Jan / Feb 2021 EliteGen Toronto

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乍看Belif,還真想象不出這是韓國品牌。原來是韓國製造商承繼 160年前由蘇格蘭草本植物學家Duncan Napier研發的傳統製造技術、 醫學理念和美顏護膚配方,再針對現代人的皮膚問題,配合現代化科 技開發的品牌,包括大受歡迎的「bomb」系列。

必試產品 品牌兩大皇牌產品必屬斗篷草高效水分炸彈霜Aqua Bomb和紫芹 潤澤炸彈霜Moisturizing Bomb。啫喱質地的Aqua Bomb冰涼清爽, 是油性及混合性皮膚的最佳保濕選擇,能為肌膚提供即時補濕效果, 提升皮膚水分,同時平衡油脂水平,為皮膚打造保護膜,持續滋潤。 而紫芹潤澤炸彈霜Moisturizing Bomb柔滑純淨的白色乳霜,則能緊緊 包裹肌膚,在肌膚表層形成一層滋潤的保濕膜,有效滋潤皮膚達26小 時,舒緩乾燥不適的肌膚,Moisturizing Bomb的2019年全球銷售量已 超過六百萬個。

Belif may not seem like a Korean brand at first glance. Its legacy began 160 years ago when scottish herbalist and botanist Duncan Napier founded a herbal clinic, and developed proprietary extraction processes and exclusive formulas. the brand inherited this knowledge, and applied modern Korean skincare science to create highperformance bestsellers, such as its renowned “bomb collection”.

try tHIs two hero products lay the foundation for the brand: the true cream Aqua Bomb and true cream Moisturizing Bomb. Using lady’s mantle to soothe and keep skin trouble at bay, the Aqua Bomb is an ultra-lightweight, mineral oil-free gel cream that instantly cools and refreshes the skin while providing intensive hydration. targeting skin on the dry side, the Moisturizing Bomb is a 26-hour-lasting moisture keeper that uses the powerful effect of comfrey leaf to calm and reduce skin tautness. As of 2019, the Moisturizing Bomb had sold more than six million units worldwide. The True Cream Aqua Bomb And True Cream Moisturizing Bomb, both 50ml | $50

Dr. Jart不是真有其人,而是英文「Doctor Joins Art」的縮寫。於 2004年成立的品牌以把護膚跟科學和藝術融合為一為宗旨,Dr.Jart+ 首先發明的BB Cream,便是多功能美容產品的代表作。旗下有9組不 同系列產品,每系列均會針對特定皮膚問題或成份。

必試產品 Shake & Shot Rubber Masks是寓玩味於護膚的有趣體驗。使用 跟韓國水療美容中心相同的「橡膠面膜」技術。只需要將內附的精華素 和材料包放進Shake Shake杯上下搖動混和,再塗到臉上,大約15分 鐘,本來是糊狀的面膜會變成可撕走的軟膜,極速修復和鞏固肌膚的 保濕屏障,回復光澤。有保濕、舒緩、亮白和緊緻四種配方供選擇。

Dr. Jart+ is not an actual person. the name is an abbreviation of “Doctor Joins Art”, and the brand’s motto is to fuse skincare with science and art. Founded in Korea in 2004, Dr. Jart+ pioneered the invention of the BB Cream, setting the standard for multifunctional beauty. today, there are nine different lines under its name, each focused on a specific ingredient or skin issue.

try tHIs For a dose of fun, try one of the shake & shot rubber Masks. Using the same “rubber mask” technique found in Korean spas, you need to mix the ingredient pack and the ampoule in the cup before applying to your face. In about 15 minutes, it transforms from a creamy mixture into a peel-off rubbery mask, delivering high-potency active ingredients. Choose from one of four formulas: hydration, soothing, brightening and firming. Shake & Shot Rubber Masks, $16 each





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