Prose Magazine February - March 2017

Page 7

C-Sectioned Consistency

(n) steadfast adherence to the same principles, course or form; uniformity.

Reading for the soul Pay attention and engage fully with what you are reading. Skim over the book to get an overview. Read in small bites, more so, if the material is complex. Make notes on ideas, themes manifest in the book. Stretch after every thirty minutes so as to not lose focus. Read words in groups or phrases rather than as single words for easier understanding.


n a nutshell, consistency equates to uniformity. It is the ability to deliver the same quality in regards to a product, service or customer experience each time. In an organisation, consistency reassures the customer that they can rely on the organisation to ‘come through’ in terms of delivering quality products or services even when the organisation is working with thin profit margins and tight deadlines.

To achieve consistency, organisations need to harmonise all their internal and external processes and objectives. A starting point would be to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all the activities the organisation is involved in to streamline the activities and ensure uniformity. These SOPs can be reinforced by checklists and other tools for improving processes such as Six Sigma.


Pronunciation (mow-fay-a) Mubea is the Kikuyu name for a Catholic priest or father. The name is a corruption of ‘mon père’, French for father. French is the official language of the Holy Ghost Fathers. They were the first Catholic missionaries in Kenya. They established the first inland church at St. Austin in Nairobi and from where they penetrated into neighbouring districts.


Sotik is a Kenyan town located in the Rift Valley highlands. The agricultural town got its name from colonial settlers who used to say that ‘the fog is so thick’ as the area could at times experience blinding fog. The locals misheard that as ‘Sotik’ and the name stuck. PROSE MAGAZINE | FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017


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