An anarchist criticism to “OCCUPY”

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activity’ in Wall Street, in Zucotti Park -which is a private property-. Here, why this activity is called ‘Occupy Wall Street’ even though it is more ‘just’ to talk about a peaceful and settled activity of tax-paying citizens rather than talking of a blockage of the working in the stock-market street, an occupy for short or long time. Considered that structurally the individuals who are participating in the Wall Street activity do not have an existential mission in Wall Street buildings, this doesn’t make any disruption in the working of Wall Street. Besides, this activity, do not have an aim to stop or disrupt the actual working of Wall Street and this situation obviously shows us that this activity need to have been called something else than ‘occupy’.

V mask We first saw the mask of Guy Fawkes in the movie ‘V for Vendetta’ in 2006. The mask was used by an anarchist character who was struggling against the authoritarian government. The mask was the symbol of an anti-authoritarian who blow up the parliament building and tried to kill the king James 1st. Afterwards the mask was started to be used in actions by Anonymous hacktivists. It became an important symbol in Wall Street. However Time Warner (one of the biggest media company, the company which Warner Brothers is belong to) makes money over the right of usage and selling of the each V masks. A wall street activist invited everyone to resistance in these words: “Buy a V mask and join resistance! But it is sold out in the costume store so you need to wait till next friday.” Besides Time Warner announced that last year made profit of 28 billion dollars. On the best seller list of masks in amazon. com, mask of V surpassed Batman, Harry Potter and Darth Vader and became the first on the list. Rubbie’s costume announced that this year they sold 100.000 of this mask and that the mask of V is the bestselling one. Company produces these masks in Mexico or China which are sold for 6 $.

To call a situation and the power to call it like that, bear the danger of changing its meaning and its nature completely with the actual practice of the people who go for it. Do the people who called the activity -which is not Warner Bross do not comment on the actually an occupy- as occupy; want mask’s being used in actions, but it doesn’t to take the advantage of the ‘symbol’ seem to be complaining. or ‘effect’ of this name which contains a radical directness/ immediateness? This activity has a risk to create a new ‘occupy’ definition, to exclude the ones who doesn’t occupy as this one did, intentionally or not, manipulating the meaning of the word occupy. Then, intentionally or not who benefit from the manipulation of the action occupy? A symbolized activity which doesn’t ever disrupt the sustainability of the working, does not annoy or disturb the addressee and also becomes a democratic symbol of capitalism.

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