A student grammar of spanish cambridge ronald e batchelor 2

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25 Adverbs

2.4 Without the article and in the plural a ciegas a escondidas a gatas a medias a solas

blindly secretly on all fours by halves alone, privately

de o´ıdas de rodillas de pie en ayunas en cueros

by hearsay on your knees standing fasting naked

Ejemplos No hab´ıa luz y fui a ciegas a mi rec´amara (M )/ habitaci´on Me dijo a escondidas que . . . Los ni˜nos aprenden a andar a gatas muy pronto Todo lo arregla a medias Marta pas´o toda la noche a solas

There was no light so I couldn’t see when I went to my room She told me in secret that . . . Children learn to crawl on all fours very quickly He only does things by halves Martha spent all night alone

2.5 Some adverbial phrases i

a m´as no poder a m´as tardar a sus anchas cuanto antes

with all your might at the latest at your ease as soon as possible

de par en par de vez en cuando gota a gota poco a poco

wide open (door) occasionally drop by drop little by little

Ejemplos Disfrutamos a m´as no poder Regresaremos el lunes a m´as tardar En tu casa me siento a mis anchas M´andamelo cuanto antes La puerta estaba abierta de par en par Voy al teatro de vez en cuando

We enjoyed ourselves enormously We’ll be back by Monday at the latest I feel really at home in your house Send it to me as soon as possible The door was wide open I go to the theater on occasions

ii Many of these adverbial phrases are restricted to certain verbs:

Lo mir´o de hito en hito Le hizo la pregunta a quemarropa

She stared at him He suddenly shot the question at her

iii Many of these adverbial expressions may be further extended by the addition of other adverbs:

Entr´o muy de golpe Lo toma demasiado a la ligera

He suddenly came in She takes it too lightly


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