Faycal Rafiq
Director in Beverly Hills - faycal rafiq Faycal Rafiq is a multilingual professional with extensive experience in business development and operations and sales and marketing. He was born and raised in Casablanca. He completed his degree in education in the UK, earning an MA in business management. Faycal Rafiq has also lived in France, the US and Spain. He fluently speaks French, Arabic, English, Spanish and Italian. He recently served as a boutique director in Beverly Hills, California.
Sales & Marketing expert - Faycal Rafiq Faycal Rafiq has excelled at product management in the luxury fashion, watches, and jewelry markets throughout the world. He has been a key player in large-scale SAP integrations, flagship boutique launches, and pop-up developments. On projects big and small, Faycal Rafiq combines technical acumen with an entirely collaborative management style—one that allows him to connect with colleagues and vendors at all levels and cultural backgrounds. He welcomes opportunities to work under strict deadlines to meet and exceed expectations.
Facial Rafiq Role - As a Director With his roles as director, Faycal Rafiq reorganizes the store structure while assembling a team dedicated to bolstering the brand within the LA market. He's also focused on building his reputation as a talented problems solver. He enjoys the store's success while focusing on overall improvement of efficiency. Following Faycal's analytical skills and hands-on experience, he shares proven strategies and commercial insight that facilitates a smooth operation to attain sales goals.
Education & Experience Bachelor of Science - Business Management The University of Wolverhampton
Work Experience :- Manager, International Business- self-employed: 2006-2014n
Know More About Faycal Rafiq ● ● ● ●
https://www.profilesseries.com/faycal-rafiq-boutique-director-in-beverly-hills-californiausa/ https://get-free-info.online/faycal-rafiq-biography-one-of-the-best-directors-in-beverly-h ills-ca/ https://faycal-rafiq0.yolasite.com/ https://sites.google.com/view/faycalrafiq/home
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