May has really flown by. It's been a busy month for everyone - so many people i know have been going through the final stretches of college, or finishing another semester. there has been a bunch of stressful days, and i myself am not looking forward to taking summer school next month. however, may was still a pretty great month - I went to a bunch of cool shows and even got a small $100 scholarship from a video jounralism class that i was taking! In all honesty, i didn't think this issue would be making it out because of how busy things got, but i'm glad it's here! I hope you enjoy issue 9, and as always - stay entranced.
makenna magdaleno-mague // editor-in-chief
Alexa Mancilla // Associate Editor Emily Phung // Co-Associate Editor Chapin Patel // Head of Photography Nadine Paulino // Head of Publicity Amanda Elman // Head of Artwork, Managing Editor Carissa Nguyentu // Head of DIY
to the entranced media team, all of our contributors, and to olivia millerschin for being our cover feature for this issue!
TABLE OF CONTENTS Playlists // 08 New Noise // 10 Dreamers // 15 Marvel: Movie Nights // 16 X Ambassadors // 22 Great Good Fine Ok // 26 Smallpools // 34 OLIVIA MILLERSCHIN // 38 Independence: A Trip Alone // 54 35mm Film Gallery // 64 Reputation Stadium Tour Review // 66 What’s up with the Gorillaz? // 76 Charity of the Month // 80
Ohio - Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness In another song that is perfect for the upcoming summer (especially for those who are planning on taking a cross country road trip), Andrew McMahon’s newest single doesn’t stray far from his more recognizable songs that seem as though they belong in the most cliche teen coming-of-age movie (in the best way possible, because those types of movie tropes will never get old, honestly). McMahon’s ability to create perfect summer road-trip soundtracks has not failed us this summer, and I am guessing it will not begin to fail us any time soon. Alexa Mancilla
Bloom - Troye Sivan Troye’s signature upbeat synthetic pop is in no shortage in his newest single. Similarly to his hit, My My My!, Bloom follows Troye throughout a relationship in which he is unapologetically in love. After following him for years on social media and loving his EP, Blue Neighbourhood (which finds Troye reeling from a relationship lost), seeing him in a happy and loving relationship and making music about it is exciting. Although the song is quite repetitive, it is virtually impossible to not feel happy and reminisce about the times where you were as in love as Troye is in this moment. - Alexa Mancilla
Stumblin’ Home - Smallpools Quarter Past Midnight - Bastille Bastille’s newest single serves as the perfect song for the upcoming summer. Upbeat and filled with lyrics that are somehow nostalgic and longing for new, exciting experiences at the same time make listeners (especially those of us still in school, RIP) ready for sleepless nights during the summer. While the song begins in a slow tempo that ostensibly makes it seem like the song is going to be a ballad for a love lost, the typical heavy drum beat and repetitive background vocals show that this song will be similar to Bastille’s more famous songs - ones that stay in your head for the full day, in the best way. - Alexa Mancilla
After releasing one of the most perfect debut full-length albums of all time in 2015, many people wondered whether a sophomore album from Smallpools would live up. If their newest single, “Stumblin’ Home,” has anything to say about it, it will. Quintessentially summer, “Stumblin’ Home” sounds like a song you’d hear playing in an American Eagle, or during the scene in a teen rom com when they’re driving down a freeway or swimming in a river. The brass amongst synth makes the instrumentals as catchy as the vocals. They’ll be on tour through the sixth of June with Great Good Fine OK and Half the Animal. - Emily Marshman
Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino - Arctic Monkeys The long awaited 6th studio release from Arctic Monkeys Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino hit the stores May 11, 2018. The ever creative mind of songwriter Alex Turner has taken a twist into an otherworldly dimension. The eleven tracks on this concept album bring to mind images of a “modern ballroom/moon jazz” feel. This music could serve as the film sound track to any of the futuristic worlds foreseen by noted cyberpunk writer William Gibson. Turner’s lyrics take the listener on a journey to an outer space based cantina ala “Star Wars”. Turner’s vocals are upfront throughout channeling late night Sinatra as if overlaid and blended with Major Tom- era Bowie. Opening track Star Treatment is a prime example of the excellent
production work exhibited by Arctic Monkeys long time producer James Ford. In addition to Turner, the other members of the band are Matt Helders on drums and vocals (especially a nice harmony vocal on Golden Trunks), Jamie Cook on guitar, and Nick O’Malley on bass. From the guitar solo on One Point Perspective to the wiry opening guitar riff on Four out of Five and the ominously distorted guitar bed on Golden Trunks there is plenty to be enjoyed from both guitarists. O’Malley contributes a prominent McCartney style bass line on One Point Perspective as well as beefing up the heavier feel to the track She looks Like Fun. There is an interesting mechanical feel to some of the songs with the faint keyboard tinkle reminiscent of a calliope or a harpsichord. Batphone conjures up images of elaborately made up people dancing in 17th Century choreography as the band plays on a red velvet draped stage. As the final track The Ultracheese plays, you feel Turner has brought you to “closing time” in his futuristic space bar with an uncharacteristic cry in your beer country feel. While this album is a departure from the heavier rock tracks and dance friendly hits that have made the band so immensely popular, I expect it will be a hugely successful album and definitely should be listened to as a whole piece of work. It is a vision of the future that should be experienced from beginning to end. Be sure to check it out on your favorite media resource. - Pix Meyers
On the Line - Night Riots At first listen a slightly Stranger Things-esque track, Night Riots’ “On the Line” unfolds into something much more than a simple synth track. Forever some of the most gifted lyricists in the industry, the bridge builds, both lyrically and instrumentally, until the chorus explodes, urgent and almost anxiety-inducing – but in a way that activates fight rather than flight. Night Riots’ songs always have a lullaby sense to them, especially before the second chorus, and “On the Line” is no different. Every instrument on the track can be heard, if you listen for them, and they each serve a different purpose to the track. This song is their second single from their newest album, which has yet to be named or given a release date. You can catch them on the Dark Violet Tour this summer with courtship. and Silent Revival. - Emily Marshman
It is always a pleasure to wake up to a new DREAMERS track – and the boys really are back, with their new single “SCREWS.” The first original song dropped since their 2016 record This Album Does Not Exist – they released a cover of The Cranberries’ “Zombie” this past February – “SCREWS” has cemented the band’s place as new-age, alternative rock royalty. The track begins heavy and loud, announcing itself up-front in a way a lot of their older tracks had to build up to. With clear influences from 90s grunge-pop and 80s synth, the layered vocals and heavy bassline, signature on DREAMERS tracks, work together to have you wanting to turn the volume all the way up. Listen closely before the second chorus to hear drummer Jacob Lee Wick do something special. You can see DREAMERS on their first headline tour this fall – they’ll be taking Weathers out for all of the shows, mxrgan on their east coast dates, and Rad Horror to the west coast. - Emily Marshman
Electric Light - James Bay Concept albums are popular nowadays, and as soon as you press play on James Bay’s new album “Electric Light,” it’s clear this album is going to tell a fourteen-song story. The kick drum at the end of the first track, “Intro,” blends right into the strong guitar riff at the beginning of “Wasted On Each Other,” a sensual track about love ridden right into the ground. The pain in Bay’s voice is especially evident in the last forty-five seconds of the song. The third track, “Pink Lemonade,” was the album’s most popular single, seeing substantial radio time, and not for nothing – it’s fun, and catchy as hell. The album slows down with “Wild Love,” quiet, soulful, and synth-filled, and “Us,” a ballad about attempts at rekindling love after the dust settles. “In My Head” catches us off-guard, poppy and upbeat. “Interlude” is another track, like “Intro,” that helps to lay the groundwork for the theme of the album – lost love. The acoustic song “Just For Tonight” is the only song on the album I wasn’t entirely fond of when I first listened, but after a few playthroughs, it’s the one I found myself singing along to the loudest. “Wanderlust” draws clear influences from folk and classic rock – it’s ear-catching and might seem like a filler track, but it, like every other song on the album, has found its place, snug between two of the smoother tracks. The tail-end of the album finishes strong. Of the last few tracks, “Fade Out” stands out the most. With “Electric Light,” James Bay has proven he is so much more than the most frequently-played artist on your coffeeshop soundtrack. This album is different than his debut, “Chaos and the Calm,” and Bay has made it very clear that he did not intend for his sound to remain the same forever. He is touring the United Kingdom and Europe all summer, and will return to us in the United States in September. - Emily Marshman
If you’ve been living under a rock or on an abandoned island or just have zero interest in superheroes, you’re probably pretty confused about what’s going on in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A few weeks ago, a movie deemed as the “most ambitious crossover event in history” came out. And, with that kind of claim, along came a lot of hype. Avengers: Infinity War is the peak of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) so far. It might even seem like the most exciting thing that will ever happen in the MCU, but there are a lot of things coming from Marvel to be excited about. Before jumping into that, if you haven’t seen Infinity War yet, or if you just want to catch up on your Marvel movies, these are all the movies so far in the MCU, in order by timeline: 16
Captain America: The First Avenger Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Thor Marvel’s The Avengers Iron Man 3 Thor: The Dark World Captain America: Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Avengers: Age of Ultron Ant-Man Captain America: Civil War Black Panther Doctor Strange Spider-Man: Homecoming Thor:Ragnarok Avengers: Infinity War And here all the MCU movies that we know are coming up: Ant-Man and the Wasp (July 2018) Captain Marvel (March 2019) Untitled Avengers 4 (May 2019) Spider-Man Homecoming 2 (July 2019) After that, there is another nine (nine!) release dates reserved for unannounced Marvel movies through July 2022.
Now, if you’re not an avid comic book nerd, there’s probably a name on there you are unfamiliar with. So, the question poses, who is Captain Marvel? Here’s what we know: Her character’s name is Carol Danvers and will be played by Brie Larson. She will be in the fourth and untitled Avengers movie, and we can assume she’ll play a large role, with an allusion to her character at the end credits of Infinity War. And she’s the first female superhero to get her own movie in the MCU, and this is huge. You might be wondering how there are already 19 films in the MCU, and not a single one has been about a female superhero. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, we’re wondering the same thing. Here’s the short answer. Superheroes and comic books have long been a genre targeted towards boys. And the themes within these movies are themes that are typically thought of as “boyish.” 18
Strength, bravery, independence, sacrifice, power, etc, etc, etc. These are all traits of superheroes that, whether we choose to recognize it or not, are not traditionally encouraged for girls to have. But, this, of course, is not reality. Women do have these traits, and we can see them bursting out of already existing films. Let’s look at some examples where female superheroes already exist. Think back to Infinity War, think about how many times Black Widow saved someone, or saved everyone, and how they wouldn’t have survived without her. Think back to Black Panther. While the female Wakandan warriors may not be superheroes in the traditional sense, these women, who are trained from birth to fight for their country and be the best in the world, called the Dora Milajie, they are certainly some pretty super heroes. And without them, Black Panther would have had a very different ending, perhaps not so victorious. And, if we take a look at the DC universe, we can see the wild success that Wonder Woman had, as well as the immense cultural impact. These ideas about women and what they are capable of and what they can and can’t do, as well as cultural norms and expectations are antiquated and worn-out. So, it’s about time the MCU has its very own female superhero with her very own movie.
If you run out of MCU movies, but still need your Marvel superhero fix, there are some Marvel movies coming out that are not part of the MCU. In October 2018, Venom, who previously appeared in Spider-Man 3 (2007), will get a revamping and his own film. And in December we will get a different spin on the classic Spider-Man story with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, an animated feature that follows Miles Morales, a story beloved to hardcore fans. And if that’s still not enough Marvel for you, go back to the top of the list, grab some friends, and watch the movies again while playing a fun game of superhero bingo!
Can you introduce yourself and say where you are from? My name is Olivia Millerschin, and I’m from Detroit, Michigan! How have you been enjoying California? I’ve been loving California! We’ve been out on tour for almost three weeks now and just driving the one all the way down is just stunning. Where can people find you on social media? I am on everything the kids are using nowadays. I’m on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook..are people still on Pinterest? I’m on Pinterest and Tumblr and everything. All of my music is on iTunes and Spotify. How would you describe your sound to new listeners? I always say that it’s the type of rock ‘n roll that goes to bed at ten and doesn’t make old people angry. Its singer-songwriter/folk and a little bit of jazz.
How has tour been going for you so far? It’s been really great. It’s been a mix of house concerts and venues and just a ton of great shows and great people. And then, of course, we get to come to Encinitas and end the whole thing here! So, it’s been perfect. The reason that we’re here in Encinitas is that I tour with a bunch of artists and open for some bigger artists and there was an artist named Sawyer Fredericks, who won The Voice in2105 when he was 15 or 16 years old, if that’s any indication as to how talented he is. So, I went on tour with him and Jan is a huge fan of Sawyer. So, she found out about me from a couple shows, I guess. I had planned to come out here to play a bunch of shows. We were planning on playing a show in San Diego and the venue actually had closed; I think they filed for bankruptcy. But they closed and it was, like, a couple weeks before the show. So she reached out and said “ I want you to know that I’m not a murderer, but we would love to host you for a concert in our home.” And I googled her and made sure that she wasn’t a murderer and then we ended up here! Last year we did this show and it was a beautiful night. So, we’re here again!
Do you prefer performing in intimate spaces like this, like a backyard, or performing inside venues? It’s kind of split. I get the luck to do both and I wouldn’t take one over the other. This sort of thing allows us to really connect with people and it makes us feel at home on the road. But those sort of things are just, like, larger than life and really incomparable as an experience. Do you plan on doing a lot of shows here in the future? I hope so! We take every excuse we can get to come back to Encinitas. It’s, truly, one of my favorite places in the world. Is your upcoming work going to be the same as your last album or are you going to try to incorporate new sounds into your next release? The upcoming stuff, I guess I should know that. I should probably plan out my next upcoming things. It’s gonna sound a lot like my stuff has always sounded. It’s just been really organic the way that it’s happened. It’s going to incorporate a lot more modern technology into it,
just because I’m getting better with production, audio production in general. It’s just fun to see what we can create with what’s already here. Do you know when we can expect the new music? Oh, gosh. I have a children’s book coming out in the end of summer, so, that’s my next big project. But, the next big album or EP is going to be late fall. What is your children’s book about? Did you write it yourself? Yeah! I wrote a song called Cactus on a Ledge and it’s about a cactus that wants to be a tree. I was playing it at shows, just as a joke, and one person heard it and just said “I wanna back that and make it a new children’s book!” So, yeah. There’s a CD accompanying the book. And I wrote it, which is weird. I’d never thought I’d be [a children’s book author], but here I am! What artists inspire you to create music? . I started studying opera and classical voice when I was 7 because my grandma studied opera. So, I’d say that she inspires me a ton. She and my mom both inspire me.
As far as artists that are working artists, I listen to a lot of stuff that my parents listen to. Carole King, Simon & Garfunkel. But I’m also really into rap and hip hop, being that the culture of that in Detroit is so alive and well. I’m not really as into it as I should be, but I love Chance the Rapper, Kendrick Lamar, and kind of every mainstream rapper out right now. Have there been any new releases or artists that you’ve found recently that you enjoy? Tons! There are a lot of great songwriters out right now. Phoebe Bridgers is a songwriter who I’m just in love with, and Margaret Glaspy, I think that’s how you say her last name, are great. I just really like female singer/songwriters. I like hearing how somebody interprets the situations that we all go through. Do you have any last remarks for your fans? I guess just thank you so much for letting us come out here and tour again. We don’t get to do solo tours all that often; a lot of times I’m opening up for bigger artists so the fact that we get to do this and people come out to the shows really makes our year.
Independence: A Trip Alone
by Sarah Anderson 54
Date: 040618 Location: Jack London Square; Oakland, CA. Time: 9:09pm
Just got off my Suisun -> Oakland train, which lasted a little over an hour. I was alone most of the time, except for a couple of people passing through here and there. I turned eighteen six days ago, and this is my first time traveling alone. 428.5 miles, to and from Vacaville to Pomona. I brought plenty of film and I’m excited to waste nearly all of it. Warm tea sounds so nice right now. Why do we live in a world where coffee shops close at 5pm?
Date: 040718 Location: Santa Barbara, CA. Time: 6:53am
Woke up in Santa Barbara this morning, the scenery is breathtaking. I’ve never been here before, but from the forty-six minutes I spent hanging around the train station, I can say i definitely want to come back.
Date: 040728 Location: LAX
Date: 040728 Location: KFC; North Pomona, CA. Time: 1:43pm
Just got into Pomona from LAX, missed the first train into town, but didn’t mind it much. Heading over to The Glasshouse next, to wait for Nate so he can finally tattoo me.
Date: 040718 Location: Green Room of The Glasshouse; Pomona, CA. Time: 3:08pm
taken by Josiah Beason (Super Whatevr) Currently sitting in the upper-level of The Glasshouse’s green room, waiting for Nate from Super Whatevr to draw out a tattoo for me. I’m fucking exhausted, I can’t wait to lay down in my own bed again.
Date: 040718 Who: Super Whatevr x Pat Miranda Location: The Glasshouse; Pomona, CA.
Double Expoure: Feel Something
Date: 040818 Location: On a train, Somewhere in California. Time: 10:16am
Feeling very sentimental right now. Yesterday was one of the coolest experiences of my life so far. I’m so in love with my tattoo. I gave Nate 100% artistic freedom, and I could tell he was just as excited about it as I was. Afterward, we left to get coffee with Sam, and Josiah, but they had to be back at 5 for champagne with Movements, so we ended up just going and picking up Sam’s prints from Walgreens. Kenzo was passed the fuck out in the backseat, and later on he came up to me and apologized for sleeping while I was with them. After hanging around with the boys for a bit, I met with Tyler and Shaylee in line, and I was beyond happy to see them. The show was amazing, I’m so proud of Movements and everyone supporting them on this tour. Super Whatvr especially, they honestly made me feel like I was one of their friends. They all would say hi or even just wave to me everytime I would walk past or be around them at all. Josiah introduced me to his Wife, and Skyler, his girlfriend. Sounds stupid, but it made me feel important. Sky even offered to guest me to their next show in San Francisco show later this month.
Date: 040818 Location: Sacramento Train Time: 2:20pm
I’m on my last train home. I should be getting off at 2:51pm in Suisun, CA, where my mom will be to pick me up. I’m sad this little trip of mine is coming to an end. I keep replaying all of the happy moments in my head. LIke the whole process of getting my tattoo and seeing how excited Nate would get about it. Thinking about how proud I am of Movements and Super Whatevr. Those boys really deserve all of the love that they’re getting. This may souls stupid, but I’m also proud of myself for actually going through with this trip. Four trains, two buses, and over 800 miles round-trip. All in a total of 43 hours. I met a handful of my friends, pretty much befriended in my opinion, the coolest band, got a sick ass tattoo, and watched one of my favorite bands, Movements, end their first ever headlining tour in their hometown. That’s fucking insane to me.
35mm by Haley Pagenkopf
reputation Stadium Tour Pasadena Night 2 (ROSE BOWL) 66
After 3 (brutally long) years, May 18 marked the first night of the Pasadena leg of the reputation Stadium Tour. Since this would be my fifth Taylor Swift concert, I already knew that this would be a night that I would not soon forget. Between the magnificent stage design, the gorgeous costumes, and the flawless setlist, each and every show that Taylor puts on is truly remarkable. That being said, nothing could prepare me for how incredible this tour would be. Hearing reputation for the first time was amazing. Everyone who had heard it at the Secret Sessions said that it was better than anything that Taylor had ever put out before, but I was hesitant to believe them. The same thing had been said about 1989, and, while it was good, Red still stood tall as my favorite album that she had ever put out. However, Secret Sessioners were right about reputation being one of her best albums yet. It was raw and angry, but still had tinges of the “old Taylor.” Reputation was a more grown-up album than what fans were used to, but
Taylor still proved that no matter how much she or her music may change, she will still be able to put out undeniable bops. That being said, having to wait another six months to be able to see the flawlessness that was reputation come to life on stage was pure agony. Taylor shared her excitement about the tour with fans on social media weeks before the tour started, and even began giving fans a look behind the scenes of tour prep two weeks before she went on the road. Obviously, that only made my excitement even bigger, and with that excitement came sleepless nights spent on Tumblr talking with other Taylor fans (and if you were lucky, Taylor, herself). As months turned into weeks and weeks turned into days, I found myself stressing out about what I would be wearing to the show. I wanted to stand out, but I didn’t want to be so overthe-top that people would think I was crazy while driving from Torrance to Pasadena (side note: I still got some strange looks from drivers even with my slightly underwhelming costume).
Finally, the day had come. After months of waiting (and days of hearing how amazing the tour was and struggling to stay off of social media for fear of spoilers), it was finally my turn to see Miss Swift live. I got up and got ready about 12 hours before the show was to begin, and put on my blue dress and started applying massive amounts of glitter and gold foil to my face and body (I was planning on being the personified version of the lyric, “deep blue but you painted me golden�).
My friend and I thought that it would take us a lot longer than it really did to get to Pasadena, so we left at 12. We ended up getting to the venue at 1:30 and had to wait in line for parking for an hour and a half. It’s safe to say that the day did not start off as well as we had anticipated. However, all was forgotten as soon as we got into the venue. Even though we had to wait another two hours until the opening acts came on, we were able to kill some time by walking around the Rose Bowl. I got to meet some wonderful internet friends that I had come into contact with because of a mutual love of Taylor, and I got to witness the iconic “Skittles guy” con some fans out of buying a $7 bottle of water in order to get a video of him screaming “COME AND GET YOUR SKITTLES,” among other exclamations to help him sell overpriced candy and drinks. After waiting an alarming amount of time for the show to actually begin, Charli XCX graced the stage. Although I only know, like, 3 songs by her, she still
put on an amazing set and got everyone getting up and dancing, despite the fact that the venue wasn’t even halfway full. After Charli came Camila Cabello. Her set was just as upbeat and exciting as Charli’s, although more people were up and dancing for her set. While I wasn’t the biggest Fifth Harmony fan, I was able to recognize some of Camila’s solo songs. Both openers’ talent and stage presence were undeniable, and I am excited to see where this tour takes these ladies. As the sky grew dark, excitement radiated in the stadium. The lights went out and Joan Jett’s voice filled the Rose Bowl; unsurprisingly, Taylor had chosen Bad Reputation as her entrance song. As Bad Reputation faded out, videos of Taylor throughout the years came across the stage’s screens with newscasters’ voices filling the stadium. In a show all about her reputation, it is no surprise that fans were greeted with all of the negative things that the media had to say about Taylor in the past few years. Once the montage ended, Taylor came onto the stage.
Split into six acts, Taylor’s show somehow managed to keep me on my toes throughout the entire 2-hour set. Between the mashups on old and new songs, to the magnificent fireworks, light shows, and stage design, each new aspect of the concert shocked me. Starting the show off with three songs from the new album and throwing it back with a mashup of Style, You Belong with Me, and Love Story, there was no shortage of surprises throughout the night. Taylor is notorious for bringing out special guests during each show to sing one of their more popular songs. However, nothing could have prepared me for the icon that was about to grace the stage. After being introduced by Taylor as a legend in the making, Troye Sivan popped up out of the bottom of the stage. As the two sang My My My! together, it was apparent that Troye’s status as a legend had been cemented in the ground at the Rose Bowl. After proclaiming that 1989 had changed him as a person (honestly, same), Taylor and Troye strutted off the stage as the My My My! faded out.
Taylor’s interludes heavily relied on short videos introducing the next song (which should be nominated for some sort of award because they were breathtaking) as she quickly changed into another costume for the next act. As the chimes, bells, and stringed instruments filled the stadium and Taylor began singing the first single off of her newest album (Look What You Made Me Do), deafening screams exploded throughout the Rose Bowl. The screams continued as Taylor sang End Game and King of my Heart, and truly proved to any naysayers that Taylor’s talent and stage presence is a force to be reckoned with. Taylor then floated through the venue on a lit-up platform towards the B-stage as she sang Delicate. As she landed on the stage, she introduced her opening acts, Charli XCX and Camila Cabello, who had joined her onstage to sing Shake it Off. Taylor then brought out her trusty guitar as she began reminiscing about how much she loves talking to fans online and how much she appreciates that we’ve stayed by her side, no mat-
ter what. She talked about how much she loves hearing about what’s going on in fans’ lives and how letting her into our lives makes her feel less alone. She then began to sing an acoustic version of the fan favorite, All Too Well. After, she sang a stripped version of Dancing with our Hands Tied. As if Taylor couldn’t get any closer to the audience, she walked (yes, WALKED) through the crowd to get towards the second B stage, where she sang Blank Space, an acoustic version of Dress, and a mashup of Bad Blood and Should’ve Said No (this mashup was surprising, seeing as though her beef with Katy had seemingly ended the week before when Katy sent Taylor a literal olive branch in order to bury the hatchet. However, with the addition of Should’ve Said No, it became less of a dig at Katy and more of a dig at a cheating ex). back to the stage, Taylor continued to sing the mashup. Fans thought that the surprises were over once she had brought out special guest Troye Sivan and sang an acoustic version of the highly requested
All too Well. However, they were very, very wrong. Taylor then brought out one of her best friends, Selena Gomez, to sing her hit Hands to Myself. Selena then thanked Taylor and her family for being like a second family, and for supporting her through her ups and downs. The show was beginning to wind down, but that didn’t mean that the concert was about to end on a flat note. After a stunningly quick costume change, Taylor emerged from backstage to sing a variation of Don’t Blame Me that should be sung in the halls of the Vatican. After one religious experience ended, another quickly began in the form of a mashup of Long Live and New Year’s Day. Before she began singing, Taylor reiterated that she wouldn’t be where she is right now without her fans and that she always looks forward to being able to check up on fans every day. She explained that she cannot wait to meet every single one of her fans and that she wrote the following songs as a ballad to those who support her, no matter what.
After the ballad/mashup ended, a surprising sequel to the Out of the Woods music video came onto the massive screen. Accompanied by an original poem by Taylor, the video introduced us to a new form of art for Miss Swift in the way of filmmaking. The spoken-word music video of sorts was breathtaking and flawless and made fans excited for any other music videos that may come out of the reputation era. Taylor then came back onstage to finish out the concert with renditions of Getaway Car and Call it What You Want and finally ended the show with an upbeat mashup of We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together and This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things. Complete with a working water fountain and Great Gatsby-themed set, the extravagant show had to come to an end. After almost 3 hours, the curtains to the second installment of the Pasadena leg of the reputation Stadium Tour had fallen.
While I might be a bit biased (being a fan of Taylor’s for over 13 years), the reputation Stadium Tour was flawless. The show blew every other one of her tours out of the water, and I can only imagine that the next tour will be even more awe-inspiring. She somehow made a sold-out 60,000 person show feel intimate and managed to fill the entire show with surprises, even in the landscape of today’s spoiler-happy media. Taylor Swift’s reputation Stadium Tour is one for the books, and I can only begin to imagine what she has in store for us for the rest of this leg of the tour.
After listening to Plastic Beach on repeat, among with other various Gorillaz albums for 7 years, the release of Humanz in April of 2017 was very much needed. And now, May 31st, 2018, Gorillaz released not one, but TWO new songs! Their first new song “Humility,” features jazz icon George Benson, and right off the bat the intro hits you with fresh beats and soulful tunes. They also released a music video along with this song, and it features none other than Jack Black strumming along on a guitar while 2D roller blades around Venice Beach. Noodle is seen playing chess, and Russel is shown at the end of the video. But, where’s Murdoc in all of this? If you follow the Gorillaz closely, you’d know the last we saw of Murdoc was
when he made a video call behind bars during the Brit Awards.
So then, who’s the other green dude rocking a switch blade, popping basketballs in the music video?
It’s none other than Ace, who is the leader of the Gangreen Gang, a group of hoodlums based out of Townsville - that is, from The Powerpuff Girls. He’s standing in for Murdoc while he’s in jail. #FreeMurdoc
Their second new song is called “Lake Zurich,” which goes along with a hypnotizing music video you can watch on Youtube. Along with these releases, the Gorillaz announced we don’t have to wait very long for their next album - The Now Now is arriving June 29, and we already have a peak at rad album art and the tracklist:
01 Humility [ft. George Benson] 02 Tranz 03 Hollywood [ft. Snoop Dogg and Jamie Principle] 04 Kansas 05 Sorcererz 06 Idaho 07 Lake Zurich 08 Magic City 09 Fire Flies 10 One Percent 11 Souk Eye
They also announced a short seven date North American tour, where they will be playing arenas in Toronto, Montreal, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Chicago. Demon Dayz Festival will also be returning for a second year, taking place in Los Angeles on October 20th at California’s Pico Rivera Sports Arena & Grounds, ending the tour with a bang. Tickets go on sale Friday, June 8th!
by Pix Meyers
ADA Seeks to: Bring awareness to the effects of living with diabetes and its deadly consequences Fund research and publish scientific findings Educate Schools and Communities Stop Bullying and Discrimination Help Patients and Families once a diagnosis has been given Teach proper control of disease Call to Congress to continue the fight and bring about awareness Make America healthier - National Diabetes Month: November Find a Cure and Prevent future diagnosis ADA’S Mission: The mission of the ADA is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. In order for the ADA to make this possible, they help fund research, provide information and services to individuals living with and affected by diabetes, advocating for the rights of people living with diabetes, and working with leaders in the medical industry to publish scientific findings. The ADA does this through a number of programs and activities in each region to raise awareness, educate the community, and raise money through sponsors, donors, and fundraisers. Some of the events to watch for in your community to help: Step-Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, Tour de Cure, BAD Ride (Bikers Against Diabetes), School Walk for Diabetes, and Father of the Year.