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PVC uyn.t DiKtI8rgI ....

PVC leytllt o.c:tIerge HoM

OUr ~ IlaM PVC DIIcIIIrge ley host Is~ WIIh 11'1 open "'"" IHIIenglh ~ne _nt ~ tlllwMn _ .. of PVC eo b«lome _ homogeueoua una wilt! e III'IOOItIInlide lIy., 0Iher benellts Indude good lulbllly. conoum end UV rniItAnt covlr for Igmg rHItUnoe.

,O(254mm)to 8"(2032mm)

PVC Suction Hose

PVC Suclllln HOM

Our HGh OUalayline of PVC SucIIOnHose 115 spedalIy dHigned lot IUdIOn or InIIIWr applac:a1lO1l5where VlSUiSlfIowIs prelem!d The produd Is conSlJUCted from I very ftexJble conugated deer PVC Vo1th a amoolh bore end an Olemal rigid PVC heb thll.allows for eaIY d"gg"~ Avariety of coIOI'$lIMaJll)k:ellOnsare .valll~

lf2"(12.7mm) 10 1-1f2"(38mm)

EVA Water Pipe O~ line of EVA'WaterHose is a IIghtwelghl ftexible hote engineered to reMt most oilt, c:htmlcal, and wilh tpeOial prooeS5ing a good quality of UV re.~t.nce Thot llfoduCl can be ordered In oolk, prec:ullengtha or complete aS5l!mblie. depending on your laqulremenll.


EVA \lllatar Pipe

PU Water Pipe O~ tine of PU Waler Hose Is a lightweight lex.ible hose engineered to raW mosl oila, c:htmlcalt and with speoIalllfOceseing • good quality of UV re515tenee Th'llfoduCl can be ordered In bulk, precuc lell9ths or complete assemblies depending on vour r.qulremen~ PU\lllatar Pipe


PVC Soaker Hose OUr hl~ quality tine of Clip IrTiglllon PVC Soek.r ho.. 1a 1Mfr.ct lor any garden IPphcallOn The Wiler _ps through thou$an(b of pores and the producl can be burled for deeper _king and r.SlstS mold and fungal gIOWIh Tht host II.H)' 10c.. an .nd comtS In 1ht.. bnutlfIJi colors. Gleen. Blue, and YelcW Av.lable In precut I.ngth. of 25', 50' and 100' WIth ~ Of pastlc fttbngs in u.s. or 8tlIish

5I'Ir'( 16mrn)

PU I Nylon High Pressure Oil Hose

PUI Nylon HighP,_..

PolyUrtlhlM ma..nal fDr 1ht Exlltnlllaytr. anclNylon mallrlalln 1ht InltflOr tUM WIth relnforcemlnt made of h4gl'llntenslty lety1eneyam The product I'IIs Ixcelttnt performl'_ IlfOpet1le$ due 10 the consVucbon m.~riI" whidI gIVes this hoM good rtsisl.llnc.lo oIl, _allW,UV lIghl end .bnlsion. Greellor eny eppllcellOn IhIt _ Oil and chtmala under hI~ pres:sur. whJe nte<ing I fl@xible quality hoM

!iI32"('inlm) 3/18"(Smm) 1/4"(6mm)


OilHo ..

Nylon Tubing O~ line of Nylon tubing products Ire ~Meffd for many Illp(k:atlons IncIud~g pneumatc linel. Igrfculture, 011lines Ind most [ndU$lrill PfoJed$ where nylon tubln; Is UNdo Tho ptodUcll1 UgNweltlhtand has e~eeI1entbend radii plln hiving IKOInent relllSlanca to c:ru5hino,abrasion. craClang and llexural fatigue OJ tube vlbraUon.

5f3T(<4mm) 3/18"{5mm) 1/4"(6mm) SlIe"(Smm)

Nylon Tubing

Rubber Fuel Oil Hose ~ smooth Slack NlTRll RubberTube. Ot and Fuel Resillant R.lnforOiment. ,.XllII bnlldtd t"(Ih IInsit synthtLie yam



Rubber Full Oil HoM

Cov.r: smooth Slack NEOPRENE Rubber that has oU,oozone_th., reMlant p-op«rtles

Ind abnlslon

Applications Fualsy1ttmS Include galO,",. dlt.llllll. allO IUillbi. lOr toadtng .nd unloading lank elIl$ automobileS ollre~ and 01 ,,1I11d indueanalsIpplIcalkIM TlmPl"t~. -40 t:+ 100'( SrandMlg 15 requesl ltl1lllh 40, SOMI .. requesl Standard, J30R2 TYPE 1.2, JJORlII 8SAU 10lIl2

3/1 S"(Smm) to


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