Citizens Manifesto for European Democracy, Solidary and Equality

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Citizens Manifesto

C) The right to education is a universal right protected by international and EU primary

law (Article 9 TFEU100, Article 14101 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 28 of

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child102). Thanks to Directive 2000/43/EC, Member

States have the obligation to give Roma like any other EU citizens non-discriminatory access to education. As any other children in the EU territory, Roma children shall be granted access to quality education, regardless of whether they are sedentary or not.

D) We hence call the EU institutions, together with Member States, to protect the right of every child to access quality education. In particular, they should:


Ensure that all Roma children complete at least primary school as set in the EU

Framework for National Roma Integration up to 2020 and have access to quality education, as established in the EU Framework for National Roma Integration

Strategies103. Access should be monitored through effective mechanisms (such as –– –– ––

the Commission’s Roma Task Force, that should have strengthened powers).

Focus on school attendance rates, in particular for primary education, through support for early childhood education and training for teachers and mediators.

Involve Roma parents in deliberations with local authorities and educational structures to decrease dropout rate and promote the importance of education

Construct a real, stable and effective collaboration with all educational institutions, aware that the educational success and social integration in schools is closely linked to the commitment of school headmasters, teachers and all the others social workers working at the local level.

E) Even though education falls under Member States’ competences, the EU has compe-

tences to encourage cooperation and supplement their actions for quality education for all, as foreseen in Article 165 of the TFEU.

100  “In defining and implementing its policies and activities, the Union shall take into account requirements linked to […] a high level of education.” 101  “1. Everyone has the right to education and to have access to vocational and continuing training. 2. This right includes the possibility to receive free compulsory education. […]” 102 103


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