"PHARMACIST: CARING FOR YOU" Forum of Excellence in Pharmaceutical Care

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medications with warfarin, dosage titrations, laboratory monitoring, and others.

Istraživanje eventualnih učinaka intervencija provode se kroz randomizirano prospektivno istraživanje na 130 bolesnika. Ishodi uključuju mjerenje adherencije, ocjenu kvalitete liječenja vremenom provedenim u terapijskom rasponu, ocjenu nuspojava, ocjenu utjecaja interakcija, prehrane i adherencije na kvalitetu liječenja te mjerenje kvalitete života bolesnika.


Kroz prikaze slučajeva biti će pokazano poboljšanje u kvaliteti liječenja varfarinom kao i aspekti i problemi koji se pojavljuju u praksi, a na koje ljekarnici mogu utjecati.

Research into the possible effects of the interventions is conducted using a randomised prospective study on 130 patients. The outcomes include measuring adherence, evaluating the quality of treatments using the time spent during the therapy period, evaluating side effects, evaluating the influence of interactions, diet, and adherence to the quality of the treatments, and measuring the patients’ quality of life.


The displayed cases will be used to demonstrate the improvement in the quality of warfarin treatments, as well as the aspects and problems occurring in practice that can be influenced by the pharmacists.


Ljekarnici mogu poboljšati kvalitetu liječenja varfarinom. U budućnosti se očekuje i standardiziranje ovog oblika ljekarničke skrbi te adekvatno vrednovanje od osiguravatelja, jer su antikoagulacijske klinike pokazale pozitivne farmakoekonomske i kliničke učinke.

Pharmacists can improve the quality of warfarin treatment. We are expecting the standardisation of this form of pharmaceutical care in the future, as well as adequate valuation by the insurer, because anticoagulation clinics worldwide have shown positive pharmacoeconomic and clinical effects.

1 Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients following discharge from an internal medicine clinic Marusic S, Sicaja M, Obreli Neto PR, Franic M, Marinovic I, Bacic-Vrca V. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct;52(10):906-13. 2 Kvaliteta antikoagulacijskog liječenja varfarinom i mogući utjecaj interakcija lijekova, Slaven Falamić, specijalistički rad, Zagreb 2015.

1 Adverse drug reactions in elderly patients following discharge from an internal medicine clinic Marusic S, Sicaja M, Obreli Neto PR, Franic M, Marinovic I, Bacic-Vrca V. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct;52(10):906-13. 2 Kvaliteta antikoagulacijskog liječenja varfarinom i mogući utjecaj interakcija lijekova, Slaven Falamić, specijalistički rad, Zagreb 2015.


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