cliew 880

Bob Bramer Shot Put

Blair Le Gate High Jump

Harlen Filloon 880 Bobby Zappa Broad Jump

Barry Pulliam Low Hurdles

Terry Stratton Sprints

Dick Barber High Hurdles

Alan Schenck Pole Vault

Dan Henderson Mile

Ron Titus Mile

Roger Scriven Low Hurdles

Brian Moehring Shot Put

Alan Thum High Hurdles

Toby Larson Sprints

iBOTTOM ROW: M. McCleery, J. Resnik, B. B ush, B. Harrison, K. Vanderbilt, G. Edmondson. TOP ROW: B. Bentley, D. G ordon, W. Blackwell, C. Williams, W. Fagg, M. Snelson.

B OTTOM ROW: P. Rait, D. Ormiston, G. Dynes, W. Hurd. TOP ROW: B. Kaufman, W. Fagg, S. Weiss, D. M ason, G. Walton.


One... two... thr ee... stretch!

The last word...

Beautiful slalom.


Just like a monkey!

Under the new c o a c h i n g of Mr. Jack Orr, this year's baseball team proved to be very strong, with a great deal of hustle and a sound defense. Finishing high in Tri­ County League standings, the varsity nine consistently won the "big games, " as they came through with clutch performances. Next year's team will have a hard time living up to Claremont's reputation, due to the loss of many senior standouts.

COACH: Jack Orr. MANAGERS: Chris Darrow and Jim Anderson.


Doug Hammer Catcher

Don Bell Pitcher Right Field

John Stephenson Shortstop Pitcher

Bill Helber 2nd Base Roger Palos Center Field

Doug Harris 3rd Base Catcher

Rick Lee Pitcher

Bill Jefferson 3rd Base Outfield


Tom Gimple Catcher Ron Cox Pitcher 3rd Base

Bob Moody Pitcher

Roger Lober 2nd Base

Leandro Tor rez Pitcher

·Bill Daubert Outfield

Ron Crabtree Pitcher

Bill Green 1st Base


Bird's eye view of the pitch.

You're out!

Bill-where are you going?

0. K. Johnny-three base hit! Hea ! batter .• batter..batter! Bottoms up!


Foul ball! Return to base. Bill-close your mouth.

Claremont's ]. V. 's baseball team proved to be

strong this year, ending their season with a very

respectable win- loss record. The squad secured some impressive victories accompanied by tradi­

tional fine spirit, which will in later years pro­ duce championship varsity teams.

COACH: Esper Keiser MANAGERS: C. Fullerton and B . Hurlebut.

BOTTOM ROW: D. Sykes, L. Sa unders, G. Chase, M. Moore, W. McNabb, D. Beckley, R. B uckley, E. Schwertferger. TOP ROW: T. Bruderlin, J. Rosser, S. Dundas, M. Gatzke, J. Porter, G. Gilbert, J. York.


CAPTAIN: Fred Rohrs

Fred Rohrs Singles Ron Weiss Singles

Roger Cranmer Doubles

Kit Rust Doubles


Dan Hazelton Singles

Dick Maison Singles

John Cundiff Singles

Steve Hyman Doubles

Mike Hannon Doubles

Coach Jack Knapp enjoyed another large turnout this year as over twenty boys tried out for the five first-string positions in golf. The golfers competed in the AAA Citrus �elt League against such schools a s Redlands, Chaffey, Pacific, and San Bernardino. Despite being the smallest school in the league, Claremont had another successful season.

CAPTAIN: Bob Moody

COACH: Jack Knapp 118

C 1 a r e m o n t again displayed power in the water sport as the Pack completed its third year of interscholastic competition with a large number of lopsided victories over much larger schools. Coach McCarthy's crew participated in a free lance schedule, no league having been organized for swimming. Fine conditioning and the many long hours of practice put in at the junior high pool apparently paid off as the mer­ men had two qualifiers for C. I. F. competition by midseason. The position of school records continued to be precarious, and one or more were broken in nearly every meet. Our aquatic ambassadors of good will were led by such individual stars as Co-captains Joe Seemann and We 1 d o n Diggs, and junior Bill Stokes.

CO-CAPTAINS: Weldon Diggs and Joe Seemann.

COACH: Gene McCarthy


Roger Hamel

Pete Worth

Weldon Diggs


Craig Reide

Richard Maggs

Jim Hosking

Joe Seemann

Dennis Resnik

Greg Roberts 121

ROW ONE: P. Barry, J. Loberg. C. Pile, L. Martin, J. Samson, S. Anderson, D. Heavys'de, M. Fuller, A. Savage, E. Gale, S. Hines, S. Martin, H. Peters, S. Grady, D. Morrison, P. Thompson, D. Dworak, S. verard, P. Albright, S. Es­ terley, E. Wal en, J. Tibbals. ROW TWO: M. Lomax, C. Towne, D. Woy, K. Dettweiler, S. · es, C. Colby, J. Gaine, B. Deregibus, M. Edit, M. Magis, E. Webster, C. Gallardo, K. Scheetz, M. Saunders, V. Blake, V. Griesbach, B. Shaffer. P. Giuliano, E. •Froberg, J. Swett, K. Shea, L. Kittenger, J. Lee, K. Poplawski. ROW THREE: P. 0 wsey, J. Reber, B. Waldman, L. Stine, L. Anderson, P. Nelson, M. Dart, S. Foster, D. Huarte, T. Runsvold, V. McDonald, A. Focke, A.

Front row- J, Lo berg, S. Anderson, E. Gale, H. Elias Row 2- S. Esterley, K. Scheetz, P, Barry. Row 3J. Tibbals, vice-president; B. Deregibus, president; M. Edit, secretary.

Bethurum, K. Johnson, N. Enochs, R. Harkey, C. Shelton, M. Blanchard, J. L, Rehbt.in; . Grey, R. Jones, C. Forbes . ROW FOUR: K. Shell, L. Dunifon, P. Sage, M. Rappe, S. Sharpe, C. Huarte, N. Tyson, L. Ghittenden, H. Elias, C. Grant, S. Si mkins, S. Gore, P. Hill, E . Huddleston, E . Matzen, J. Ormiston, G. Arbuthnot, S, Miller, T. Bobrow, J. Harris, K. Wallis, V. Butcher, L. Moehring, C. Norton, L. Paul, P. Shook, M. Haas, C. Babcock. Case,


S. A. A.



These famous walls are crum­ bling fast, The old girls' gym will never last, But G.A.A. is here to stay, It helps us live throughout the day.

Penny Barry, Jane Ellen Tibbals; top two tennis players,

A bully bully.


To each his own, we all agree Nothing's like Clar-e-mont P. E. In G.A.A. we think you'll find, That healthy bodies make good minds.

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, too, Doing things we shouldn't do, Kiefer and Handorf showing us how To kee p from killing our­ selves off now.

To each his own is what we say, We sure do love ol' G. A. A. But I've decided the class for me Is seventh period boys' P. E. !


.-· Z-

To welcome the incoming sophomores, the annual "Hi Day" on September 16, and the Howdy Hop on the same evening, were sponsored by the Girls' League again this year. Richard Lewis and Elaine Froeberg were the winners of the evening's prizes for greeting Bill Green or Liz Webster at the correct time during the day. Greetings in several languages, high-lighted by a huge "Howdy," decorated Sycamore auditorium for the gala evening.

Here are Louie and Elaine re­ ceiving their "valued" prizes!

This is a picture of one of the most crowded dances of the year.

Are all you couples having fun?


There is nothing like a dance to celebrate a te am's vi ctory, or to help f orget a d e f e a t - a nd our after­ game dances are no ex­ ce pti ons. CSHS stu d e nts gather at Sycamore after the games, whether we win or lose, to c o nt i nu e the scho o 1 sp irit.

Couples, couples, couples!

What we need are more good brother-sister relationships!

Dance away, Larry and Tony.


Wide and varied talents were displayed by students of Claremont High as they performed in "Cafe de Paris, " this year's talent show given under the direction of Paula Krause and Barbara Johnson, student directors, and Mrs. Marjorie Noble, advisor. Highlights of the show were a ballet given by the Sen­ ior boys, the Senior Girls' Act, the Junior Girls' Act, a performance of "Mister Custer" by Dan Hazelton and group, and Charles Zetterberg and Bill Helber singing "O Clar-e-mont." The talent show was termed a great success by its viewers and rated as one of the best Claremont High has ever given.

Barbara Johnson and Paula Krause p re sent an orchid to Mr s. Noble at the a n n u a 1 talent show.

Frank Sell (behind bush), Dan Hazelton, Fred Rohrs, and Bob Zappa perform "Mr. Custer." The Senior Boys demonstrate their agility in a ballet,


l l 'I'

The Senior Girls sing "Thank Heaven For Senior Boys"

Charles and B ill started Claremont's theme song 11 0 Claremont" on this night!

Tribute to our fiftieth state,

The Junior Girls kick up their heels in "I Can't Say No"


The first Halloween dance in two y e a r s , held at Syca­ more-where our dances are almost always held-furthered an old tradition. Mu s i c was supplied by the juke box� and the variety of costumes furn­ ished much of the entertain­ ment.

Thus entered the Scriven family-Roger, Beulah, and Terri. Being such an u nusual family, they caused a great deal of confusion as they entered.

Baby Terri would like to take a nap right now.

Chrisy has the feel of the music-as you can see!


Mayra! Don't you want to go with Bill and Melinda to his pad?

"Like coo1, man!" was the call f o 11 ow i n g the Key Club sponsored "Beatnik Brawl" held at S yc a m o r e El e m e n t a r y School. B o r r ow e d street s i g n s showed the way into the murky interior of a swingin' espesso house, where all shakily clad beats seemed quite content to feast on very civilized punch and cookies and listen to "gone" music, and t h o s e so inclined composed p o e t ry appropiate for the occasion.

And what do you want,little girl?

" ..• and those so inclined, composed poetry appropiate for the occasion. "

Some couples danced, while many found other forms of entertainment.

Princess Libby Gale with her escort Tjarda Eskes.

Traditional Ho m e c o m i n g activities for 1961 w e r e highlighted by the crowning of Queen Cathy Pile and her roy足 al court during halftime of our first league game with Bonita. Nancy Con足 nor, last year's queen, presented the crowns to the new queen and princ e s s e s - L ibb y Gale, Mayra Magis, Melinda Saunders, Liz Webster足 w i t h the help of Mr. Polos. An after-game dance honoring the alumni was sponsored by the A. S. B. Music was provided by the Dads' Band. Princess Mayra Magis with her es足 cort Bobby Zappa.

Princess Melinda Saunders with her escort Fred Roh rs.

Princess Liz Webster with her escort Frank Sell.

- - -AwL J-IIYll


Queen Cathy Pile and her royal court after the ceremony. Nancy Con­ nor, last year's queen, stands to the left of the homecoming court.

Mr. Polos congratulates Cathy on her victory, and her escort, Danny Hazelton.

Queen Cathy and Danny lead the court in the royal dance.


The theme "Date With an An­ gel" p r e v a i l e d over this year's Girls · League Formal which took p 1 a c e a t Palomares Community Center. Decorations of a n g e 1 ' s hair, blue lights, characters of angels, and a reproduction of a qu art e r moon carried out the theme. King Richard Jackson reigned over the festivities, aided by the court of C h a r 1 e s Bentley, Bill Green, Roger Scriven, and John Stephenson. And the couples atten­ ding danced to the music of the "Dons."



Mr. Keiser and Mr. Apel were the cheery ticket collectors. Bill Green, master of ceremonies, present­ ed a bouquet of roses to our queen, who reigned over the entire night.

The court stands as the queen begins the royal dance.

Queen Cathy receives a kiss from her escort, Brian Wilcox, after the crowning.

The entire court dances to the music "Easter Parade'' played by the Dads' Band.

Eating again, Nancy? 139

Displaying amazing skill, speed, and dexterity atop wild animals, the Key Club soundly defeated Rota members by a score of 20-12 in the annual Donkey Basketball game. Also winning the half-time tug-o' -war, Key Clubbers were led to victory by a bevy of gorgeous cheerleaders drafted from their ranks.

And then along came Joe...

The clean-up committee

Aw, don't be a ...

Open wide!

Need a longer arm?


Beauty is as beauty does.

Don and Roger bite the dust.

Jim Fuller, Chris Campbell, and Jim Seubold re­

ceived top honors in the Eighth Annual Science Fair,

sponsored by Ecneics Club. Under the direction of

Messrs. Bookhout, Satterwhite, and Sigler, the fair

was a great success, displaying the scientific talents of Claremont High School students in the fields of bi­

ology, chemistry, and physics.

Jim Fuller First Prize in chemistry Best of Show Chris Campbell First Prize in physics

ADVISORS: Mr. Bookhout, chemistry; Mr. Sigler, biology; and Mr. Satterwhite, physics.

Jim Seubold First Prize in biology 141

"Down in the Valley," starring Dan Hazelton as Brack Weaver and Carol Kimper and Jane Shelton as Jenny, was presented this year by the Concert Choir and was directed by Chester Cox. Capacity crowds filled the high school aud­ itorium during the two performances. "The Sound of Music" by Richard Rogers was played by the high school orchestra directed by Mr. George Denes.

Art Dickinson begins the play with the title song "Down In The Valley." This gives the background to the following scenes of the musical.

Brack, or Danny, sings "Lonesome Dove" to Jenny before the sheriff recaptures him.

The entire cast assembles on stage.

"Winter Wonderland," presented by the Rota Club, was held at the Westmont C o m m u n i t y Center on December 17, from 8: 30 to 12 P. M. The decorations, costing $300---so said Rota Clu.b mem足 bers ---made a perfect atmosphere with the Christmas ornaments, snowflakes, streamers, tinsel, and low lights. The music was supplied by the Diamonds, a thirteen piece band from Santa Ana. They also supplied several dance exhibitions. All in all, Rota Club did a splendid job!

All the couples attending had a very enjoyable time---what about it.,Vernella Griebach and Jay Tindall?

A typical picture of many of the CSHS dances with a few couples dancing, a few couplzs looking on, and most of the couples stand足 ing on the side.

So m e of the b a n d mem足 b e r s danced t o o , wh ile Carol Col b y slipped off her s h o e s when Miss Flannel足 ley wasn't in sight.




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Claremont Laundry




The Sportsman

292 W. 2nd Street CLAREMONT


Town and Country 27 6 W. 2nd Street CLAREMONT



124 YALE




224 YALE


SINCE 1928 120 YALE AVE.

C. and E. Lumber Co. 2692 N. SAN ANTONIO CLAREMONT


Philbrick's Union Station


31W. 1st.

Claremont Lumber Co. 1st. and N. Berkeley Claremont



339 Yale

On -The-Mall

Folk Music Center 211 W. 1st. Street Claremont



2294 N. Gary Ave. Pomona

Valley Business Machines 944 E. Holt Pomona

Clark Hungerford Insurance 366 W. 4th Street Claremont

Rocky's Laundromat 108 Harvard Avenue Claremont


La Verne

Pomona Optical CASA FLORES

25 0 S. Gary A venue Pomona

245 Harvard

Wolfe's Market

160 W. Foothill


Olin Construction Co.

777 Foothill

J. J.




Pomona First Federal 399 N. Gary Avenue Pomona




1225 Holt





Shakey's Pizza East Holt Avenue Pomona

DIRECTORY BUD'S BIKE SHOP 217 W. 1st Street Claremont

SPACE'S FURNITURE 382 N. Alexander Claremont

CLAREMONT HARDWARE 220 Yale Avenue Claremont

STOCKS ANO SCHWANZ 145 Harvard Avenue Claremont

EVERETT'S SHOE SHOP 122 Yale Avenue Claremont

TIERNANS OFFICE Machine and Furniture 280 W. 3rd Pomona

HULING'S STATIONERY 214 W. 2nd Street Claremont

TORGUSON'S BLUE PRtNT SERVlCE 137 W. Commercial Avenue Pomona

JOHN P. EVANS 269 W. Holt Pomona

UNITED ARTISTS THEATRE 235 W. 3rd Street Pomona

MACK D. PARKS REAL ESTATE 127 Harvard Avenue Claremont

VIOLA'S FOR BEAUTY 1805 N. Gary Avenue Pomona

PAUL 1. PAIGE 131 Yale Avenue Claremont

YALE CAFE 238 Yale Avenue Claremont

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