North Fulton Family Life 9-15

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By Kevin Head, Ph.D.

Here’s a disturbing thought. Marissa Mayer, a vice president for Google, recently stated that credit card companies can predict with 98% accuracy, two years in advance when a couple will divorce. We might wonder, “How can credit card companies make such predictions about marriage?” The answer is actually fairly simple. All they have to do is examine spending patterns. How we handle money is not just a financial issue; it’s a relational issue. I’ve heard it said, and believe it to be true,


North Fulton Family Life | SEPTEMBER 2015

“If you want to know what you value, all you need to do is look at your bank statement.” Our spending patterns reflect what we value in life. What we choose to buy is critical, but how we decide what to purchase is also important. The decision-making process demonstrates your values. Few issues cause more marital conflict than money. Do you check with your spouse before making a purchase? How much money is too much to spend without talking with your spouse? Who decides how much money can be spent in a given month? Should you have separate or joint bank accounts? What do you do if you and your spouse disagree with a particular financial expenditure? Couples find different ways of dealing with these issues. What works for one couple may not be the best process for everyone. Basically, there are very few absolutes regarding marriage and money.

But there is at least one absolute: communicate about money, or prepare for problems. Maintaining open communication about finances is an essential aspect of a healthy marriage. Not talking about money with your spouse creates suspicion and doubt and can lead to an erosion of trust. Sitting down at least once a month to review a budget is not only an important financial exercise, it’s also a critical way to work on your marriage and strengthen your relationship. If you are uncertain how to begin such a conversation, the credit card companies can help. All you need to do is ask your spouse, “What’s in your wallet?”

Dr. Kevin Head is interim pastor of First Baptist Roswell. 770-587-6980,

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