MWP Annual Report - Academic Year 2013-2014

Page 41

friday 13 June 2014 Panel State Building How do States emerge? Networks are fundamental pillars in the architecture of civil society and state building. While some networks support the hierarchies and the construction of state hegemony other networks undermine the infrastructure and credibility of state power. The panel examined networks from both historical and contemporary social perspectives and broached questions of legitimacy, surveillance, collaboration, and the financial institutions of state projects.

Rachel Applebaum (HEC), ‘Friends Forged through War? The Red Army’s Liberation of Czechoslovakia during World War II and the Soviet Imperial Project in Eastern Europe, 1945–1968’

Coordinator Valerie McGuire (HEC)

Panel Norms (2) International law and issues of legality and legitimacy This panel was the second in a series on norms. It discussed issues relating to the legitimacy of norms, of military interventions and of the use of force. Empirical cases included the creation of rules on banning antipersonnel mines, the use of force in Afghanistan, Somalia, Liberia, and East Timor, and military intervention in Georgia, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. The panel discussed IR, constructivist and just war theories, and applied concepts such as humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect.

Chair Gabrielle Clark (LAW)

Chair Thomas Beukers

Papers Franziska Exeler (HEC), ‘Building and Rebuilding the State. Patronage Networks, Personnel Shortages and the Ghosts of Wartime Behavior in the Post-World War II Soviet Union’

Papers Pablo Kalmanovitz (LAW) ‘Just State-Building: Legitimate Authority and State Consolidation in War-Torn Societies’

Nathan Marcus (HEC 2011-2012), ‘The Tel Aviv Stock-Exchange and the creation of a Jewish Home in Palestine 1936-39’ Discussant Tara Zahra, University of Chicago

Adam Bower (SPS, 2012-2014) ‘NonHegemonic Law in International Relations: Nested Norms, Social Legitimacy, and the Ban on Antipersonnel Mines’

Luana F. Joppert Swensson (LAW 2011-2012),’Networks and the access of smallholder farmers to institutional markets: Opportunities and legal challenges in the case of the Brazilian institutional food procurement programmes’ Matthew Hoye (SPS) at the June Conference

Mindia Vashakmadze (LAW, 20082010) ‘Legality and Legitimacy of Foreign Military Intervention in International Law: Four Case Studies’ Discussant Nehal Bhuta, EUI

max weber programme for postdoctoral studies


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