Developing together the future of the Viale Adriatico Market in Rome
INDEX About Mercato al Centro
Dutch Experts
Program of the conference at the Casa della Citta’
Media coverage
Italian Press Release
Special thanks
Eutropian in collaboration with TSPOON developed a project of temporary reactivation thanks to the support of the URBACT funded TUTUR project and the Olandiamo program of the Dutch Embassy in Italy in collaboration with the UARK University in Rome. Special thanks go to all the participants of the workshop and initiative.
About Mercato al Centro The market of Viale Adriatico: a heavily underused place with poor quality public space. Citizens taking part to the Local Support Group identified it as one of the spaces on which to intervene.
Image 1: The Viale Adriatico Market
The participatory mapping processes which took place between April and June 2014 as part of the Conference Urbanistiche Municipali of the Planning Department mapped many of the unused resources in the III District, among which the underused markets and the abandoned agricultural land, suggesting therefore an improvement in the production and distribution food chain at local level.
Image 2: Map of underused and abandoned resources in the III District
In collaboration with the University of Arkansas Rome Centre a group of 60 students developed 8 different projects proposals on how the market could be improved based on the input coming from the neighbourhood association, parents that are adopting the playground nearby, activities promoting the rehabilitation of markets in Rome and obviously the market vendors. The projects were then presented publicly and voted by people. Many ideas arose and served as a basis for the plan of the future market, such as opening it up, improving the lighting, creating a common language with the public space around it‌
Image 3: presentation of the UARK students to the local stakeholders
Thanks to all this input it was possible to synthesise some of the main ideas and discuss them with some architects experts on Markets that joined the workshop in Rome thanks to the support of the Dutch Embassy within the project “Il Mercato al Centro�. The workshop consisted of site visits to the market in Viale Adriatico but also to the nearby agricultural farm of Parsecflor in the Marcigliana Reservoir and other markets in the City to see how the production and distribution chain could be improved through a better use of markets.
Image 4: Visit to the Parsecflor Farm in the Marcigliana Reservoir
The exchange between Italy and the Netherlands was also shared with a wide public during the conference that took place in the Casa della Citta’ in Rome.
Image 5: Flyer of the public conference at the House of the City
All this exchange gave many ideas for how to place could be improved, reason why the following weekend over 50 people from around the neighbourhood gathered to start the first transformation of the space through public space temporary use interventions. Thanks to the support of the administration both at central and district level and of the various local associations and private
citizens, a first step was made.
The intervention consisted first of all of the eradication of the
oleanders to make a public open space at the entrance, the cleaning of the entire area surrounding the market, the cleaning of the facade and the application of colourful wallpaper, insertion of lowcost public furniture out of painted cement cubes, signing the entrances of the market with paint on the ground and list of products sold within it and lastly the personalisation of the inside by making notices for each of the market vendors saying their name and what they sell.
Image 5: interventions on the market
This is obviously not the end of the story but just the beginning. What has happened since this colourful weekend intervention is that the market vendors have come to an agreement to stay open also in the afternoon twice a week to better cater for the public, as they are usually supposed to be open only in the morning. This was also an important moment for all the different people that gravitate around the market to meet and share their ideas. Let’s see what will happen next!
Image 6: Flyers of the public events
Invited Dutch Experts on Food and Markets
Francesca Miazzo Francesca Miazzo is the managing director and co-founder of CITIES Foundation. Originally from Italy, Francesca is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where she completed a Research Masters in Metropolitan Studies. Francesca manages and coordinates CITIES’ multiple projects, initiatives, events and studies. More information:
Pinar Balat is an architect working in the Netherlands that researches on topics of social and economic accessibility with a particular focus on markets within a comparative research on cases from Istanbul and Amsterdam. More information here
Paul Alexander de Graaf is a Dutch architect that takes case of integration of sustainability and eco-technology principles in the living environment. His work, which he has been carrying out for years, is centred on the investigation of the relationship between architecture, landscape and ecology. More information:
Program of the Conference 18th February 2015, Wednesday Public lecture “Il Mercato al Centro” in Casa della Cittaʼ (Via Molletta 85) 16:30 - 16:45 Benvenuto da rappresentanti del Comune di Roma e dell’Ambasciata del Regno dei Paesi Bassi in Italia 16:30 - 16:45 Presentation of the TUTUR project and a focus on markets in Rome 16:45 - 17:00 Aurora Cavallo Benedetta Di Donato:"Le geografie del cibo a Roma"
17:00 - 17:30 Francesca Miazzo: “Support the activation of food short chain distribution” 17:30 - 18:15 Pinar Balat: “Integration of frail economic groups in markets: the redesign of the Amsterdam Abert Cuyp market” 18:15 - 19:00 Paul De Graaf: “Introduction to the perspective of systems: the role of urban agriculture in creating resilient urban eco-systems” 19:00 - 20:00: Roundtable discussion with local experts Leslie Capone, Assessorato Roma Produttiva Alessandro Coppola, Assessorato Trasformazione Urbana Giacomina di Salvo, Assessore Urbanistica del X Municipio Christian Iaione, Professore associato di diritto pubblico presso Universita’ LUISS Marcello Di Paola, Docente Sostenibilità e Giustizia Globale presso Universita’ LUISS Anna Maria Bianchi, Laboratorio Carteinregola Orizzontale, Studio di architettura Manuela Canneti, Zolle - piattaforma per consegna a domicilio di prodotti alimentari locali Manuel Torresan, Esperto in rivitalizzazione del commercio urbano
UARK student projects on the Market
Media coverage The Mercato al Centro initiative received a good media attention level for the workshop with the Dutch experts, for the conference and the intervention on the market itself. Here is the Italian press release to the event and some of the main links.
Links City of Rome ANCI - Cittalia Ecomune UARK h t t p : / / w w w. u a r k r o m e . i t / # ! I L - M E R C AT O - A L - C E N T R O - F i n a l - C o n f e r e n c e / c1326/55000fe60cf24585979f497c LabGov
Special thanks A special thank you goes to the Local Support Group: TSPOON, Eutropian, il Comitato Attiva Monte Sacro, market vendors, the parents taking care of the playground, Retake Roma, AICS and the III District administration, Cittalia, the Dutch Embassy, theUniversity of Arkansas Rome Centre, the Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia, the Biennale dello Spazio Pubblico, LabGov dell’Universita’ Luiss Guido Carli, and many many more!
Daniela Patti:
Eliana Saracino:
Levente Polyak:
Alessandra Glorialanza: Nina Artioli: