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Public Events

DR. FRAN VAN CHUONG Dr. Chuong former South Vietnamese Am路 bassador to the United States spoke in Memorial Gym, December S, on strategic bombing in the Viet war and his country's hopes 路for a Communist-free government.

BARONESS MARIA VON TRAPP Public Evems Speaker for October 14 was Baroness Von Trapp, noted as the woman who inspired the movie, "The Sound of Music."

ROSEMARY HAUG HTON Rosemary Haughton, a prominent Catholic lay-theologian was the keynote speaker for the Religion in Life Conference htl d March 12-16.

Appc>ring in the Community Concert Series was the Obernkirchen Children's Choir-thirt) -six \\'est German youngsters. T he November 7 concert feat ured the Choir's hmed "The H appy W anderer."


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