18° Festival - Catálogo

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Por: Francisco Perez Laguna & Mariano Goldg rob Un corpus de films de diversos paIses que comprenden cuatro continentes, aclamados par la crItica y el pbIico en los festivales internacionales de cine en los años 2002 y 2003: eso pretende ser Punto de Vista, secciOn que informa acerca de las nuevas corrientes estéticas que reformulan año a año la manera en que los principales cineastas entienden el cine, ante todo coma una forma de conocimiento. Realizadores ya consagrados y nuevos realizadores que le aportan al campo cinematografico variados enfoques y que sin duda serãn grandes nombres el dia del mañana, coma el ruso Valeri Todorovski, quien presentará Lubovnik, a el hhngaro Gyorgy Pãlfi, consagrado coma el mejor nuevo director en el Festival de San Sebastian con su film Hukkte. Un breve repaso par la secciOn arroja estos titulos. Emteham, de Nasser Refaie, una perla irani encontrada en el programa oficial del Festival de Venecia que en sus 80 minutos de tiempa real realiza un estudio minucioso de los componentes de la sociedad. Otro film de la selecciOn oficial veneciana es Dirty pretty things, de Stephen Frears. Estados Unidos de America ofrece cuatro films representantes del cine independiente: Paradox Lake, de Shemie Reut, coproducciOn con Polonia; Spun, opera prima de Jonas Akerlund, ya exhibAa en Toronto y Sundance, Possession, el mãs reciente film del guionista y realizador Neil LaBute, y The rules of attraction, basado sabre una novela de Bret Easton Ellis, dirigido par Roger Avary —el director de Killing Zoe y coautor con Quentin Tarantino de Reservoir Dogs y Pulp Fiction—. The good thief, dirigido par Neil Jordan, es una remake canadiense del film de Jean-Pierre Melville Bob le Flambeur (1955), protagonizada par el gran Nick Nolte. De la programaciOn del Festival de Cannes destacan 24 Hour-Party People, de Michael Winterbottom, e Irreversible, del polémico realizador argentina radicado en Francia Gaspar Noé, que no ha dejado indiferente a nadie en su trayectoria internacional debido a sus fuertes escenas de violencia y sexo. España presenta una comedia que se desarrolla en una oficina siniestra, Smoking Room, donde sus empleados abogan par recoger firmas con el propOsito de conseguir una habitaciOn en la que poder fumar, asi coma No somos nadie, debut coma director del actor Jordi MoIIà. Habrá dos titulos australianos, Rabbit-Proof Fence, de Phillip Noyce, y Beneath clouds, opera prima de Ivan Sen premiada en Berlin 2002, mientras el islandés Mávahlátur, de AgOst Gudmundsson, acerca de los comienzos de la liberaciOn femenina en los tempranas años 50, ensancha el estrecho vinculo con el cine de esas latitudes. Representando a Irlanda y al Reino Unido, el film ganador del LeOn de Oro de Venecia, The Magdalene Sisters, el segundo dirigido par el actor Peter Mullan. Y de Italia, un film de Cristina Comencini protagonizado par Virna Lisi, con una sensible y aguda mirada acerca de la familia, II piü bet giorno delta mia vita.

A group of films from several countries comprising four continents, acclaimed by critics and audiences at film festivals during 2002 and 2003: that is exactly what Point of View tries to be. A section that informs about new trends formulated by the most important filmmakers and the way the conceive films. Well-known filmmakers together with brand new ones - maybe the we//-known ones of the future— bringing to the mov/emaking arena a new point of view: like Valeri Todorovski, Russian director who will present Lubovnik in Mar del Plata, or Hungarian GyOrgy Pálfi with his film Hukkle awarded Best Director at Donostia Festival in San Sebastian. Going over some of the tit/es: Emteham, by Nasser Refaie, an Iran/an pear/ found at the official programme in Venice which, in only 80 minutes —real time— shows a thorough research of the different components of the society. Another film taken from the Official Sect/on at Venice is: Dirty pretty things, by Stephen Frears. USA will be represented by four independent films: Paradox Lake, by Shem/e Reut (a Pa//sb ca-production screened at Sundance Film Festival); Spun, first feature by Jonas Akerlund, already re/eased at Toronto and Sundance; Possession, latest film by scriptwriter and director Neil LaBute, and The rules of attraction, based on the navel by Bret Easton Ellis, directed by Roger A vary —Killing Zoe, and co-scriptwriter together with Quentin Tarantino of Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. The good thief, starring Nick Nolte, is a Canadian remake from Jean-Pierre Melville Bob, le Flambeur (1955). From Cannes we'/l be screening 24 hour party people, by Michael Winterbottom and Irreversible by Argentine filmmaker (French resident), Gaspar Naé who has stunned everybody with his tough scenes of violence and sex. Spain presents a heart-rendering comedy developed in an evil office: Smoking Room, where the employees gathers signatures with the aim to get a room where they would be allowed to smoke, and Jordi Mo/Id's first feature, No somos nadie. We'll also have two Australian films: Rabbit-Proof Fence, by Phi/lip Noyce and Beneath clouds, Ivan Sen's first feature awarded at Berlin 2002. From Iceland, widening our ties with moviemaking from that part of the world, AgOst Gudmundsson's Mâvah!átur talks about the beginnings of women's lib movement in the '50s. Representing Ireland and the United Kingdom, The Magdalene Sisters —winner of the Go/den Lion in Venice— and second feature by actor Peter Mu/lan. From Ita/y, V/ma Lisa in II piU bel giorno della mia vita, by Cnistina Comencini, offering a sensitive and sharp look on family life.


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