The UK Family Business Survey 2019

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Key Findings Only

27% With around 5 million family businesses in the UK today employing around 12 million people* it is easy to see why family firms are referred to as the engine room of the UK economy.

We often hear from family business owners that

Family businesses operate in all sectors and in all

The 2019 Family Business Survey not only

corners of the UK, some firms larger than others,

sought to find out what keeps family business

some new whilst others have been around

owners awake at night but also looked at

for generations. They have a daily impact on

some specific areas of concern in more detail:

the way we live our lives, from the milk for our

productivity, purpose, legacy and governance.

breakfast, to the way we travel to work, how we

Collectively, we wanted to give family businesses

keep fit and the way that we are entertained.

a voice, to understand the state of the family

They help shape the nation creating income,

business nation and to better appreciate the

wealth and employment across the country.

concerns of this rich, vibrant, diverse sector of

Having said that, family firms are unique, partly

they feel alone in contemplating the way forward

have a documented succession plan in place

Three quarters of family firms have thought about their family business legacy

and how to manage their business, yet we also know that shared insights and knowledge are a great way to learn. So what are the challenges and what is the pulse of the family business community across the UK?

the economy.

because of the way they are owned, but also

Family businesses are really important to the

as a result of the way they are managed, the

economy, nationally but also regionally and the

way decisions are made and the culture that

findings from the survey will help in determining

they create. Very much part of the fabric of the

the family business agenda and shaping the

communities in which they exist, family firms also

development of events and resources to help

face unique challenges and we wanted to use

them deal with their challenges too.

this survey as a way to better understand the agenda for family businesses today.

85% Facebook is the most popular digital marketing platform for family firms

Lack of senior management time is the biggest barrier to productivity

Being a family business aids recruitment of staff 90% of family firms are driven to create profitable and sustainable businesses

Being a family firm gives competitive advantage

* Source - The State Of The Nation - The UK Family Business Sector 2017–18, the IFB Research Foundation Report prepared by Oxford Economics

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