Sharing is Great (Tsunami)

Page 44



Sharing is Great

Sharing is Great



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Sharing is Great

Before the ceremony, Ms. Ladawan Wongsriwong (the former Minister of labour and social welfare), the committee chairman, gave a press conference concerning the memorial service and this was translated into English and Chinese. At the appointed time, the ceremonial President, H.E. Somsak Thepsuthin the Deputy Prime Minister, representing the Prime Minister, lit candles and incense in homage to the Triple Gem and requested the Five

Precepts which were duly given by the Most Ven. Phra Dhammakittivong, the Abbot of Wat RajaOrasaram who was the president of the monastic community. This was followed by an opening report by the Mayor of Takuapa Municipality, Mr. Visuth Navalong. An opening speech was then given by the ceremonial president. Sharing is Great



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