Microrrelatos inglés 2018

Page 5

Pseudónimo autora: J. K. ROWLING

Unexpected Relief I was walking through Ferrol when I found a book. When I opened it, I realized that for a long time I hadn’t found one. How had it ended in that place? On the cover you could read One Hundred Years of Solitude, written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I thought I should read it, that could be the title of my life. Just at that moment, a familiar voice woke me up from my daydream. - We are going to be late-, it was Kiko’s voice, - The Soup Kitchen is going to close, and we won’t eat today. I thought he was right, and also there wasn’t another object of interest there for me, so I took my book and continued walking, but I wasn’t walking alone anymore that day. The reading could make me forget the cold that night. -I have to read it-, I whispered.

Alivio Inesperado (Galego) Camiñaba por Ferrol e atopei un libro. Cando o abrín, dinme conta que facía moito tempo que non atopaba un. Como é que acabou neste lugar? Na portada podíase ler o título Cen anos de soidade de Gabriel García Márquez. Pensei que debía lelo, ese ben podería ser o titulo da miña vida. Nese intre, unha voz familiar espertoume do meu aturdimento. - Imos chegar tarde-, era a voz de Kiko, - A cociña vai pechar e quedaremos sen comida hoxe. Pensei que tiña razón, e ademais non quedaba ningunha cousa de interese nese lugar, así que collín o meu gancho e seguín camiñando, pero xa non camiñaba só ese día. A lectura podería facerme esquecer o frío esa noite. - Teño que lelo, murmurei

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