Tie-Dye for World Down Syndome Day
I went out with Nikki for the first time because she's kind of new. I went out with 4 other members. The Garfield Park Conservatory remind me of my script for the Unlimited Voices TV Show that Jimmy the guy was typing because he put on my script, "We will take you on a tour of the Garfield Park Conservatory " We looked at lots of plants and flower Then I said in the script, "Oh my gosh, those plants and flowers are so beautiful Thank you Yolanda!"
The yellow flower was my favorite, but all of them were beautiful Nikki said she loves nature. When she looks at the flowers and the plant, she is in Heaven because she loves nature. By the time we left, little toddlers were showing up, and we got out there just in the nick of time. We had a wonderful time.
Charles' Entertainment Review Museum of Science and IndustryPICNIC

We went to go see some dogs They was named Issac, Flash, Lily, and Tiger. We had a good time We took the dogs outside. I took two dogs to a walk. We walked the dog We groomed the dog. We made the dogs relax. I had a good time! I met James. It was nice.


I am doing the power drill with the signs, the board signs. They spell "Envision Westtown." I drilled nails to hang up the signs so everyone can see it when they drive past, they see the signs right there on the fence. I had fun working with Kasandra on it. It was like a life experiment for me It wasn't all that heavy It was fun I knew what I was doing I wanted to make it real tight and good. And I wanted to show off on it. Yep, that's me! Good ol' Clo.


I ate steak salad blueberry lemonade played game

By Jamie P.I went to Gary High School I see people I say, "Hi " I see my name and my address The person ask me checking the name. They gave me the card for electronic voting. They say my name and let me talk to the guy. I sit down in the screen and who's gonna be mayor to vote Then after I'm done with that, I scan the paper inside the voting box Then the person give me the "I voted" sticker.

By W.C.
I enjoyed taking pictures of the old artists, old time pictures at the Museum of Science and Industry. My favorite part of the museum is watching an old 1900 movie and seeing an old fashioned car, like 1920s, and I like the old movie stars, like 1940s-1950s.

I have to wait a little while until they were opened up And then, we looked at all the industry How things used to be in the pastthat's industry But the old fashioned was my best, favorite kind ' cause I like the way things used to be back then than now. Then we ate lunch after we looked at all the industry. Then we waited for our ride, and we had a great time.

I like the picture of the little girl because it reminds me of my grand-niece.
By Ruth M.I went on a trip. We walk around the museum. I see the train.
By Lucy P.We went to the museum It was nice! Seeing all the pictures, the articles, all the people passing, all the nice cafeteria. See some time pictures. We seen some trains, old car, and we seen one like a downtown Chicago.


I like the cast. I like the actors and the writers. I like the husband Doug. I like the house. I like Jerry Stiller, his dad. He argues with him. I like wife Carrie. She was on The Talk.
I like her clothes. I like her father. He died. I like the cars. I like the house. I like his friends. Leah Remini was good on The Talk. Sharon Osbourne was on it with her. Ozzy's wife. Ozzy was sick in the hospital. I like Doug's truck. First time he ever met her. I like Doug, he's funny. I like how he can dance. He makes good sandwiches. Doug is a UPS driver. He's funny. Kevin James is a comedian. I like all his movies. He's funny. I like Leah Remini. She's cute. I want to say "Happy Holidays" to the cast.