F. Chris Garcia’s Contribution to Latino Minorities Many teachers have worked to encourage students of a range of backgrounds to pursue a career in politics. One way a particular instructor has furthered this goal to achieve this is through his work with Think New Mexico, an organization that was created to give under-represented groups of New Mexicans a stronger voice in public policy. His partnership with the organization between 2003 and 2004 received praise from his colleagues, and he received gubernatorial recognition for his work in 2004.
Participating in this process was important to him, as it rewarded women for being active in their local legislature, which historically has seen fewer women than men participants. In 2000, our instructor served on the Selection Panel for the “Salute to Albuquerque Awards” that were given by the City’s League of Women Voters. Chris Garcia is also a strong supporter of the Latino
community. He worked with the group from 2005 to 2011, and has served as a Professor of Political Science at the University of New Mexico for over 40 years.
One major group that our professor promotes is women, whom he enjoys recognizing and rewarding for their accomplishments. He believes that the most important aspect of Democracy is the distribution of representation and influence to provide all facets of the American public a voice in politics. Himself a member of this group, he works as a leader in the sector, encouraging his peers to have a stronger voice politically.
F. Chris Garcia contributes to Latino political involvement through his work with the National Hispanic Cultural Center, an institution created to give Latino citizens a greater sense of unity in their local and national communities.