Festival 2013

Page 26

Compétition internationale  longs métrages

co inte TIR Alberto Fasulo Fiction / 2013 / Italie-Croatie Italia-Croatia / 85' / couleur color / DCP / VOSTF Interprétation Cast Branko Završan, Lučka Počkaj, Marijan Šestak Réalisation, image Filmmaking, photography Alberto Fasulo Scénario Script Enrico Vecchi, Carlo Arciero, Branko Završan, Alberto Fasulo Son Sound Luca Bertolin, Igor Francescutti Design sonore Sound design Daniela Bassani, Riccardo Spagnol, Stefano Grosso, Dubravka Premar, Gordan Fuckar Montage Editing Johannes Hiroshi Nakajima Production Nadia Trevisan-Alberto Fasulo (Nefertiti Film), Irena Markovic (Focus Media) Contact Nefertiti Film Alberto Fasulo, alberto@nefertitifilm.it Nadia Trevisan, nadia@nefertitifilm.it

Branko, ancien professeur en Croatie, travaille depuis quelques mois comme chauffeur routier pour un transporteur italien. Une décision qui peut s’expliquer par le fait qu’il gagne trois fois plus qu’auparavant. Mais chaque chose a son prix, même si ce n’est pas en argent. Enfants, on nous apprend que « le travail ennoblit l’homme », mais il semblerait qu’ici ce soit le contraire : c’est l’efficacité de Branko, son obstination et sa bonne volonté qui rendent noble un travail toujours plus aliénant, fou et asservissant. For a few months now, Branko, an ex teacher from Croatia has been working as a truck driver for an Italian transport company. A decision which can be easily understood as his wage is now triple. Yet everything has its price, even if it’s not quantified in money. Whilst growing up, we were told, « work makes a man honorable », but here it seems that the opposite has become true : it is Branko, with his efficiency, his stubbornness and his good will to make a job which is ever more alienating, bizarre and enslaving, noble. Né en 1976 et originaire du Frioul, Alberto Fasulo a appris le cinéma en travaillant à la régie sur des tournages de fictions et de documentaires. Il réalise son premier long métrage documentaire, Rumore Bianco, en 2008, sélectionné dans de nombreux festivals internationaux. Alberto Fasulo was born in 1976 and comes from Frioul. He learned what he knows about film as a member of the production team on fiction and documentary films. In 2008 he shot his first feature-length documentary film, Rumore Bianco. It has received nominations at numerous international film festivals.


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