Anuario Brasileiro 17ª Edição

Page 85

Alagoas: Capital Maceió População estimada 2016: 3.358.963 População 2010: 3.120.494 Área 2015 (km²): 27.848,158 Densidade demográfica 2010 (hab/km²): 112,33 Rendimento nominal mensal domiciliar per capita da população residente 2015 (reais): R$598 Número de Municípios: 102


O Caribe Brasileiro


onhecida como o Paraíso das Águas, Maceió abriga praias e piscinas naturais de águas cristalinas e mornas. Nenhum dos 40 quilômetros de praias da cidade consegue desapontar o visitante. São águas transparentes, com nuances que vão do verde clarinho ao azul turquesa, piscinas naturais, areias douradas e imensas manchas verdes. As praias de Maceió – sejam urbanas, do litoral Norte ou do litoral Sul – têm as mesmas características: águas mornas, coqueirais e piscinas naturais. As diferenças ficam por conta dos diversos tons de verde e de azul e pelas ondas – fortes ou inexistentes. Além de praia e sol, a cidade oferece aos seus apreciadores as lagoas, o artesanato do Pontal da Barra, museus, engenhos, folguedos, teatros e igrejas. Essas atrações culturais ficam longe, espalhadas pelo Centro de Maceió. São igrejas em estilos arquitetônicos variados, do barroco ao gótico, e espaços que guardam a rica arte popular do Nordeste. Também no bairro histórico do Jaraguá, antiga zona boêmia, estão construções do século 19, além de antigos casarões e armazéns. Já o polo gastronômico da capital nasceu na Jatiúca, primeira praia a ganhar destaque nos guias de turismo da região. Hoje, por toda a orla, se encontram restaurantes e quiosques com uma grande variedade de opções. Da culinária regional regada a frutos do mar, das lagoas e dos rios, aos pratos com sotaque francês, passando pelos japoneses e até peruanos, há restaurantes para todos os gostos.

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Foto: Embratur

Alagoas One of the country’s richest folklores But the basis of its economy is in agriculture and stockbreeding The state of Alagoas is the largest sugarcane producer in the northeast and one of the largest sugar producers in the world. Russia is its biggest buyer (75% of the sugar consumed in the country is from Alagoas) and amongst the main export products are, respectively, sugar from cane, ethyl alcohol, other sugars and ethylene chloride. Imports are: composts and fertilizers, wheat, chemical industry products, fertilizer components, plastic, rubber, and molybdenum ore. Since 2015 the state has grown considerably and has become home for many companies, consequently improving, largely, the economy of all cities involved. This happened thanks to actions from the government of Alagoas. Investor attentions are aimed at the Integrated Development Program (Prodesin), regulated by law and that recently underwent changes with the purpose of making the state more competitive. Deductions of up to 92% in due taxes are offered by the new program. And this is not all. It also provides local benefits for development of new enterprises, in other words, the government grants land at symbolic amounts so businesses are installed in municipalities from Alagoas. The legal security found in Alagoas is another differential. For being regulated by law, Prodesin becomes a commitment between the government and the serious entrepreneur, different from other states, where incentives are more volatile, determined by executive orders. Despite Prodesin existing since the mid-1990s, as time went on it became outdated and complicated, with offered benefits being difficult to apply and control by the State Treasury. That is why the program underwent a reform, gaining in practicality and convenience. Thus, it attracted various companies, with more attractive possibilities for big companies to move to the northeast and consequently increasing job offer, lowering unemployment rates and making the economy turn. Tourism is increasing in the state. Alagoas has 40 municipalities with touristic potential, where visitors may enjoy beautiful beaches, rivers, and historical cities. Among the beautiful beaches are those from Maceió’s metropolitan region, Praia do Francês (main touristic destination) and Praia de Parapueira. Marechal Deodoro, Alagoas old capital, maintains the Colonial period buildings. Another important attraction is Rio São Francisco. Alagoas: Capital Maceió Estimated population 2016: 3,358,963 Population 2010: 3,120,494 Area 2015 (km²): 27,848.158 Demographic density 2010 (inhab/km²): 112.33 Per capita monthly nominal income of residing population 2015 (Real): R$ 598 Number of municipalities: 102 Maceió Brazilian Caribbean Known as the Water Paradise, Maceió is home for beaches and crystal and warm water natural pools. None of the 40km of the city’s beaches will disappoint the visitor. Transparent waters, with nuances from clear green to turquoise blue, natural pools, golden sands and immense green spots. Maceió’s beaches – urban, north or south coast – have the same characteristics: warm waters, coconut trees and natural pools. The differences are the several shades of green and blue and waves – strong or non-existent. Aside from the beach and sun, the city offers its appraisers lakes, the handicraft at Pontal da Barra, museums, mills, folguedos, theaters and churches. These cultural attractions are located away, scattered through downtown Maceió. Churches in various architectural styles, from baroque to gothic, and spaces home for the rich popular art of the northeast region. Also at the historical neighborhood of Jaraguá, old bohemian area, are 19th century buildings and old houses and warehouses. The capital’s gastronomic center was born at Jatiúca, first beach to gain highlights in the region’s touristic guides. Today, throughout the waterfront, you can find restaurants and kiosks with various options. From the regional culinary based on seafood, from lakes and rivers, to French accent dishes, passing through Japanese and even, there are restaurants for all tastes.


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