1 2
Meticulouslymaintained three bedroom detached bungalow,backing onto open fieldswith a private,entertainer?sdream backyard equipped with three outdoorshedsincluding two fullyinsulated with electricityand a covered pergola with a gasbarbeque hookup,hydro,and outdoorspeakers,allwithin a short strollto the heart of Beaverton Village
Thoughtfullyupgraded with thousandsspent on improvements,including a refreshed bathroom,newerelectrical,and upgraded insulation,whilea welcoming entranceprovides an inviting spaceforguestsand convenient storage
Primarybedroom featuring a walkout to a privatecovered sitting area,offering seamless accessto thebackyard and an interlockpatio,idealforquiet morningsorevening relaxation
4 5
Open-concept main levelliving area flooded with naturallight from two oversized, floor-to-ceiling windows,complete with a cozycornerfree-standing fireplace
Generouskitchen with amplestorage and counterspace,convenientlylocated off the dining/living room with a walk-through pantryand laundryarea that leadsdirectlyto the backyard,making indoor-outdoorentertaining a breeze
- Laminateflooring
- Amplecrisp whitecabinetryadorned with undermount lighting
- Crown moulding
- Stylish tumbled marble backsplash
- Dualsinkwith an above pass-through window
- Included stainless-steelfridgeand stove
- Laminateflooring
- Oversized front and rearwindowsilluminating thespace with bright sunlight
- Gasfireplaceforadded warmth
- Crown moulding
- Modern light fixture
- Amplespace fordifferent furnitureplacements
11'6" x 11'3"
- Laminate flooring
- Sizeable layout
- Ceiling fan
- Dualdoorcloset
- Neutralpaint tone
- Sliding glass-door walkout leading to the backpatio,perfect forsavouring a morning coffee
17'7" x 12'2"
- Laminateflooring
- Generouslayout with ample space fora king-sized bed
- Luminous front-facing window
- Fireplace enclosed within a painted whitesurround
11'6" x 8'4"
- Laminateflooring
- Wellsized
- Windowallowing foran abundance of naturallight to spillin
- Closet with a bi-fold door
- Currentlybeing utilized asa homeoffice
- Vinylflooring
- Freshlypainted
- Combined showerand bathtub set within a tiled surround
- Vanitywith an updated sinkand countertop
- Window
7'6" x 6'11"
- Laminate flooring
- Centrallylocated
- Built-in cabinetrycreating an efficient space with extra storage
- Pantry
- Sliding glass-door walkout leading to the backyard
- Well-maintained detached ranch bungalow
- Expansive drivewaywith parking for up to ten vehicles
- Upgradesincluding newerelectrical and insulation foradded peace
of mind
- Fullyfenced backyard complemented bya covered entertainment space,an interlock patio,and three garden shedsfor additionalstoragespace
- Backing onto open fieldsfor added privacy
- Centrallocation within easyreach of localamenities,schools,and parks, including Beaverton Harbourand HarbourPark
Beaverton P.S.
705.426.9081 | beaverton.ddsb.ca
705.432.2311 | brockhs.ddsb.ca
705.426.2961 | holyfamily.dcdsb.ca
Georgina Academy
416.697.0182 | georginaacademy.ca
705.878.4117 |stacss.ca
705.326.7050 | sdc.cscmonavenir.ca
Otherarea schools,including French and private schoolsmaybe available forthisproperty.Everyeffort ismade to ensure that the schoolinformation provided conformsto allcurrentlypublished data,however thisdata isfrequentlysubject to change;revision and reviewbyeach respectableschoolboard and theirappointed officials
A significant part of Faris Team's mission is to go full out®for community, where every member of our team is committed to giving back In fact, $100 from each purchase or sale goes directly to the following local charity partners:
Stevenson Memorial Hospital
Barrie Food Bank
Collingwood General & Marine Hospital
Georgian Bay General Hospital
Newmarket Food Pantry
The Lighthouse Community Services & Supportive Housing
#1 Team in Simcoe County Unit and Volume Sales 2015-Present
#1 Team on Barrie and District Association of Realtors Board (BDAR) Unit and Volume Sales 2015-Present
#1 Team on Toronto Regional Real Estate Board (TRREB) Unit Sales 2015-Present
#1 Team on Information Technology Systems Ontario (ITSO) Member Boards Unit and Volume Sales 2015-Present
#1 Team in Canada within Royal LePage Unit and Volume Sales 2015-2019