Part A

Page 18

Architecture has no specific meaning or terms for it. It has a very wide discipline that it could be described as anything as architects learn everything including structural engineering studies, geotechnical surveyor, quantity surveyor and many more. Just like the terms sustainability, computation, computerisation, composition, generation, algorithmic and many more. All of the words above has their own meaning to it thus it is interesting that students could differentiate what is the difference between all of the terms above. It is particularly obvious when one building is design in a certain way after learning the different types of terms and technology used. The main research for Land Art Generator competition was to focus on the wave, wind and human activation.

The above image is how we use the movement of the wave to collect energy which would then be reused in the future. With this capability, it is interesting if it could be used by humans as well instead of just a technology that generate energy. The idea was to have a similar idea but to have a more stable and firm platform that allows human to walk on it. When we create an interactive element, more human will walk on it which then allows more movement. Thus, we do not need to expect the energy collection from the waves alone. The image on the left is another idea of how wind could be part of the technology that collects energy. The device does not necessarily be of the same design as shown.

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