Esencial Nº 26

Page 8

- TBS Ready for take-off: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree

Over 300 people congregated on 15 April in the ceremony hall of Foment del Treball: (ex) students, family members, teachers and staff. All present to celebrate the success of the 2015 class of the Bachelor’s in Management and the Master’s in Management: a new generation of graduates of TBS Barcelona is ready to take off. Olivier Benielli, director of the TBS Barcelona campus, opened the ceremony and referred to the capacity, acquired through effort and study, that the now former students have to “drive” change, to “put yourselves forward and contribute to a better world. TBS believes that if it cultivates the entrepreneurial and explorer spirit amongst its students, a liking of challenges, critical thinking, passion, listening, companionship, responsibility, integrity, curiosity, then they are contributing to the common good”. Benielli urged the graduates to remain true to themselves and “don’t wait for the old world to disappear: invent the new world right now”. The director of the Bachelor’s programme for the whole TBS group, Victor Gervasoni, was also present and wanted to motivate the students to do what they really want: “The most important thing is not to earn lots of money, but to be where you want to be and have the exciting job that you dream of”. Julien Pierre Aron, an advisor of the 2015 class of the Bachelor’s in Management and a Career Starter coach, shared his personal job search experience. A journey with highs and lows that aimed to transmit to those present the ultimate essence of success: constant effort. Isabelle Assassi, director of the Programme Grande École, was in charge of initiating the speeches aimed particularly at graduates of the Master’s in

Management. Assassi invited those present to feel proud about the degree that they had just achieved: “but don’t be arrogant!”, she warned, before asking for optimism and happiness, despite the dangers, the dramas and the fact that we don’t decide to be happy: “but, in any case, I hope that you triumph, that you are content to live and be lucky, as I am, to be a graduate of this school to which I owe many things”. It was another graduate of TBS, Louis Le Chevalier, an advisor of the 2015 class of the Master’s in Management. Le Chevalier also shared his professional career and advised the graduates to “always go forward in a positive and optimistic manner”. Lastly, the director of the TBS group, François Bonvalet, also wished to take the floor to congratulate the graduates and their families before initiating the real celebration, that which would now take place without a robe or mortarboard. At the magazine Esencial, we also congratulate all of the graduates and wish them all the best for the future... and hope they don’t stop reading us!

Listos para despegar: la diplomatura de Bachelor y Master Más de 300 personas se congregaron el 15 de abril en la sala de actos de Foment del Treball: (ex) estudiantes, familiares, profesores y personal. Todos presentes para celebrar el éxito de la promoción 2015 del Bachelor in Management y el Master in Management: una nueva generación de diplomados de TBS Barcelona está lista para despegar.


Olivier Benielli, director del campus de Barcelona de TBS, abrió la ceremonia haciendo referencia a la capacidad, adquirida tras el esfuerzo y el estudio, que tienen los ya antiguos estudiantes para “pilotar” el cambio, para “poneros al frente y contribuir a un mundo mejor. TBS cree que si cultiva entre sus alumnos el espíritu emprendedor y explorador, el gusto por el desafío, el pensamiento crítico, la pasión, la escucha, el compañerismo, la responsabilidad, la integridad, la curiosidad; está contribuyendo al bien común”. Benielli instó a los diplomados a ser fieles a sí mismos y “no esperéis que el viejo mundo desaparezca: inventad el nuevo ahora mismo”. El director del programa Bachelor para todo el grupo TBS, Victor Gervasoni, también estuvo presente y quiso motivar a los estudiantes para hacer lo que realmente desean: “Lo más importante no es ganar mucho dinero, sino estar donde deseéis y tener el trabajo excitante con el que soñáis”. Por su parte, Julien Pierre Aron, padrino de la promoción 2015 del Bachelor in Management y coach del Career Starter, compartió su experiencia personal de búsqueda de empleo. Un recorrido con altibajos que pretendía transmitir a los presentes la esencia última del éxito: el esfuerzo constante. Isabelle Assassi, directora del Programme Grande Ecole, fue la encargada de iniciar el turno de las intervenciones dirigidas especialmente a los diplomados del Master in Management. Assassi llamó a los presentes a sentirse orgullosos del diploma que acababan de obtener: “¡pero no seáis arrogantes!”, advirtió, antes de pedir optimismo y felicidad, pese a los peligros, los dramas y el hecho de que uno no decide ser feliz: “pero, en cualquier caso, os deseo que triunféis, que estéis contentos

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