How To Be Remarkable

Page 73


MAKE HABITS Developing a new habit can be very easy, provided you to do it right from the start. When trying to start a new habit - let’s say doing 25 pushups a day - you want to make sure you’ll be able to do 25 pushups per day for at least a month before being interrupted (so if you’ll be traveling a lot or anything like that in between be careful; WKDW RQH GD\ ZKHUH \RX FDQâW ðW LQ WKH SXVKXSV FRXOG EH ZKDW UXLQV WKH SURJUHVV you’ve made). It also helps to tether the new habit to an old habit…say, eating breakfast. If you do your pushups every single day after breakfast, you’ll be much more likely to build up the habit and make it stick than if you do them at a different time every day. Habits are great because they allow you to learn and otherwise improve yourself without having to think about it.

YAY HABITS! “Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits.” -Robert Puller


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