Questionnaire form for FabLab users This questionnaire aims to gather information about the FabLab user’s/learners’ profiles to improve their learning experience. The questionnaire was prepared within the “FABLABs – new technologies in adult education” project (Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education). The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
What is your professional status? o a student / a pupil o an employee o an employer o freelance / independent o in search / in transition o other situation
What is your age? o under 18 o 18-30 o 31-40 o 41-50 o 51-60 o over 60
For how long have you been a FabLab user? ○ this is my first visit ○ a few weeks ○ a few months ○ more than two years ○ other – please specify: Comment:
What is the main reason you come to the FabLab? strongly agree
somewhat agree
somewhat disagree
strongly disagree
to learn something new to make something new to learn through making to work on an ongoing prototype to socialize with other makers Comment: 5.
On average how much time do you spend in FabLab in the past month? o less than 2h per month o less than 2h per week o 2h-10h per week o more than 10h per week Comment:
6. In the FabLab I learn most by: strongly agree
somewhat agree
somewhat disagree
strongly disagree
attending workshops with a planned maker project gathering information and then do it myself working through the teaching materials FabLab has to offer attending open hours where I work on my projects with others teaching and supporting others with unexpected problems attending a course with a skilled teacher Comment: 7. To me, a FabLab is mainly: ○ a place of political expression / action ○ a high-tech playground ○ a workshop ○ a concept place ○ a learning environment ○ a community of like-minded people Comment: 8. How would you identify yourself in the FabLab? ○ as a maker ○ as a learner ○ as an entrepreneur Comment: 9. How would you describe your FabLab skills? ○ I am a novice ○ I know where to start but quickly need support ○ I can start working independently and can figure things out ○ I am highly skilled and can easily support others ○ I am a professional in engineering or related fields Comment: 10. What are your experiences with learning activities outside the scholar/academic system, such as training/workshops/MOOCs? ○ I often participate in the learning of this sort ○ I occasionally participate in the learning of this sort ○ I never participate in the learning of this sort ○ I am a teacher/trainer/educator myself ○ other: Comment: