EIS PYP Newsletter June 2020 Issue

Page 7

TheLear ni ngCommuni t y Wear eal way sl ook i ngf orguestspeak er st osuppor touruni t sofi nqui r y . Pl easeconnectwi t hy our chi l d’ st eacherort heHeadofPr i mar y , Mar cel l ev anLeenen, i fy oucanof f erex per t i sei noneoft he l ear ni ngar easdescr i bedi nt hi sgui de. Thel ear ni ngcommuni t yi si mpor t anti nt hePYP , sopl ease suppor tus! I nt hepur sui tofl i f el ongl ear ni ng, EI Swant st oi nv ol v epar ent si nt he educat i onwepr ov i def ory ourchi l dr en. Fort henewschool y ear , wear e pl anni ngaser i esofwor k shopsf orpar ent sont hef ol l owi ngt opi cs. These wi l l beact i v ewor k shops, sot haty ougett oex per i enceourappr oach t ot eachi ngandl ear ni ng. Mor ei nf or mat i ont of ol l ow. Ani nt r oduct i ont ot hePr i mar yYear sPr ogr amme( PYP) : Whaty ouneed t ok now; Thei mpor t anceofpl ay ; Assessment , Lear nerPor t f ol i osandCommuni cat i onaboutLear ni ng; Whatdowebel i ev eaboutl ear ni ng?Ouri nqui r y basedappr oacht o t eachi ngandl ear ni ng; TheEs s ent i al El ement soft hePYPPr ogr ammet ocr eat el i f el ongl ear ner s ; Rai si ngbi l i ngual chi l dr en: Howl anguagesar eacqui r edandmai nt ai ned; Concept basedcur r i cul um: Dev el opi ngunder st andi ngasopposed t or et ai ni ngf act ual k nowl edge.


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