A Mini Introduction to QOC Critiques
Assembled by: Emerson LR Barrett
Poetry: Theory as Praxis “let me repeat this to you because no one else will. // you are beautiful. / you are passable. / you are desirable. / you are real. / you are a miracle and a gift” (Benaway 107). “you, femme, are a temple: you adorn your hair so gently & your legs / so beautifully; your hair veiled for only yourself, you honor it like the goddess that each strand is” (Pelaez Lopez 5) “thru this cross-indigenous / anthropological survey / that claims extra-gendered / identities for a smattering of / tribes including mine, n I / wonder about two-spirit / traditional roles How / would it have sounded coming / from my grandma instead / of white anthropologist (Pico 93).