Wider Perspectives and More Options for English Language and Linguistics Students

Page 32

Appendix 2: questionnaire (adapted from Allan 2006)


The student experience in Linguistics and employability

A Personal details 1. University attended: 2. Full title of degree: 3. Year of graduation: 4. Class of degree obtained: 5. Further degrees/diplomas obtained: 6. Any other details - years repeated, courses changed, etc: 7. Name of current employer: 8. Nature of business: 9. Your job title: 10. Outline of your role and main responsibilities

B Composition of degree 1. Did your degree comprise any other aspects such as field work studies, a year in industry, or a year abroad? 2. Was this element compulsory or optional? 3. Was there the possibility of adding such an element to your degree? Yes no 4. Would you have liked to go on a placement during your studies? 0 = no, absolutely not





5 = yes definitely

5. Would you have considered doing a placement of the following type: 0 = no, absolutely not




A company in your current city A company anywhere in the UK A company in Europe An EFL teaching placement outside Europe (eg in Vietnam or China) A study placement abroad (at a university) Other placement, namely:

Wider perspectives and more options for English Language and Linguistics students


5 = yes definitely

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