Eynesbury Times

Page 3

principal’s note

What a great start to 2014 and what

with several exclaiming how they

a jam-packed first term! The Mentor

could have listened to him all day!

Program under the new tutelage of

And our Year 12s have benefited by

Assistant Principal Aldo Longobradi has

making connections with past Eynesbury

had a number of inspiring and entertaining

students, who reflected on their

speakers with important messages.

Eynesbury experiences, their success at

All year levels were entertained

university or other pathways, and advice

by Mary Aloisi from Catch My Drift. Her sessions approached some fairly

about getting through Year 12. It was great to see new and familiar

significant issues relevant to young

faces during our first Open Day in March,

people in a realistic yet empowering

when we welcomed the largest number

way. They focus on empowering young

of people to the event since 2007.

people, understanding mental health

We open the doors again on Tuesday

issues, and suicide prevention.

13 May during a busy school day. It is

The Year 10 program had a health

uplifting to witness the looks on the faces

focus which had them looking at

of parents and prospective students as

relationships, goal setting, friendships

they are walked through the College.

and settling in to new school. Visits to

They see teachers working with students

the CBD Goodlife Gym and bowling

they know personally, operating in an

game were popular sessions.

atmosphere of mutual respect which

A highlight for Year 11s Mentor Program

provides parents with real confidence,

included Monty Pryor, an indigenous

and students often point out the personal

presenter, who spoke about intercultural

satisfaction and liberation they feel when

and indigenous understanding. Students

learning in such an environment.

were able to participate in cultural dance,

I invite you to join us for our first Open

music and discussion.

Afternoon of the year from 2pm-4pm.

Energetic and engaging speaker, Paul

Stay up to date with events,

Dillon, an expert on alcohol consumption

pictures, videos and news via our

and safe partying, returned to Eynesbury

social media pages but for now

to give our students advice on how to

happy reading, and I hope you

look out for themselves and their friends

all had a great Holiday!

at parties. The ever-popular Paul is always a sure highlight for students

John Warren

03 t /01 2014

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