L'era atomica

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English version

Slovakia; it is part of a consortium

nuclear plants already in existence.

ty for industry, economy, education

sources, and it safeguards the envi-



In economic terms, the incidence of

and employment. A rebirth that will

ronment. Enel is convinced that we

increase of the Cernovoda nuclear

variable costs – i.e. nuclear fuel – on

not include only suppliers’ connect-

must take the chance to revive

plant, which will employ Canadian

the total energy production costs is

ed industries. In fact, we believe

atomic technologies, in order to

technology. Today, about 4,000

minimal; despite the high costs of

that the Italian nuclear program

allow the whole country to regain

people work with Enel in this field.

building a nuclear unit, this allows

should include the whole electricity

the competitive advantage and

And the company continues to

for the production of large quanti-

industry and all the Italian energy-

efficiency in the energy field that

recruit tens of youngsters both in

ties of energy at a competitive and

consuming companies, which will

can bring us back to par with the

Italy and abroad. Nuclear genera-

stable price.

therefore have the opportunity to

main industrialized countries.

tion offers many advantages. Firstly,

In fact, the impact of fuel price vari-

have electricity at a convenient price

nuclear technology can bring a fun-

ations on generation costs is very

for the plant’s whole lifespan, in

damental contribution to the fight

small, and the latter are usually

proportion to their participation.

against climatic change: in terms of

about 20% lower than those in one

However, the rebirth of the nuclear

greenhouse gas emissions pro-

of the new generation combined-

industry in Italy will not be possible

duced along the entire nuclear

cycle power plants. Finally, the geo-

unless we can focus our attention

chain, in fact, it releases the lowest

graphic distribution of uranium

on the important issue of consen-

quantity of CO2 equivalent per MW

reserves allows us to import nuclear

sus management. Italy will have to

produced. Nuclear energy plays a

fuel from Canada and Australia –

commit to its nuclear program for

fundamental role in the global ener-

which offer a quite different situa-

at least a decade during its realiza-

gy mix: 437 nuclear reactors are


tion and for about a century during

currently producing a total capacity

exporters – reducing the risks linked

its implementation.

of 371,000 MW and cover about

to the raw material supply. Our gov-

Therefore, the program must be

15% of the world’s electricity. With-

ernment’s current objectives include

widely accepted: we need to re-

in the global fight against climate

nuclear technology in order to satis-

establish scientific truth by securing

change, in fact, the entire world is

fy 25% of the Italian demand for

an informative pact that is fair and

seeing a renewed interest in nuclear

electricity by 2020. Supposing that

able to respond to the “irrational


demand will level out at about 400

fears” that the population main-

From the United States to the Unit-

TWh/year in 2020, we will need to

tains as emotional barriers to

ed Kingdom, from Finland to Slova-

install about 13,000 MW of capaci-

nuclear technologies, such as the

kia and France, passing by way of

ty, or 8 1,600 MW nuclear units.

worries about radioactive waste

China, Russia and India, independ-

This is why Enel has started a joint-

management, plant safety, health

ently from any political orientation,

venture with EDF, the leading Euro-

safeguarding and safety for the

governments have authorized the

pean nuclear operator, to build at

people involved. We must regain

building of new plants – 55 new

least 4 third-generation, advanced

control over these arguments with

nuclear power plants are under

EPR technology nuclear plants in

a transparent, rational and compe-

construction in 14 different coun-

Italy. Thanks to these, we will be

tent communication campaign,

tries. These new power plants will

able to guarantee about half of the

creating the conditions for a partic-

add 50,900 MW to the existing

capacity required by the govern-

ipatory debate and taking example

capacity. And other projects are in

ment’s plans. Let’s not forget the

from the public debate in France.

the planning stage. Moreover,

positive consequences that would

Moreover, we must re-build a sci-

countries such as Germany, Spain,

derive from the nuclear industry’s

entifically based nuclear culture

Belgium and the Netherlands have

development for the whole country.

that can convey the key concepts:

decided to prolong the life of

This is a unique relaunch opportuni-

it’s safe, it’s an alternative to fossil









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