The Smokeless Cigarette, for Distinguished Smokers Everywhere

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in a manner resembling of a traditional smoke. Though most users still get the same kick from smoking an e-cigar, they can do it in places where smoking is not traditionally acceptable. E-cigs allow new fathers to have a puff in the waiting room of the hospital with friends, completely legally and without emitting secondhand smoke. They can also be enjoyed over a meal at a restaurant, where traditional smoke is banned. These are only some of the multiple possibilities available to cigar smokers who opt

for the cleaner, e-cigar alternative. Like Smokeless Cigarette, e cigars come in starter kits featuring rechargeable and refillable cigars. However, since cigar smoking is traditionally a habit of casual, social smokers, the option ofa disposable box of cigars is often the more popular choice. With a disposable e-cigar, the user gets at least as much value as they would from a traditional cigar, sometimes even more. The price is comparable or less and the enjoyment is equal or better‌Read more

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