Energy And Commerce Edición Julio No 35 2020

Page 63

Oil & Gas

México, junto a otros productos refinados y derivados del petróleo. El libre comercio y la integración energética han favorecido a los intereses estadounidenses y corporativos energéticos como Marathon Petroleum Corp, Kinder Morgan, ONEOK Inc, TransCanada Corp., Sempra Energy y Valero Energy Corp, Exxon-Mobil y otros. Su objetivo ha sido el mercado mexicano para posicionarse en los espacios que quedaron abiertos dentro de la industria de hidrocarburos y sus derivados, así como dentro del sector eléctrico para la inversión privada. El respaldo nacional lo dio el marco jurídico derivado de la Reforma Energética en México (2013). Si bien la política energética de la administración en turno no tiene la intención de revertir dicha reforma, sí ha tomado medidas consistentes con sus principales derroteros: la soberanía y seguridad energéticas. Este aspecto ha disgustado profundamente a los capitales privados/extranjeros, quienes han amenazado con retirarse de México, pues consideran haber sido afectadas en sus inversiones. Sin embargo, no queda claro que se refieren a contratos, inversiones o coinversiones en marcha. Esto invita a considerar que su molestia tiene que ver más bien con el acceso a negocios, mercados de su interés y otras oportunidades financieras que no han podido concretarse aún. Y se visibiliza en una supuesta ineficacia de las entidades regulatorias para resolver sus peticiones. El problema de fondo es un T-MEC que buscó satisfacer a todos los actores y cuyo marco jurídico da cabida para que cada país encuentre argumentos a su favor; un marco en el fondo inconsistente, si no es que totalmente esquizofrénico. Las disputas y desavenencia podrían resolverse en favor del más fuerte, de “América primero”. No obstante, el juego electoral en los EUA puede modificar los resultados en favor del débil: de México.

business in the three countries, benefiting above all the energy trade of the United States. This country was benefited by zero tariffs and, thanks to its energy revolution, has enormous volumes of oil and natural gas products. That is possible because of the technology of hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Over time, this has translated into significant volumes of gas imported by Mexico and other refined products and oil derivatives. Free trade and energy integration have favored U.S. interests and energy corporations such as Marathon Petroleum Corp, Kinder Morgan, ONEOK Inc, TransCanada Corp, Sempra Energy, and Valero Energy Corp, Exxon-Mobil and others. Its objective has been the Mexican market to position itself in the spaces that were left open within the hydrocarbon industry and its derivatives, and within the electrical sector for private investment. The national support was given by the legal framework derived from the Energy Reform in Mexico (2013). Although the administrations’ energy policy does not intend to reverse this reform, it has taken consistent measures with its main objectives: energy sovereignty and security. This aspect has deeply upset private/foreign capitals, who have threatened to withdraw from Mexico, considering that their investments in the country have been affected. However, it is not clear that they are referring to contracts, finances, or co-investments in progress. Therefore, it is essential to consider that their problem has more to do with access to businesses, markets of interest to them, and other financial opportunities that have not yet materialized. And it is visible in a supposed inefficiency of the regulatory entities to resolve their requests. The fundamental problem is a T-MEC that sought to satisfy all actors and which legal framework allows each country to find arguments in its favor, which is inconsistent, if not totally schizophrenic. Disputes and disagreements could be resolved in benefit of the strongest of “America first.” However, the U.S. electoral game can change the results in favor of the weak: Mexico. Rosío Vargas es Doctora en Ingeniería en Energía. También es Investigadora de la UNAM. Edgar Ocampo es analista y consultor independiente en energía. Rosío Vargas is a Doctor of Energy Engineering. She is also a researcher at UNAM. Edgar Ocampo is an independent energy analyst and consultant.


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