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Image courtesy of Hao Design


The bedroom is one of the most personal places in the home and its arrangement should reflect this. Antiques, pre-loved and sustainably sourced furnishings work exceptionally well in such a space, infusing it with a depth of design and exhibiting an elevated sense of style. “There should be a balance of size, colour, pattern and texture,” says Kelly, adding, “So much time is spent in the bedroom, it is truly one of the most important spaces to design in a home.” “Following on from the boho trend of layering in fashion, I see a revival in combining antiques of different periods, which, when expertly assembled, come together to create an interesting space that feels like it has been curated over years,” says Amrita. This is excellent news, as most interiors are the collective result of lifetimes accumulated under one roof, and a less rigid approach to design rewards those with eclectic tendencies. Frank is also an advocate of adding your own character to the mix. “Personalise your bedroom!” he says. “Everything from a tray of your favourite perfumes to fresh flowers and travel mementos are all potential styling items,” Frank explains. Lily Wong, of Hong Kongbased Lusso Design Limited, agrees, adding: “Choose a beautiful piece of artwork, arrange some family photos, add flowers or candles. Give the room a feeling of comfort and intimacy.” Lighting is imperative to creating a calm atmosphere, which in turn will help you to switch off after a long day. Direct lighting should be avoided, according to Frank, who suggests diffused illuminations and dimmer functions wherever possible. Ambient reflective lighting is ideal for the bedroom as it radiates a soft, warm glow that is cosy and inviting. “At via., we always encourage clients to follow their instincts and express their unique personalities and tastes when decorating, especially to surround themselves with art and objects that they love,” says Frank. “This is especially true when decorating a bedroom.” 睡房是家中的私密空間,佈置亦應反映如此特質。將古董、二手和可持續傢具組合,打 造意想不到的效果,即時為空間注入深度和提升整體風格。Kelly續說:「在尺寸、色彩、圖案 和質感之間應取得平衡。人們待在睡房的時間也很長,絕對值得多花心思設計。」 Amrita表示:「從時裝界的boho潮流可知,搭配不同時期的古物將成為另一個復興熱 潮,能打造出看似已完工多年的典雅裝潢,十分有趣。」大部分的睡房裝潢都是主人積年累 月修補添減而成,自由度較大的設計方式亦能造就更多元化的裝潢風格。Frank亦鼓勵在房內 加入自家特色:「心愛香水、新鮮花束和紀念品等,也是提升格調的裝飾。」駐港公司Lusso Design Limited的Lily Wong深表認同:「挑選漂亮的藝術品,放幾張家庭照,再放花卉或蠟 燭,使房間洋溢著舒適和親密的感覺。」 照明是打造寧靜氣氛的必須品,助你結束漫長一天。Frank建議避用直射照明,盡量選用分 散式照明和調光裝置。反射照明光線柔和,格調溫馨宜人。Frank說:「於via.,我們鼓勵客戶跟 隨自己的直覺,展現真我品味,把心愛的藝術品和東西都放出來。這就是裝飾睡房的要點。」 106 | HO≤E SOLUTIONS

Photography by Julien Fernandez



For subdued elegance, decorate in a one- or two-toned colour palette such as shades of blue or grey; Fabbian’s Saya hanging lamp available from Zodiac Lighting makes for a delightful ambience. 簡單直接 單色及雙色組合能為空間注入 低調氣質,灰和藍就是理想 選擇;於歷程照明有售、來自 Fabbian的Saya吊燈就能打造 愉悅光明的氣息。

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