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our goal is to awaken one community at a time . . .

money Mindset with Dr Andrew Powell

Abundance Is Your Natural State That statement might seem hard to believe if you have been experiencing lack and struggle, but it’s true. In fact we are infinite beings living in an abundant universe. Everything is available to us and there really is no lack of anything. The only thing holding us back from expressing our natural state of abundance are the self-sabotaging limiting beliefs, distorted perceptions and unresolved patterns of emotional reaction that unconsciously drive us. We have all been programmed throughout life with subconscious beliefs that are generally not even questioned, we simply accept them as “the way things are”. Many of us have patterns of beliefs that tell us things like“Life is hard” “Life wasn’t meant to be easy” “If it wasn’t difficult then I didn’t really earn it” “You have to wor k hard and struggle to get what you want” There is a deeply ingrained belief in our society that anything really worth doing has to be hard, difficult and usually long and complicated as

well. We feel we have to “earn” the result we want, so we subconsciously put up roadblocks and make life difficult for ourselves, just so we can struggle to overcome them to satisfy our desire to feel like we “earned it”. Only then can we accept the reward and feel good about it. Society fully encourages this skewed point of view – we are trained to be good workers, not to recognise the magnificence of who we are already and our natural state of abundance. I used to think that living a truly abundant life was another goal just like any other- something you had to work toward… a destination. However, along the way I have realised that abundance is not something we have to learn to do- we don’t need to struggle, strive, study or constantly seek… abundance is already our true nature. It’s simply a matter of allowing it to be expressed in our lives. I once heard Dr.Scott Walker, the developer of Neuro Emotional Technique(NET) say “Success is not a process of accumulation. Success is a process of shedding”.

He was exactly right. What he was talking about was shedding the limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns that keep us locked in to our current reality. They affect us on all levels, and nowhere is it more true than with our finances and the level of wealth we allow to manifest in our lives. The problem is that many of these beliefs are deeply ingrained in the subconscious and unless we are very present and observing ourselves closely we often don’t even realise they are there. We move through life automatically reacting to them without even knowing why we feel the way we do, or why the same results seem to keep playing out again and again in our lives. What we need is a reliable method that gets results when it comes to uncovering and dissolving these limiting patterns and replacing them with more empowering, consciously chosen beliefs. This is the fastest way I have found to manifest our natural state of abundance. I have seen it time and time again with clients and with myself- as these old patterns fall away things just seem to shift in your life. I have had clients receive unexpected bonuses, win raffles, receive unexplained or

FREE Webinar: “Dissolve The Blocks To Manifesting Your Abundance” Discover a uniquely powerful process for transforming financial stress and fear into financial freedom (by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind). Experience it yourself live on this FREE Webinar.

I just wanted to say thank you again!... I have more energy, my work has skyrocketed again… and there is a general greater appreciation for the moment and the beauty I am surrounded by and a deep sense of wellbeing. -Dr. Annika Jende, Chiropractor If you’re tired of struggling with money visit www.themoneyisinthemindset.com/webinar NOW to register for your FREE Webinar “Dissolving the blocks to your abundance” (valued at $97).

Dr. Andrew Powell

Chiropractor, Kinesiologist, Speaker & Author of “The Money Is In The Mindset”


www.innerself.com.au unasked-for discounts, sell a business that had been unsold on the market for 3 years… it’s amazing how things just seem to start falling into place when you change what you are willing to receive. The technique that I have found to have the most profound and consistent impact is called the LifeLine Technique™. It’s a combination of over 15 different healing systems which uses kinesiology (muscle testing) to hone in on the exact blockages that are preventing you from living your life intentionally. The results I have observed with this technique have been lasting and sometimes dramatic. There are not just changes in the way you feel on the inside, there are observable results that will manifest in your life… things that other people will start to notice. It never fails to amaze me how exactly “reality” manages to mirror our beliefs back to us. When you change your beliefs at this deep level your external reality has to change to mirror your new beliefs… that’s simply how it works. If you’d like to manifest more abundance in your life, ask yourself “What do I really believe about money?” Write down everything that comes to you. Be as thorough as possible. If you find that you don’t like some of what you’ve written, or that you’d like to change some of it, consciously set a new intention for how you’re going to live instead. Whenever you are in a situation when that old belief pattern is triggered choose to react from your new belief instead, no matter how uncomfortable it might feel. It will get easier. Be gentle with yourself if you sometimes still find yourself reacting to the old pattern. Simply commit to choosing differently the next time and move on. Until next time, have fun manifesting more of your natural state of abundance. Dr. Andrew Powell is a Chiropractor & Kinesiologist at Hills Spinal Health in Castle Hill, NSW. He is also the author of “The Money Is In The Mindset- The 7 Subconscious Keys To A Profitable Practice” and the creator of the Money Mindset Mastery Program, a unique system for transforming your relationship to money and attracting more abundance into your life. You can join Dr. Andr e w on a FREE webinar where you can experience The LifeLine Technique™ li v e by r e gistering at www. themoneyisinthemindset.com/ webinar

An Ancient Healing Practise Working Within the Community

Over the last 20 years Sydney based Qigong Master Simon Blow has been working with many community based programs helping people to release stress, increase health and develop spiritual perception and awareness. He presented the following paper at a World Medical Qigong Conference in Beijing, China May 2004. Overview: The problem of addiction is a huge one causing breakdown of family and community structure, disruption to work, crime and civil disorder. Research suggests causes lie in childhood abuse, parental alcoholism and neglect, resulting in a downward spiral of low self-esteem, powerlessness, violence and self-harm. Addicts are therefore often individuals in a state of extreme imbalance, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. When they decide to address their substance abuse, changing themselves, their attitudes and habits, is a struggle. The ancient practice of Qigong has long been known in China and increasingly in the west as a means of increasing health and well-being. Since 1992 Qigong Master Simon Blow has been leading classes in Ba Duan Jin Standing Form Qigong in several drug rehabilitation groups in Sydney, Australia. The practice of Qigong as taught by Simon Blow utilises the elements of self-healing and balance of the internal energy with the external environment. The results suggest that the practice of Qigong gives beneficial aid to recovering addicts in gaining relaxation skills, body awareness and confidence as well as lessening frustration and regaining balance of body and mind. The survey was taken continuously over six months from June to December 2003 after each 45-minute class of Qigong, held twice weekly, in a residential, drug rehabilitation group. We Help Ourselves (WHOS), is a drug-free therapeutic programme lasting three months incorporating the fostering of personal growth and life skills with a view to participants returning to the community. The context of these Qigong classes is therefore a therapeutic one of groupwork, counselling, support and education,

stress management and relapse prevention. Two groups of males and females were surveyed over two consecutive three-month periods with the intention of a qualitative assessment based on subjective evaluation on whether their on-going Qigong practice was helping in their recovery. Results: Of a total of 634 surveys over this period, 89% found an overall benefit. Specific qualities were measured 85% said they felt stronger physically. 86% said they were able to accept others more and 87% felt that their self-acceptance had increased. 88% felt the practice of Qigong enabled them to concentrate better and felt more confident and better able to control anxiety. 88% felt they were deepening spiritually. 89% felt stronger emotionally and less frustrated. 90% felt Qigong practice was an impor tant routine and that they were more aware of Qi. 92% felt Qigong was an important part of their recovery. 93% said they felt more peaceful since learning Qigong and that their future would be a better one. 95% felt Qigong helped them to be calm and relaxed. A few comments from par ticipants: ‘I can concentrate more on the days we practise.’ ‘I feel that I can relax and get to sleep a lot easier and I know what my body is telling me. Thank you.’ ‘It makes me feel good about myself.’ ‘I look forward to the classes and talk to my friends about it. I find myself easy to be with on the day I do it. I feel my body in a way I never have before.’ The first step to changing oneself is awareness. In helping these par ticipants become more aware of themselves and their bodies, as well as in helping them relax and become less stressed about the emotions they are discovering, the practice of Qigong is demonstrably a method for helping people change. It is a significant aid to this rehabilitation programme. For more info www.simonblowqigong. com or call (02) 9559 8153

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