Sen. Daniel Christmas Newsletter

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DECEMBER 21, 2011

My staff has been asking me to reveal to them my “legislative Christmas list” for 2011, so here goes. Dear Santa, Once upon a time, and not so long ago, there were many leaders of character who were able to rise above the mantra and divisiveness of party politics and work together to defend our Constitution, our nation, and for the common good of the place we love called America. They were called “statesmen,” and had names like Reagan, Helms, Dole, Nunn, and Ervin. I believe that men and women of this character once constituted a large majority of those serving in the White House and the Congress, but today they seem to be few and far between. As a nation, we are traveling through dark times without competent leadership and patriots at the helm. So for Christmas this year, I ask for leaders of character who will rise up in every town and parish across this land and seek elected office from the courthouse to the White House. We need men and women who love our flag and will fight to defend it, who will keep our military strong, and will secure our borders as well as our liberties. More importantly, they should be men and women who seek constant wisdom and guidance from the One who is Omniscient and holds our future in His hands. I believe that a present like this one would change America, and would fulfill the final words of Ronald Reagan, when he said, “As I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life, I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.” In closing I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my wife, Lydia, and to our three children for helping and supporting me through this past year as we have been apart on many occasions. I would also like to thank my legislative assistants, Andy Perrigo and Rob Williams in Raleigh, and Jo Murray in Lenoir. They have been a great help to me, and to many of you, in addressing the myriad of concerns that our citizens have raised with regard to state government. Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night.

“Sinterklaas? Jeff Davis Lynched?” Prior to the American Civil War (or War of Northern Aggression, Carleton), Christmas was not celebrated in a universal fashion because of the various immigrant traditions. For example, Calvinists banned the celebration of Christmas while the Moravians honored the day with religious services. By the mid 1800’s, Christian groups gave up their differences over the meaning of Christmas and honored the day with gift-giving, lights, toys and evergreens. Louisiana was the first state to make Christmas a state holiday (1837). By 1860, there were 15 states with a state holiday for Christmas. Christmas became a federal holiday in 1870. The Dutch gave us Sinterklaas and Thomas Nast gave us the fat, jolly Santa Claus. Nast’s Santa first appeared in a Jan. 1863 print. It shows Santa in a sleigh showing off a string puppet of what appeared to be Jefferson Davis hanging by a noose. In fact, several of Nast’s Christmas prints included Santa and celebrations of Union victories. This may be why Santa wasn’t particularly popular in the South. Following the War Between the States, America became more unified in many areas, including Christmas.


You would think the Puritans, who were known for their religious fervor, must have loved Christmas – but they didn’t. In fact, a law was passed in 1659 outlawing the celebration of Christmas. A five shilling fine was levied against anyone “found observing, by abstinence from labor, feasting or any other way, any such days as Christmas day.” The Puritans considered Christmas “an extreme forgetfulness of Christ, by giving liberty to carnal and sensual delights.”

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