Sacreligious Salacious Zine

Page 8

We sat together. I, a part of them White sheets and covers, curls on the pillow Spread like wildfire, Mine in a bun neat, tied with a string. I look at her Friend, confidante, lover Now. Finger, moving in circles, at the nape of my neck, While his hand snaps, At the string, my hair falling To the hook. Her eyes – Baring seven years of longing -close as I bend down, my hook undone. feel his scruff on my back, Her lover, now mine. And as I press her earlobe against my lips, Soft, pulsating skin in my mouth, His lips touch my back. Her, my friend, confidante, lover Now seven years of ignorance melting, Into a tiny affirmative, Hardening on my tongue Supple, brown, majestically rising. I marvel as she draws in a deep breath, Tracing, every inch, breathing her in. Her lover, slowly reaching down, Stroking, fingers, one and two, Fingers, strange fingers in me, strumming Up and down, dancing In and out


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