NUIM Literary Journal 2014

Page 25

come to something – it might still by some sort of divine intervention? I don’t even know what he’s doing now, maybe I’ll end up crossing paths with him or something. But no, he’ll probably be off doing something intelligent and ‘practical’ and will probably get a good well-paid job from it and will have an attractive wife who picks out really nice curtains and understands how basically good he is and will love him meaningfully until they’re in a nursing home together and people will come visit them, because they’ve made real connections to people and they don’t need people to ‘understand’ them because they don’t pretend to be complicated, and these people bring them things like nice towels and those really soft sugar-coated jellies that melt in your mouth when you bite them that people give old people and then one of them will die, probably not him because he doesn’t eat too much and he exercises and doesn’t smoke which is why he has such a beautiful body now but I don’t really care that he does I’m not sure I ever did but anyway he’ll probably live longer than her and then he’ll die a few days later and everyone will say how much they loved each other and I won’t be around to cry about it because I eat and smoke and think too much.


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