Basic principles and guidenace instrument for legislation

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3.5 Overview of the four phases and 17 steps that encompass the guiding principles for developing, adopting and implementing epilepsy legislation


STEP 1. Identify key stakeholders for a process of building consensus and negotiating for change. 2. Describe the epilepsy problems in your country and the ways in which they are being managed. 3. Describe the epilepsy services in your country. 4. List legislation impacting epilepsy.


5. Identify and describe the gaps in information regarding epilepsy problems. 6. Identify the principal barriers and obstacles to good quality epilepsy care in your country. 7. Identify international conventions and standards (identify relevant conventions). 8. Identify relevant epilepsy legislation on the same issues from other countries. 9. Identify the broad areas to be included in epilepsy legislation or areas which need to be revised and reformed in existing laws which impact on epilepsy.


10. Identify an appropriate group of people to prepare the legislation proposal for submission to the government and legislative body. 11. Consult regarding the reform of epilepsy-related legislation. 12. Outline the legislative procedures and lobbying processes.

Adoption 13. Identify obstacles and facilitating factors for the implementation phase. 14. Set up an oversight body.


15. Develop practical support mechanisms/programmes/tools to facilitate the legislation. 16. Educate various groups on the legislation and their roles, rights and responsibilities within it. 17. Mobilise human and financial resources.


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