7455 sw 195th ave

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Th ursday ,Jan uary12,2017 Th an k you f or requesti n g th i s PropertyDevelopm en tProf i lef rom Fi rstAm eri can Ti tle I n suran ceCom pan yofOreg on .W epri deourselves on provi di n g publi cdatai n a prof essi on al m an n er to h elp you presen tacom preh en si vereporton your subj ectproperty . You w i ll f i n di n cludedi n th i s PropertyDevelopm en tProf i leth ef ollow i ng i nf orm ati on . Pleasen oteth atw edo our bestto provi deth i si nf orm ati on f or everyproperty ,butat ti m es i ti s n otavai lable.Th i si s especi allytruef or sparselypopulatedareas. 1) Site Data –Th i s sh ow s vari ous propertych aracteri sti cs such as assessed/m ark et values,parcel an dbui ldi n g si ze,lan duse,an di m provem en ttype. 2) Ownership –Th em ostrecen tvesti n g deedcan bef oun dh ere.I faparcel i s ow n ed byacom m erci al en ti ty ,th erem aybeaddi ti on al i nf orm ati on i den ti f yi n g th epri n ci pal. 3) Aerial 4) Location –You can f i n dparcel m aps w i th lotdi m en si on s an dm aps sh ow i n g relati on ofth esi teto th eg reater com m un i tyi n th i s secti on . 5) Zoning –Adef i ni ti on ofth espec i f i czon i n g codecan bef oun dh ere,of ten alon g w i th azon i n g m ap ofth earea. 6) Transit –W h en possi ble,i nf orm ati on aboutpubli ctran si taccessi bi li tyw i ll beprovi ded. 7) Natural Features –Th i s secti on m ayi n cludei nf orm ati on aboutsoi l,f loodplai n s,an d topog raph y . 8) Utilities -I fth eparcel i s servedbyapubli cw ater or sew er di stri ct,basi c sk etch es or c on tacts to th eappropri ateauth ori ti es areli sted. 9) New Home Trends –Up to datei nf orm ati on an dsales f i g ures on n ew resi den ti al proj ects n ear your si te..

Pleasedo n oth esi tateto con tactus reg ardi n g an yofth ei nf orm ati on i n cludedi n th i s PropertyDevelopm en tProf i le.Th oug h th i si s reli abledataassem bledbyFi rstAm eri can Ti tle,i ti s provi dedbyth i rdparti es an di s n otg uaran teed.

121SW Morri son St.#300 Portlan d,Oreg on 97201 T el 503. 219. 8746 Fax 503. 790. 7872

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