House of 1000 corpses
Director: Rob Zombie Contacto
EEUU, 2000 Compañia Productora/ Production Company Universal Pictures, Inc. (Hollywood)
I ns Gate Entertainment
Joey Montero
1 1iV11 II iapws
4553 Glencoe Ave. # 200 9 292 Marina, Los Angeles, USA
Prod uctor/Producer Andy Gould
Tel. (310) 314.2000 Fax (30) 132 2670
Guion/Screenplay Rob Zombie Fotografia/ Cinematographer Tom Richmond, Alex Poppas Diseñador de Prod ucción/Production Designer Gregg Gibbs
11 . 1
Son do/Sound Susan Cahill Montaje/Fi!m Editors Robert K. Lambert, Robert W. Hedland
Casa de los 1000 cuerpos Dos parejas que se han extraviado encuentran ref ugio en una vieja y oscura casona donde son redbidos y atendidos, acaso demasiado diligentemente, par una familia Con la que experimentarán CrImenes, brujeria y Canibalismo. Esos son algunos de los mil secretos enterrados en el jardin trasero.
MUsica/Music Rob Zombie Elenco/Cast Sid Haig, Karen Black, Bill Moseley, Michael J. Pollard, Sheri Moon, Jeanne Carmen, Chris Hardwick, Tom Towles, Erin Daniels, Dennis Fimple, Robert Allen Mukes, Chuck Arenberg, Freddy Waft, Rainn Wilson, Jennifer iostyn, David Reynolds, Irwin Keyes, Walt Goggins
House of 1000 corpses Two Couples get lost and seek refuge in an old and dark mansion where they are welcome by a family with whom they will experiment murder witchcraft and cannibalism. These are just some of the thousand secrets buried in their backyard.
Rob Zombie Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1966. Auténtica rockstar estadounidense que dirigiO la mayor parte de los videoclips interpretados par White Zombie, su anterior banda, as[ coma los de su actual etapa solista. Cuando joven, Zombie fue asistente de producciOn en el programa televisivo Peewee's Playhouse (1986) y, ya mãs adelante en el tiempo, asistente de producciOn en el film Beavis and Butt-head do America (Mike Judge, Yvette Kaplan, 1996). House of 100 corpses
105' 35mm Color Dolby 1,85
es su salvaje opera prima en tanto realizador cinematográfico Born in Haverhill, Massachussets in 1966. He's an authentic American rock-star and directed most of the video-clips interpreted by White Zombie, his former band, and all the ones he had made as a soloist. When he was younger he worked in the production of the TV show Peewee's Playhouse (1986) and later on in the production of Beavis and Butt-head do America (Mike Judge, Yvette Kaplan, 1966). House of 1000 corpses is his wild first feature.