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Social | Human Rights

was not punishable. At the end of 2021, there were 5 complaints for moral harassment and 2 for discrimination being investigated by the Ombudsman’s Office. With regard to lawsuits related to moral harassment, there is the filing of a Public Civil Action filed by the Public Labor Prosecutor (MPT) against Petrobras (Proc. 100042031.2020.5.02.0252, 2nd Labor Court of Cubatão / SP). The MPT alleges that, during the strike of the oil workers that began in February/2020, we kept a group of employees working in slave-like conditions, keeping them in their jobs for up to 132 straight hours, on the company's premises at the Presidente Bernardes Refinery in Cubatão (RPBC). It also states that the Company should have provided for the workers surrender, and that they were forced to remain working until the end of the strike. It is asking for BRL 100 million for collective pain and suffering, in addition to BRL 100 thousand in compensation for each of the 73 workers who allege harm, in addition to ensuring that such acts are not repeated in future strikes. We affirm that the situation was caused by the Labor Union, which disobeyed repeated court orders of the Superior Labor Court, which imposed fines on the entity for noncompliance with the decision (the TST decided to maintain 90% of the employees in service, taking turns in regimes of uninterrupted alternating shifts). The company claims that employees remained at their jobs because they were aware of their responsibilities and that it was impossible to empty the refinery, under pain of serious risk to the safety of people, the environment, the surrounding community, and facilities. Furthermore, there was no impediment or barrier for employees to leave the refinery's facilities. Also, we demonstrated that employees alternated working hours and rest periods, under appropriate conditions, and were duly compensated for the extraordinary work hours performed, without slave-like conditions, an allegation that we strongly reject. The sentence dismissed the request of the Labor Prosecution Office (MPT), accepting the company's defense and recognizing that there was no responsibility of the company for the permanence of workers in their workplaces during the period discussed in the lawsuit. The MPT appealed and the appeal, with the 12th Panel of the Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region dismissing the appeal, fully maintaining the decision in favor of Petrobras. The case has not yet become final.

Prevention of human rights violations in communities in our area of operation We have adopted standards and processes that guide our performance in managing risks and socio-economic impacts in our operations, investment projects, decommissioning and divestments. These processes seek to prevent the violation of human rights and to strengthen the bonds of trust with the communities present in our coverage area. We identify, analyze, and respond to the possible socio-economic impacts of our operations, including the risks of human rights violations, using as a management tool the diagnosis and social analysis of communities and the Social Responsibility and Community Relationship plans in the area covered by our operations. Currently, there are 22 local plans for Social Responsibility and Community Relations, which represent 100% of our refining and exploration and production units. These plans were prepared and validated for implementation in 2021, and their actions are monitored by a management system (JIRA) that tracks the percentages planned and carried out. Regarding the evaluation of capital investment projects, in 2021, 28 projects were submitted to social responsibility and HSE evaluation, which include human rights issues,




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