Context on the Pre-eclampsia Cleviprex Project

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Introduction This document serves to capture some of the relevant context for the beginning of the EthicsLab + The Medicines Company (MDCO) collaboration on the Preeclampsia-Cleviprex project. This is the first (rough) draft, prepared ahead of the first sessions with MDCO at EthicsLab on April 21st and 22nd, 2014. The organization of topics and the content within each section is preliminary. Furthermore, all of the content within this booklet has been prepared solely by EthicsLab designers and has not been proofed by any of the experts involved (i.e., neither MDCO nor EthicsLab bioethicists have reviewed this version upon printing). This method of using a booklet for context research and capture is also experimental—something we are testing as we build and institutionalize EthicsLab processes and practices. Our intentions for this initial draft are: 1.

To provide context and reference that can be accessed in situ during our first sessions on this project;


To collect feedback from participants on the content during and after the session so that we may improve it for future use and publication;


To explore and collect feedback on the use of a context booklet in the EthicsLab design process.

- The EthicsLab design team April 20th, 2014


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