Dec 2019 EliteGen Toronto

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get out

Glow Garden, to January 4, 2020, Toronto Congress Centre, 慶祝節日的大型室內項目,於閃爍璀璨的燈光花園和照明結構下,同歡 笑、漫步和玩樂。亦可在持牌照酒吧享受時令飲料,加上美味佳餚、現場 音樂、本地工匠的特色精品,教人留連忘返。 Laugh, stroll and play under the twinkle of a million lights as you explore the light gardens and illuminated structures. Let the playgrounds entertain the kids for hours while you kick back in the licensed bar and enjoy seasonal beverages, delicious food and live music. Shop the vendor market, showcasing the best local artisans and boutique businesses.

Celine Dion in Toronto, December 9 - 10, Scotiabank Arena, Toronto Symphony Orchestra: Messiah, December 17 - 22, Roy Thomson Hall, 以耶穌基督為主題的《彌賽亞》,融合偉大的故事、雄壯的音樂。由國家藝術中心樂團的音 樂總監Alexander Shelley擔任指揮,與多倫多交響樂團、Mendelssohn合唱團等獻上最受 歡迎的節日樂章。 Alexander Shelley, Music Director of the National Arts Centre Orchestra, conducts Handel’s Messiah with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and four dazzling Canadian soloists. This is one of Toronto’s favourite holiday music traditions.

The Nutcracker, December 12 - January 4, Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 聖誕節期間欣賞《胡桃夾子》幾乎已經成為不可或缺的節目, 故事雖耳熟能詳,但經典總是歷久常新,就是那樣耐看。 Toronto’s favourite holiday tradition takes audiences on a journey through the magical world of the Snow Queen to the opulent splendour of the Sugar Plum Fairy’s palace.

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Celine Dion為了拉斯維加斯的駐唱合 約,已經好些年沒有來多倫多開演唱 會了,難得崔護重來,當然不能錯過。 Celine Dion stops in Toronto on her North American concert tour, her first in years after wrapping up her longstanding Las Vegas residency.

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