From Empire to Multitude

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'People today seem unable to understand love as a political concept, but a concept of love is just what we need to grasp the constituent power of the multitude. The modern concept of love is almost exclusively limited to the bourgeois couple and the claustrophobic confines of the nuclear family. Love has become a strictly private affair. We need a more generous and more unrestrained conception of love. We need to recuperate the public and political conception of love common to premodern traditions. Christianity and Judaism, for example, both conceive love as a political act that constructs the multitude. Love means precisely that our expansive encounters and continuous collaborations bring us joy. There is really nothing necessarily metaphysical about the Christian and Judaic love of God are expressed and incarnated in the common material political project of the multitude. We need to recover today this material and political sense of love, a love as strong as death. This does not mean you cannot love your spouse, your mother, and your child. It only means that your love does not end there, that love serves as the basis for our political projects in common and the construction of a new society. Without this love, we are nothing.' 27

Exactly. This is nothingness. This is a will to nothingness and meaninglessness. This is how vulgar superstitions and ignoble perversions are unabashedly articulated as a political project. Perhaps we also need a post-modern, revolutionary, materialist and communist Jesus Christ along with his intimate companions i.e., the whores, the homosexuals. No, not perhaps, we absolutely need a pervert Jesus Christ who must lead the multitude to a big orgy where we must first conduct the kiss-ins in which men would kiss men and women women in a public place to shock people who are homophobic just as in the Queer Nation action held at a Mormon convention in Utah that we must call as a new of new weapony for democracy today as Hardt and Negri do. 28 After this orgy, the multitude must crucify Jesus Christ so that the multitude might have a new religion. Yet, the multitude will have to wait for a few centuries until this new religion becomes the state religion of the United States. When the multitude's new religion is institutionalized and establishes its own church, Multitude, which Hardt and Negri call as a 'philosophical book' 29, will probably be the Holy Scripture of this new religion of the multitude.


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