Nov 2018 EliteGen Toronto

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The Savoy擁有267間客房及套房,佈置充滿愛德華時代設計 特色或Art Deco風格,同時提供各種現代化設備。我入住的河景套 房洋溢英倫魅力,柔和色調跟手繪牆飾及布藝和諧結合,為房間營 造家的溫暖感覺。設計師Pierre Yves Rochon利用古董擺設把部分 套房重修至愛德華年代的裝潢,讓客人在歷史懷抱中入睡。另一邊 廂,房間入口及浴室鋪上黑白色格子瓷磚,向酒店的Art Deco風格 致敬。他把兩種截然不同的設計特色完美融合,效果令人讚嘆。翻 新後的The Savoy搖身一變成為倫敦最佳酒店,雖然工程比預期延 遲了18個月,亦超支了200萬,但所花的每一分毫都絕對值得。酒 店翻新後更增加了一個全新水療中心、健身中心及室內泳池,水準 在倫敦五星級酒店中更是數一數二。 相比起倫敦其他高級酒店,The Savoy 最突出的地方是其貼心 周到的服務,當中把守酒店正門的門房員工猶為重要。已有30年經 驗的Tony Harvey是酒店其中一名年資最長的員工,他說過:「門房 這個崗位可稱為linkman,把外面的世界與酒店聯繫起來,doorman 這個名稱則令人覺得我們是俱樂部門外的守衛。」 由名店區Knightsbridge及Mayfair坐計程車很快便可抵達The Savoy,酒店周圍坐落了包括Covent Gardens等著名劇場。從酒店 一路走可到達Trafalgar Square及Pal Mal,甚至白金漢宮。鄰近的 滑鐵盧橋可通往泰晤士河的兩岸。 充滿歷史傳奇的The Savoy,是倫敦最閃耀、最受注目的酒店。


The Savoy’s magnificent collection of 267 rooms and suites are decorated in either Edwardian or Art Deco styles and stuffed with modern amenities. My River View Suite oozed with British charm in soft pastel tones that blend seamlessly with hand-painted wall coverings and fabrics that wrap the suite in a warm, homey feel. Designer Pierre Yves Rochon utilized lots of antique furnishings in the Edwardian suites to remind guests they are sleeping with history. However, he also uses black and white checkered tiles at the entrances and bathrooms of every Savoy room as a nod to the hotel’s Art Deco roots. The combination works amazingly well. Not a dime was spared turning The Savoy into London’s best hotel. No wonder the renovation was almost 18 months late and more than $200 million over budget. A new spa, gym and indoor pool were also added during the renovations and each qualifies as the finest among London’s all-star cast of five-star hotel properties. Service is what sets The Savoy apart from London’s other luxury properties, and it all starts with the hearty welcome guests get from the doormen who guard the entrance. Doorman Tony Harvey is one of the longest serving members of staff, a 30-year veteran, and is actually referred to as a “linkman” because “we link the outside world to the hotel. Doorman makes it sound like we are bouncers at a club,” he once told a reporter. The Savoy is a quick cab ride away from the high-end shops of Knightsbridge and Mayfair and surrounded by some of the most famous of London’s theatres, including Covent Gardens. Trafalgar Square and Pal Mal, which leads to Buckingham Palace, are just down the street, and neighbouring Waterloo Bridge links the left and right banks of the Thames. The spotlight is clearly on The Savoy these days because the legendary property is indeed the all-star of London’s hotel scene. For more information, visit

Kaspers被喻為倫敦最佳海鮮餐廳。 Kaspers at the Savoy qualifies as the best seafood restaurant in London. ELITEGEN


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